
  • 网络Ming and Qing Dynasties;the late ming and early qing dynasty
  1. 明末清初期间,西方的耶稣会传教士为在中国传扬天主教,选择了学术传教的策略,而且首先选择的就是“天学”。

    During the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasties , Jesuit missionaries chose the theory of heavens as a strategy for doing missionary work with science and technology .

  2. 明末清初中国僧侣的东渡对日本文化的影响

    Chinese Bonzes ' Going to Japan Between Ming and Qing Dynasties and Their Influence to the Japanese Culture

  3. 明末清初才子佳人小说的文人价值观

    Romantic Novels of the Late Ming and Early Qing Literati Values

  4. 明末清初法律思想的发展是中国传统法律思想发展过程中所产生的内在超越。

    It was Chinese law thoughts development internally in the history .

  5. 明末清初的小说续书理论

    The Novel Sequel Theory in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties

  6. 明末清初西部虎患考述

    The Calamities of Tigers in Western China between Ming and Qing Dynasty

  7. 才子佳人小说是明末清初时期的一种小说类型。

    Late Ming and early Qing romantic novel is a novel type .

  8. 黄宗羲是明末清初的思想家,与同时代的王夫之、顾炎武并称为“清初三大家”。

    Huang-Zongxi was a thinker during the early Qing-Dynasty and the later Ming-Dynasty .

  9. 17、18世纪,中国正处于明末清初时期。

    The 17th and 18th Century was Later-Ming and Earlier-Qing Dynasty in China .

  10. 明末清初西方传教士眼中的广东

    What was Guangdong like to the western missionaries at the Ming and Qing

  11. 明末清初(1601-1650A.D.)

    , the end of Ming and the beginning of Qing ( 1601-1650 A.D. )

  12. 明末清初江南艺术市场与艺术交易人

    The Jiangnan Art Market and Art Dealers in the Late-Ming and Early Qing Period

  13. 明末清初之际,罗教在水手内流传。

    In the late Ming and early Qing dynasty , Luo religion spread among sailors .

  14. 明末清初时由于交通便利成为繁华的水旱码头。

    Due to the convenient transportation become prosperous between Ming dynasty and early qing province .

  15. 王守仁与明末清初思想解放潮流

    Wang Shou-ren & the Trend of Ideological Emancipation of Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty

  16. 其三,才子佳人小说的兴盛还与明末清初这一时代的社会风气密切相关。

    And last , the close connection with the special social ethos of this period .

  17. 明末清初广州天主教的发展及其衰落

    The Development and Decline of Canton Catholicism during Late Ming Dynasty and Early Qing Dynasty

  18. 这包括宋明理学家对于心性之学的过度发展和事功学派与明末清初思想家对于理学的纠偏和外王的强调两个方面。

    This consists of two sides : one is the excessive development on disposition of Neo-Confucianism ;

  19. 研究明末清初官话基础方言的廿三年历程&从字缝里看到从字面上看

    23 Years ' Study on the Base Dialect of the Mandarin of Ming and Qing Dynasty

  20. 我本淮王旧鸡犬不随仙去落人间&明末清初传奇小说中的遗民形象研究

    Research into the Image of the Survivors of the Ming Dynasty in Early Qing Dynasty Legendary Novels

  21. 明末清初是中国历史上一段非常特殊的时期。

    The transitional period between Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty is a special period in Chinese history .

  22. 明末清初的16&18世纪,是中西两种文化首次撞击的时代。

    It was the first cultural impact between China and the West in 16 ~ 18 century .

  23. 明末清初是中国历史上法律思想发展的一个时期。

    The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty was the law thoughts development period in Chinese history .

  24. 明末清初起讫分段关系到历史学、社会学、文学诸方面研究的深入。

    The division of Ming and Qing concerns many respects such as history , sociology , literature .

  25. 社会动荡与地方士绅&以明末清初的山西阳城陈氏为例

    Social Upheaval and the Local Gentry : The Chens of Yongcheng , Shanxi During the Ming-Qing Transition

  26. 明末清初文人独特生命形态之考察&以陈忱日常生存与终极理想为例

    A Survey of the Unique Life Characteristics of Scholars in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties

  27. 文学与生活的融合&明末清初吴江叶氏家族的日常生活与文学活动

    Crystallization of Literature and Life

  28. 试析明末清初学术思想与社会思潮的演变态势

    On the Evolution of the Academic Ideology and Social Thought Trends in the Late-Ming and Early-Qing Period

  29. 明末清初西方地圆说在中国的传播与反响

    Dissemination and Repercussion of the Idea of a Spherical Earth in China from Late Ming to Early Qing

  30. 明末清初才子佳人小说大团圆结局魔力解析

    Magic Analysis for Happy Ending Novels about Genius and Beauty in The Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty