
  • 网络oblique bedding;inclined bedding;cross bedding;cross-bedding
  1. 沉积构造以块状层理、大型槽状交错层理和斜层理为主,见平行层理、波状层理和极少量的水平层理。

    Sedimentary structures are mainly massive bedding , large trough cross bedding and oblique bedding with few parallel bedding , wave bedding and horizotal bedding ;

  2. 声波探测具有很高的分辨率和信号发射频度,可以获得高品质浅地层剖面,显示出沉积地层的结构与构造细节、斜层理等三角洲沉积标志特征。

    Sonar survey has a very high resolution and signal emission frequency , so it can be used to obtain high-quality shallow profile and the textural and structural details of sedimentary strata and indicators of deltaic deposits such as oblique bedding .

  3. 沙脊内部发育典型的高角度前积斜层理,倾向与沙脊横剖面陡坡方向一致。

    The typical high-angle foreset inclined beddings are developed inside the sand ridges , and the trend of inclined beddings is the same as that of the steep slope .

  4. 得出的关于原油粘度是影响油层水淹特征最重要的因素;交错层理与斜层理水驱效果好于水平层理;

    The obtained results showed that the oil viscosity is a very important factor to effect waterflooding characteristic of reservoir , and waterflooding effect for oblique and cross beddings are better than horizontal bedding .

  5. 3砂坪相,发育透镜状层理,压扁层理和小型斜交层理,在一些砂岩中也常见由于潮汐作用形成的双面粘土层和潮汐作用产生的周期层序。

    Sandy flat sub facies , with lenticular , flaser and small inclined beddings , often with double-layer clay and tidal cycle of sedimentary sequence form - ed by tidal action .