
  1. 探究与创新:杜威教育思想的精髓

    Exploration and Innovation : the Soul of Dewey 's Educational Thoughts

  2. 杜威教育思想与我国基础教育改革

    Dewey 's Thought on Education and Basic Educational Reform in China

  3. 杜威教育思想在中国的传播与影响

    The Diffusion and Influence of John Dewey 's Educational Thought in China

  4. 从认识论角度看赫尔巴特与杜威教育思想的分歧

    The difference of Herbart 's and Dewey 's education idea is researched from epistemology angle

  5. 杜威教育思想中的职业生涯理念

    Career Ideas in Dewey 's Educational Thoughts

  6. 试析前哥伦比亚大学时期杜威教育思想的演进&基于发生学方法的考察

    An Analysis of the Evolution of John Dewey 's Educational Thought During the Period of Pre-Columbia University

  7. 第三章,论述了杜威教育思想对中国教育的影响。

    Part three inquires into the influence of John Dewey 's educational thought of pragmatism on Chinese education .

  8. 反思性思维与教学理论是现代美国教育家杜威教育思想体系的一个重要的组成部分。

    The reflective thinking and teaching theory was an important part of the system of Dewey 's educational thoughts .

  9. 杜威职业教育思想的现代性分析

    The Analysis on the Modernity of Dewey 's Vocational Education Thoughts

  10. 论陶行知对杜威生活教育思想之超越&道德教育回归生活世界的理性反思

    On TAO Xing-zhi 's Transcendence over Dewey 's Life Education Thoughts

  11. 杜威职业教育思想述评

    Commentary on the vocational education thought of John Dewey

  12. 杜威道德教育思想评析

    On Moral Educational Ideas in John Dewey Philosophy

  13. 在杜威的教育思想体系中,关于教育与生活的思想,可以说是其教育思想的核心部分。

    Dewey 's theories of education and life were the core of his system of education .

  14. 从杜威的教育思想看我国的教育改革

    On the Reform of Education in China from the Angle of Dewey 's Thought of Education

  15. 杜威道德教育思想对我国当前公民道德建设的启示

    Enlightenment on Current Public Ethical Construction of Our Nation Produced by Dewey 's Thought of Ethical Education

  16. 本文首先对杜威职业教育思想产生的历史背景进行简述,继而探讨了杜威教育哲学的理论基础&杜威的一般哲学和实验学校的作业课程理论。

    Second : Dewey 's philosophy which worked as the basis of his education theory and the curriculum theory of his 8 years ' education experiment in Dewey Primary school .

  17. 20世纪的中国教育哲学,以学习杜威教育哲学思想为初始,后又有马克思主义教育思想的传播,初步建立了教育哲学学科体系。

    In the 20th century , the Chinese educational philosophy started with the introduction of Dewey 's philosophical ideas on education , developed with the dissemination of Marxist thought on education and preliminarily formed its disciplinary system .

  18. 杜威实用主义教育思想是在19世纪末20世纪初美国社会转型时期传统教育暴露出诸多弊端的历史背景下产生的。

    John Dewey 's pragmatic theory of education was generated during the late 19th and early 20th century when America was undergoing great social transition . At this time , many problems appeared in American traditional education .

  19. 教育关怀人的生活&对杜威教育与生活思想的解读

    Caring for People 's Life in Education : to Analyze Dewey 's Theory of Education and Life

  20. 杜威的道德教育思想形成于他的哲学、心理学、社会学的理论基础。

    Dewey 's morals education derived from the theoretical foundation of his philosophy , psychology and sociology .

  21. 杜威实用主义道德教育思想的产生适应了美国资产阶级的利益和需要。

    The formation of Dewey 's pragmatic ethical education thought adapts to the benefits and demands of American bourgeoisie .

  22. 本文在深入分析杜威的职业教育思想的基础上总结了其思想的主要特征,并进行了总体评析,最后得出一些有益的启示。

    Finally , the paper sums up the main characteristic and draws some useful experiences by analyzing Dewey 's vocational education ideology .

  23. 早在二十世纪初,杜威的实用主义教育思想就对中国的数学教育产生过重要影响。

    As early as the beginning of 20th century , Dewey 's pragmatic educational thoughts had an important influence on Chinese mathematical education .

  24. 但由于种种原因,人们对这本经典著作的研究还不够深入,对杜威的实用主义教育思想也存在误解。

    Up to now , because of various reasons , people haven 't gone deep into the soul of it , even some misunderstands exist .

  25. 本文主要论述了杜威教育哲学的思想渊源、形成过程,以及杜威的教育观集中体现的教育即自然生长理论,主要包括3个方面的内容:教育即生长;

    This article discussed the main idea of Dewey 's ideological origin of educational philosophy , the course of forming , as well as Dewey 's educational natural growth theory that educational sight concentration embodies , including three main aspects : " Education is growing up ";

  26. 研究杜威的实用主义教育思想对我国中学数学教育的影响,借鉴其中的积极和合理的成果,对探索适合我国国情和未来发展的数学教育改革新思路具有重要的意义。

    Studying the influence of Dewey 's pragmatic educational thoughts on mathematical education in Chinese junior high schools and learning from the positive and reasonable productions is important to searching for new ideas about reform of mathematical education which fit the situation in China and development in the future .

  27. 杜威、威尔逊道德教育思想的比较及启示

    Comparison between Dewey ′ s and Wilson ′ s Moral Educational Theories and its Enlightenment

  28. 杜威与中国现代教育思想

    Dewey and Modern Chinese Educational Thought

  29. 介绍了杜威的生平,分析了杜威教育思想产生的时代背景,阐述了杜威教育理论和杜威德育思想。

    The article introduces the biography of Dewey , analyses the time and background of the production of Dewey 's education thinking , and expounds Dewey 's education theory and his moral thought .

  30. 总之,本研究通过比较,看到杜威与现象学有很多相似之处,这显示了杜威教育思想的现象学意识。

    In short , this study finds out the resemblance between Dewey and phenomenology in order to reveal Dewey 's phenomenological sense .