
  • 网络Class Size
  1. 途径二:减少班级规模可以促进师生之间的有效沟通。

    Way 2 . Reducing class size can promote effective communication between teachers and students .

  2. 所以,班级规模是教师教学行为有效性的影响因素之一。

    Therefore , class size is one factor of the effectiveness of teaching behavior . 7 .

  3. 政府已经改变了缩小班级规模的承诺。

    The government had retreated from its pledge to reduce class sizes .

  4. 削减班级规模应该是首选方案。

    Reducing class sizes should be a top priority .

  5. 报告对学校大班级规模的影响一带而过。

    The report downplayed the effects of large class sizes in schools .

  6. 他说,“随着班级规模的不断扩大,大多数老师都不太可能就学生的作文给出有意义的反馈。”

    With increasingly large classes , it is impossible for most teachers to give students meaningful feedback on writing assignments , he said .

  7. 本研究用红外线CO2测定仪,对教室内二氧化碳浓度进行了一年时间的测量和统计分析,阐述了教室内二氧化碳浓度与班级规模的关系。

    Measuring for one year with infrared CO2 instrument , the relationship of class size and the consistency of CO2 in classroom was analyzed with statistics method .

  8. 1999年美国政府将《缩小班级规模计划》(theclass-SizeReductionProgram)列为联邦政府的重点教育投资项目,美国公众对此计划也表示了关注和推崇。

    The class-size reduction program became one of the mayor subject invested by the federal government . American public also show intensive attention and supports .

  9. 教育与职业培训服务机构卡普兰考试培训学校(KaplanTestPrep)11月对法学院招生办人员进行的一项调查显示,迄今为止,已有51%的法学院缩减了入学新生的班级规模。

    So far , 51 % of law schools have cut the size of their entering classes , according to a November survey of law school admissions officers by Kaplan Test Prep , the education and career services provider .

  10. 一些志在培训更多教师并减小班级规模。

    Others aim to train more teachers and reduce class sizes .

  11. 但教师减少意味着班级规模的扩大。

    But fewer teachers mean bigger classes at his school .

  12. 普拉提馆可以依靠发放抵用券控制班级规模。

    Or a Pilates studio might use vouchers to manage class sizes .

  13. 减小班级规模可能会提高教学水平。

    Reducing the size of classes may improve educational standards .

  14. 班级规模过大。

    The size of the class is often too big .

  15. 试论现代教学条件下的班级规模

    Discussing the Class Scale under Modern Teaching Conditions

  16. 班级规模一般也更小。

    Class sizes are also generally smaller .

  17. 当在我们学校老师越来越少,而班级规模开始逐渐爬升。

    When there are fewer teachers in our schools , class sizes start climbing up .

  18. 班级规模小,教授非常有趣,课程合理而富有挑战性。

    Classes are small , professors are interesting , and the coursework is challenging but fair .

  19. 耶鲁还在推出该项目之后的一段时间内缩小了班级规模。

    The school also reduced class sizes for a period of time after launching the programme .

  20. 班级规模与学生发展的问题研究

    Class Size and Student Development

  21. 减少班级规模,积极探索多样化的教学组织形式,改善班级管理;

    Reduce the class scale , positively investigate diversification of teaching organized form , improve class management ;

  22. 西部农村普通高中学校规模与班级规模对学生学业成绩的影响

    Western Ordinary High Schools in Rural Areas the School Size and Class Size Affect the Academic Performance of Students

  23. 他们认为英语学习很乏味。(3)家长对小学英语教学期望值很高,对缩小班级规模持现实态度。

    They think learning English is dull . ( 3 ) Parents have high expectation on primary English education .

  24. 随着研究的深入,研究者逐渐把视角转向了对班级规模的作用机制研究。

    As researching deeply , the researchers gradually shifted perspective to the study of the mechanism of smaller classes .

  25. 因此,教育工作者应适当安排班级规模,以提高教育效果。

    Thus it should be well known that the condition of increasing education efficiency is a suitable class size .

  26. 概述了班级规模的研究、大班教育教学的局限性、小班教育教学的优越性和国内外小班化教育的研究状况。

    It outlined the research of class-scale , limitations of big-scale-class teaching and modern research about it in the world .

  27. 主要揭示了现行教育中教学价值取向偏差、班级规模过大、单纯使用班级授课制等制约面向全体学生的问题的存在及其表现。

    The presented problems are the deviation of teaching value orientation , bigger classes as well as teachers ' center .

  28. 近来的几项有关缩小班级规模的实验研究也对这方面的认识提供了重要数据。研究结果越来越倾向于表明缩减班级规模会产生积极作用。

    Generally , the results of the researches and experiments tend to indicate that reducing class size will produce positive effects .

  29. 学校将缩减班级规模,同时将修改大学入学英语考试,侧重听说能力。

    Class sizes will be reduced and the English test for university entrance will be amended , focusing on speaking and listening .

  30. 随着班级规模的扩大,教师的授课质量下降,学生的课堂参与程度降低。

    The larger the class scale is , the lower the teachers ' teaching quality and the less the students ' participation is .