
  • 网络fine sand
  1. A~D层挥发酚含量最高点分别对应的是细砂土、面砂土、砂粘土和面砂土。

    The highest points of volatile phenol content in A , B , C and D layers are respectively correspondent with fine sand soil , grain sand soil , sandy clay and grain sand soil .

  2. 北京细砂土邓肯-张模型参数试验研究

    Experimental study on parameters of Duncan-Chang model for Beijing fine sandy soil

  3. 室内设定的高温与时间多组合条件下,调查了置于细砂土中的美洲斑潜蝇蛹的羽化率。

    The effects of high temperature and time combinations were tested on the rate of emergence of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard .

  4. 采用流动柱法研究苯酚在饱水细砂土中的吸附。

    Fluid column has been adopted in the research on adsorption of phenol in fine sandy soil saturated with water .

  5. 天然沉积物中存在主要由粉质土或粉细砂土含黏性土构成的中间土。

    Coastal structures may encounter natural ground composed of intermediate soils , which mainly consist of silty soils and fine sandy soils .

  6. 对土壤样品的统计分析结果表明,该农业土壤以粉土和细砂土为主。

    Indicated to the soil sample statistical analysis result , this anthropogenic soil is composed by silly soil and spun sand primarily .

  7. 他说道:“幼虫喜欢像塞尔温学院那样的细砂土。沃尔森学院和罗宾逊学院就没有碰上这类麻烦,因为它们都是黏土。”

    He said : ' The grubs like light sandy soil like the soil at Selwyn . Wolfson and Robinson don 't have the problem because they 're on clay . '

  8. 研究表明:白泥与细砂土按适当比例混合后可作为填埋场的覆盖材料,可以有效地弥补填埋场覆盖材料的缺乏。

    The results show that the soil mixed with white putty is suitable to be used for landfill daily cover , and thus makes up for the shortage of landfill cover material effectively .

  9. 3月上中旬,用10年生和30年生银杏母树1~2年生枝条为插穗,细砂土作扦插基质,采用荫棚加地膜的硬枝扦插,平均生根率45%以上。

    Hardwood cuttage of ginkgo was done in the 20 days of March , with one - or two-year-old shoots as cuttings which from 10-or 30-year-old ginkgo trees and fine sandy soil as cuttage medium .