
  • 网络Fine layer;lamina
  1. 结果:正常对照组未见IL-1β表达,RIR后12h、48h,视网膜神经节细层可见IL-1β表达。

    Results : At 12h 、 48h after RIR the expression of IL-1 β in the ganglion cell layer increased obviously , No expression was detected in the control group .

  2. 并行多层快速多极子算法最细层数据的建立

    Finest Level Data Building for Parallel Multi-level Fast Multi-pole Algorithm

  3. 2195铝锂合金焊缝边缘存在独特的细晶层组织,其形态与等轴树枝晶不同,这一特征组织的形成与合金元素Li、Sc、Zr和Ti对熔池结晶过程的作用规律有关。

    Its formation has a relationship with the effect of Li , Sc , Zr , Ti on the crystallization of molten pool .

  4. Li显著地降低了铝液表面张力,大大提高了异质形核率和形核速率,是细晶层产生的必要条件;

    Li reduces the surface tension of aluminum luquid obviously , increases the ratio and rate of heterogeneous nucleation , which is the necessary condition of the formation of fine grains .

  5. 该算法将相邻两个细尺度层上的小波变换系数对应相乘,从而增强了信号在突变点处的特征并抑制了噪声的影响。

    The algorithm , which multiplies the corresponding wavelet coefficients of adjacent fine scales , enhances the feature of discontinuity point of signals and inhibits the effect of noise signals .

  6. 在细晶层和形变层中,铁素体晶粒的变形量要远远大于珠光体的变形量,部分珠光体开裂,其周围形成微裂纹或微孔洞。

    In the fine grain layer and the deformed layer , deformation of ferrites grains appears far more intense than that of pearlites , and some pearlites split , with micro-cracks and micro-pores forming around the pearlites .

  7. 敦煌石窟元代壁画地仗特征主要表现在其表层,含沙量高或红色细泥层的使用是元代壁画最显著的特征,这个明显的特征可以作为区别元代壁画和其它时代壁画的判断依据。

    The characteristics of the render layer in the Yuan Dynasty wall-painting of Dunhuang Grottoes are mainly reflected in the surface . The most prominent features of Yuan Dynasty wall-painting are the the high sediment concentration and the usage of red fine plaster .

  8. 结果表明,从界面到靶板内部其显微组织可分为:再结晶层,细晶层,形变层及基体组织。细晶层中的铁素体和珠光体的硬度最高。

    It is shown that the microstructures can be divided into recrystallized layer , fine - grained layer , deformed layer and normal matrix from the interface into interior , and the hardness of ferrite and pearlite in fine - grained layer is the highest .

  9. 地层对比中将红粘土与细砂互层与黄土沉积的L4相对应。

    The interbed of red clay and sand layers wascorrelated to L4 in loess-paleosol sequence .

  10. 结果表明,TC4钛合金经高能喷丸处理后,材料表面形成一定厚度的细化晶粒组织,且喷丸强度越高,表层平均晶粒尺寸越细、形变层越深;

    The results show that the higher the shot strength , the smaller the mean grain sizes in surface and the thicker the deformation layers ;

  11. 病理形态特点是呼吸性细支气管全层受累。

    Pathologically , all layers of the respiratory bronchiole walls were involved .

  12. 气送用松管光缆结构的改进细松管层绞式光缆和气送技术的进展

    Advances in compact loose tube-layer stranded type fiber optic cable and air-blown techniques

  13. 实验采用摄像技术,记录了细颗粒床层的塌落过程,获得了床层料面的塌落曲线。

    With a video camera the bed collapsing process was recorded and the collapsing curves were obtained .

  14. 本文利用一种新型复合振动流化装置,使在一般操作条件下无法实现正常流化的细颗粒床层处于良好的流化状态。

    A new type of vibrating fluidized bed was developed to fluidize fine powders which are difficult to fluidize under conventional conditions .

  15. 本月份国家地理频道将在《称霸狗职场》第五季的最新节目中细探这层关系。

    This month , National Geographic Channel takes a close look at this relationship in the fifth season of Dogs with Jobs .

  16. 借助于软件工程中“由粗到细,逐层分解”的思想,定义了对各种逻辑联结词进行处理的基本模型。

    Based on the idea of " analyze stage by stage , from coarse to minute " in software engineering , the basic models of processing all kinds of logic connectives are defined .

  17. 通过介绍湖北出版文化城预应力筏板基础干细砂滑动层施工技术,提出了此类滑动层的施工工艺流程、施工方法和质量控制要点,经过检测,施工达到了设计预期的效果。

    It puts forward construction process & method and quality control points through introducing construction of inherent stress basal dry-fine sand sliding layer of Hubei publishing cultural city , it reaches expected effect which has been checked .

  18. 再细分析管理层薪酬激励状况,可以看到总经理薪酬增量与会计信息质量之间呈负相关,而财务总监薪酬增量与会计信息质量之间存在正向关系。

    Then , analyzing the influence of the management incentive compensation , we see that , there is a negative correlation between the increase of CEO compensation and the quality of accounting information ; and a positive correlation between the increase of CFO compensation and the quality of accounting information .

  19. 为了提高烧结矿质量,解决细精矿烧结料层透气性问题,采用了千分之几的H粘结剂,以强化细精矿混合料的制粒效率,提高制粒小球的冷、热态强度。

    Abstract In order to improve the cold and hot strength of granulated particles and the permeability of sinter bed , for increasing the sinter productivity and quality , the laboratory granulation study .

  20. 本文提出的用于反演地壳细结构的N层变密度模型数学模拟法不同于目前普遍应用的单界面常密度重力反演法。

    The mathematical simulation method of N-layered variable density model , which is used for the inversion of crustal fine structure , is different from currently used gravity inversion method for medium with single interface and constant density .

  21. 结果表明,激光熔覆WCCo形成气孔的倾向较大,细粉熔覆层的气孔率比粗粉高,多道叠加的气孔率比单道高。

    The results demonstrated that laser cladding WC / Co was of large porosity tendency . The porosity rate was higher when laser cladding fine WC / Co powder and multi layers compared to the coarse WC / Co powder and single layer .

  22. 中全新统为冲积物,上部亚粘土,中部黑色泥炭层,下部细砂及砂砾层,厚5.1m;测得C~(14)年龄为4730&2976年。

    Middle Holocene : it is marked by mild clays in the upper , black peat beds in the middle and fine sands and gravels in the lower , 5.1m thick , with C ~ ( 14 ) ages of 4.730-2.976 Ka .

  23. 浅谈屋面现浇细石混凝土防水层的施工

    Shallowly discusses the roofing cast-in-place thin stone concrete waterproof layer the construction

  24. 细粒子流化床料层内的电阻分布特性

    Experimental Study on the Resistance Distribution Property of Small Particales in Fluidized Bed

  25. 与深海相放射虫硅质岩相伴,则夹有玄武岩(细碧岩)层。

    Thin basalt ( spilite ) layers are often interbedded in those deep marine radiolaria-bearing siliceous rocks .

  26. 细电线;一层薄纱的宽松的上衣;一本薄书;一层薄漆。

    Thin wire ; a thin chiffon blouse ; a thin book ; a thin layer of paint .

  27. 粗砂岩相和细砾岩相储层为研究区克下组冲积扇中最好的储层;

    The reservoirs of coarse sandstone facies and fine conglomerate facies are the best in the alluvial fans of the study area .

  28. 应用脉冲应答技术,在细直径纤维床层中初步考察了膜扩散规律。

    The film diffusion coefficients of gas in a small diameter column packed with fibrous materials are determined by pulse response technique .

  29. 该复合过滤器由涂挂孕育剂的第一层过滤器和比第一层过滤器更细的第二层过滤器所组成。

    The filter consists of first filter that coated with inoculants and second filter that is finer in mesh than the first one .

  30. 东濮凹陷深层气具有储层深、岩性细、致密、层薄、低孔隙度和低渗透率等特点。

    The deep gas reservoir in Dongpu sag has features of deep , fine lithology , tight , thin , low porosity and low permeability .