
shuì wù jú
  • taxation bureau;tax bureau
  1. 税务局已审查认定你的利润余额。

    The tax bureau has agreed the final balance of your profit .

  2. 三月,北京市地方税务局举行一周的宣传活动来提高纳税人的自觉纳税意识。

    In march , the Beijing Local Tax Bureau is staging a one-week publicity drive to promote taxpayers'self-compliance .

  3. 从法律的角度来说,当地税务局的做法是无可厚非的。

    Legally , the local tax office is in the right .

  4. 我在税务局有熟人。

    I 've got a useful contact in the tax office .

  5. ××市Z国家税务局公务员胜任力结构探讨

    The Civil Servant 's Competency Models Researching in Z National Taxation Bureau in ×× City

  6. XX市国家税务局岗位评估价值要素内在结构的研究

    Studies of the Internal Structure of Compensable Factors of XX National Revenue 's Job Evaluation System

  7. XX市地方税务局YY中心分局

    YY Central Sub-bureau of Local Taxation , XX Municipality

  8. 搭建系统开发的软硬件环境,基于J2EE平台,实现了山东省国家税务局税源管理系统。

    Build hardware and software environment for system development based on J2EE platform , Shandong Province State Administration of Taxation sources of revenue management systems .

  9. 而要求警方开展突袭行动的澳大利亚税务局(AustralianTaxationOffice)拒绝对“任何个人或实体的税务问题”置评。

    The Australian Taxation Office , which asked the police to carry out the raid , declined to comment on " any individual 's or entity 's tax affairs . "

  10. 本研究通过对价值要素的认可程度进行问卷调查,以探讨XX市国家税务局广大干部对各种价值要素的认可程度,从理论上分析价值要素的内在结构。

    In this research , it analyzed the internal structure of compensable factors theoretically by questionnaire to determine the degree of acceptance of compensable factors in the staffs .

  11. 这些裁定显示,即使是省级税务局也已开始提防税务体系可能遭到滥用,普华永道大中华区税务部合伙人傅振煌(DannyPo)表示。

    These rulings show that even provincial tax authorities have become alert to potential abuses of the tax system , said Danny Po , greater China tax partner for PwC .

  12. 普华永道(PwC)表示,重庆、新疆和江西税务局近期分别作出的三项裁定,对外国投资者所用的海外特殊目的机构(SPV)具有重大意义。

    PwC said a trio of recent rulings by provincial tax bureaus in Chongqing , Xinjiang and Jiangxi had implications for overseas special purpose vehicles used by foreign investors .

  13. 发票明细用MAC码加密,且将MAC码保存于税控器和打印在发票上,用于税务局的核对。

    The detail of the invoice is encrypted with MAC technology , and keeps MAC yard in the POS machine and types on the invoice . The MAC yard can be used in the checking of the tax bureau .

  14. G市国家税务局近年来也对税收执法的考核进行了初步探索,形成了初步的绩效考核的打分指标,但是存在指标落后、评估方法随意性强等缺点和不足。

    In recent years G City State Administration of Taxation Office has carried on preliminary exploration on the evaluation of tax law enforcement and formed rough performance appraisal indexes , but which has many defects such as index lag and evaluation method arbitrariness and so on .

  15. 税务局在2006年10月6日写信给埃亨先生,之前,埃亨先生在广播电视局接受了BryanDobson的采访,以及在国会上就个人财务做了声明。

    The Revenue wrote to Mr Ahern on October6th , 2006 , following Mr Ahern 's interview with Bryan Dobson on RT é and his statements in the D á il on his personal finances .

  16. 湘潭市国家税务局绩效评估指标体系构建研究

    Construction of Performance Management Evaluation Index System of Xiangtan State Revenue

  17. 纳税人应尽早通知税务局更改通讯地址,以免邮误。

    Early notification of change of address to avoid postal delay .

  18. 那时候我发现税务局来了。

    And then I found out that the IRS was coming .

  19. 我想知道是否只有财会部门的工作人员才和税务局接触?

    I wonder whether only accountants can contact the taxes bureau .

  20. 税务局:能给我看一下您的证件和护照吗?

    Tax official : can you provide your passport and identification ?

  21. 税务局不停地纠缠我。

    I 'm being plied with demands from the tax office .

  22. 税务局:它的经营范围是什么?

    Tax official : what is the scope of its business ?

  23. 与税务局的官僚作风斗智

    Pit one 's wits against the bureaucracy of the tax office

  24. 在税务局内部建立扁平化机构模式;

    To establish flat pattern in the interior of tax organization .

  25. 税务局:你公司怎么纳税呐?

    Tax official : how did your company pay business tax ?

  26. 收入来源税收管辖权税务局负责徵收所得税。

    Source jurisdiction The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax .

  27. 你必须将所有收入来源向税务局申报。

    You must declare income from all sources to the tax office .

  28. 地方税务局发票管理系统的开发与实现

    The Development and Implement of Invoice Management System of Local Tax Bureau

  29. 税务局一直在催她补交税款。

    The tax authorities have been harrying her for repayment .

  30. 汤普森先生是我们的税务局的新领导。

    Thompson is the new chief of our tax office .