
  • 网络bacterial keratitis;microbial keratitis
  1. 结论NF-κB及其诱导的ICAM-1在急性细菌性角膜炎的发病过程中发挥重要作用;PDTC可有效减轻角膜炎症,此作用可能与其抑制NF-κB活化,进而减少细胞因子产生有关。

    Conclusion NF - κ B and ICAM-1 may play an important role in bacterial keratitis , as the inhibitor of NF-k B , PDTC could deduce the corneal inflammation , which might be due to inhibition of NF - κ B activation and down-regulation of ICAM-1 m RNA .

  2. 0.3%加替沙星和0.3%环丙沙星治疗细菌性角膜炎的疗效观察

    Comparison of topical gatifloxacin 0.3 % and cipro-floxacin 0.3 % for the treatment of bacterial keratitis

  3. 角膜炎组角膜上皮细胞、基质层角膜细胞及内皮细胞ICAM-1的表达校对照组明显增强(P<0.01),提示ICAM-1在细菌性角膜炎的炎细胞游走、浸润等病理改变中发挥重要的作用。

    It suggested that ICAM-1 may play an important role in the inflammatory cells migration and the infiltration in bacterial keratitis .

  4. 目的:真菌性角膜炎(MycoticKeratitis)或称角膜真菌病(keratomycosis)为眼科一种较常见疾病,该病早期临床症状不典型,与细菌性角膜炎很难鉴别,故不容易早期确切诊断。

    Objective : Mycotic keratitis ( or keratomycosis ) is a common disease of ophthalmology . The earlier period symptoms are not typical . It is difficult to distinguish from bacterial keratitis .

  5. 大蒜素滴眼液对家兔细菌性角膜炎的影响

    The effect of Allitrid eye drops on bacterial keratitis in rabbits

  6. 家兔细菌性角膜炎动物模型的建立

    Establishment of Animal Model on Bacteritic Keratitis in Rabbits

  7. 溶菌酶滴眼液的研制及对兔细菌性角膜炎模型的作用研究

    Study on the Preparation of Lysozyme Eye Drops and Its Effect on Rabbit Model of Bacterial Keratitis

  8. 目的:细菌性角膜炎是一种眼科常见病,多发病,也是主要的致盲性眼病。

    Objective : Bacteroidal keratitis is a common ophthalmic disease . , and it is still the main ophthalmopathy which may lead to blindness .

  9. 在感染性角膜炎中,真菌性角膜炎占39.0%,病毒性角膜炎占35.2%,细菌性角膜炎占21.9%。

    In the cases of infectious keratitis , fungal keratitis accounts for 39.0 % , herpes simplex keratitis 35.2 % and bacterial keratitis 21.9 % .

  10. 将其制成滴眼剂,治疗病毒性和细菌性角膜炎及急性结膜炎229例,取得较好效果。

    Eye drops from the herb have been made and put into clinical use to treat 229 patients with viral and bacterial keratitis and acute conjunctivitis .

  11. 研究背景:细菌性角膜炎是临床常见病和多发病,严重者可引起角膜溃疡、穿孔及瘢痕形成,严重影响视功能。

    Background Bacterial keratitis is one of the main diseases that can cause permanent loss of vision . It will cause corneal ulceration , perforation , scar formation and even resulting in permanent loss of vision in severe cases .

  12. 左旋氧氟沙星滴眼液治疗细菌性结膜、角膜炎的临床疗效

    Clinical Effects of Levofloxacin Eyedrops in the Treatment of Acute Bacterial Conjunctivitis and Keratitis

  13. 盐酸左氧氟沙星滴眼液治疗细菌性结膜炎及角膜炎随机双盲对照临床研究

    A randomized double-blind control clinical study on levofloxacin eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis

  14. 用于细菌性结膜炎,角膜炎,角膜溃疡,泪囊炎,眼感染和麻醉。

    For bacterial conjunctivitis , keratitis , corneal ulcer , dacryocystitis , loaded with eye infection and anaesthetic .

  15. 目的:了解国产0.3%左旋氧氟沙星滴眼液治疗急性细菌性结膜炎、角膜炎的临床疗效。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the therapeutic effects of0.3 % levofloxacin eyedrops on the acute bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis .

  16. 本品适应于治疗细菌性结膜炎,角膜炎,角膜溃疡,泪囊炎,术后感染等外眼感染。

    This product is suitable for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis , keratitis , corneal ulcer , dacryocystitis , loaded with eye infection after infection .

  17. 观察两者对细菌性感染结膜炎、角膜炎的临床疗效和细菌清除率。

    Efficacy evaluations included clinical response and bacterial eradication rates .

  18. 目的:分析细菌感染性结膜炎、角膜炎及眼内炎的细菌培养及药物敏感试验结果。

    Objective : To study the results of bacterial culture and antibiotics sensitivity test in infectious conjunctivitis , keratitis and endophthalmitis .

  19. 清目汤能提高血液中CD4,CD8含量,提高机体免疫力,降低炎症角膜组织中细菌数量及PMN数量,从而细菌性角膜炎才能有效康复。

    Qingmutang could improve the level of CD4 and CD8 , raise the immunity , reduce the bacterial amount and the contents of PMN in cornea . So the bacteroidal keratitis can be healed effectually .

  20. 本品适用于治疗敏感细菌引起的细菌性结膜炎、细菌性角膜炎。

    The product for the treatment of bacterial sensitivity bacterial conjunctivitis , bacterial keratitis .