
  • 网络Liner;Plane;a flight;Airliner
班机 [bān jī]
  • [airliner;liner;regular flight] 按规定时间航行的客机

  1. 我在巴林转乘飞往新加坡的班机。

    I transferred at Bahrain for a flight to Singapore .

  2. 飞往巴黎的英航726号班机在16号门登机。

    BA flight 726 to Paris is now boarding at gate 16 .

  3. 他飞往阿姆斯特丹的班机与下午飞往纽约的一趟航班相衔接。

    His flight to Amsterdam connects with an afternoon flight to New York .

  4. 所有班机都备有一等舱位。

    First-class accommodation is available on all flights .

  5. 我们订了同一班机的机票。

    We 're booked on the same flight .

  6. 我们的班机最终晚了五个小时起飞。

    Our flight eventually left five hours late .

  7. 飞往罗马的班机从3号航站楼出发。

    Flights for Rome depart from Terminal 3 .

  8. 乘坐英国航空公司199次班机飞往罗马的乘客,这是最后一次通知登机。

    This is the last call for passengers travelling on British Airways flight 199 to Rome .

  9. 该班机售票大大超出机位数量。

    The flight was heavily overbooked .

  10. 第一架班机向西飞回了家。

    The first of the airliners winged westwards and home .

  11. 那架班机从他们的雷达屏幕上消失了。

    The airliner disappeared off their radar .

  12. 飞往纽约的班机取消了。

    The flight to New York was cancelled .

  13. 班机准时起飞。

    The airliner took off on time .

  14. 班机晚点了。

    The airliner is late .

  15. 因大雾停飞的班机已全部复航。

    All airplanes grounded because of the fog have taken off .

  16. 班机因气候恶劣停航。

    The regular flight is suspended on account of bad weather .

  17. 有雾的时候班机往往取消。

    In foggy weather , flights are often cancelled .

  18. 今天乘坐一般的民航班机一小时就可以完成这样的旅行。

    The journey can now be completed in an hour by regular air service .

  19. 他们将非常稳定、准确的原子钟装在定期飞行的喷气式班机上。

    They placed very stable and accurate atomic clocks on regularly scheduled jet airliners .

  20. 大雾迫使班机停飞。

    The enemy grounded arms .

  21. 大雾迫使班机停飞

    The fog grounded the airliners .

  22. 那是今天abc班机送来的。

    That 's the unclaimed baggage from ABC flights today .

  23. 离开;离去;起程;出发反义词:arrive飞往罗马的班机从3号航空站出发。

    to leave a place , especially to start a trip Flights for Rome depart from Terminal 3 .

  24. 上周初,印度政府告诉英国军情5处(MilitaryIntelligence5),与巴基斯坦阿尔-凯达组织有关的武装分子可能会策划劫持自孟买或新德里起飞的印度国际航空公司或印度航空公司的班机。

    MI5 was told by the Indian authorities early last week about a suspected plot by militants linked to Al-Qaeda in Pakistan to hijack an Air India or Indian Airlines flight from Mumbai or Delhi .

  25. 去首尔的前一天,步姐刚结束自己持续7天的特别LIVE“她的疲倦可想而知,但尽管如此,她还是顾不上先休息,就搭乘飞往首尔的班机”。

    " One step in Seoul to end his elder sister had special LIVE for seven days ," she 's tired but in spite of this , she was helping to rest , take the flight to Seoul .

  26. 这是飞往SanDiego67班机最后一次的登机通知。请在42A门登机。

    PA : This is the final boarding call for flight 67 to San Diego , boarding at gate 42A .

  27. 汉莎航空(lufthansa)也在合谋操纵货运班机燃油附加费一案中得到了宽大处理。

    Lufthansa also received leniency for its role in exposing a conspiracy to fix fuel surcharges on cargo flights .

  28. 各位贵宾:我们现在已经降落在XX国际机场了,在安全带的指示灯没有熄灭、班机没有停妥前,请您不要离开座位。

    Ladies and Gentleme : We have landed at XX Airport , please remain seated until the " FASTEN SEAT BELT " sign is turned off and the aircraft has come to a complete stop .

  29. 这有助于解释韩亚航空(AsianaAirlines)那架在旧金山失事的班机上全部291名乘客中为何有近一半(141人)是中国人。

    This helps explain why nearly half , or 141 , of the 291 passengers aboard an Asiana Airlines flight from Seoul that crashed at the San Francisco airport were Chinese nationals .

  30. 乘坐飞往巴黎的BA193班机的旅客现在可以登机了。

    Flight BA193 for Paris is ready for passengers to board .