
  • 网络inclined pile
  1. 弧形十字型桩尖处理PHC管桩斜桩问题

    Arc-cross Pile Tip in Treatment of the Inclined Pile Problem of PHC Piles

  2. 送电线路铁塔人工掏挖斜桩式基础应用技术

    Technology of hand excavated inclined pile foundation of steel tower for power line

  3. 采用了限元分析软件ANSYS对斜桩在竖向荷载作用下的受力特性进行了数值模拟分析。

    Pile moment curve along the pile length that oblique pile of different inclination under vertical load , the deformation and bearing-behaviour bearing of oblique piles were studied .

  4. 将该公式引入到p-y曲线法中,提出了考虑斜桩倾角及轴向荷载影响的p-y曲线表达式。

    By introducing the calculation formula into the p-y curve , a new p-y curve expression which considers batter pile inclination and axial load effect is brought up .

  5. 文中计算了上海东海大桥100MW海上风电示范项目工程风机基础的承台及8根斜桩上的波浪力。

    The wave loads on the slab and eight inclined piles of the wind power demonstration project near the Donghai Bridge was computed by the method .

  6. 钻孔压浆成桩法在大口径斜桩施工中的应用

    Drilling pressure slurry used in construction of big gauge slant piles

  7. 斜桩嵌岩施工工艺在福建地区的首次应用

    First Application of Technology of Rock-embedded Raked Pile in Fujian Area

  8. 任意倾角斜桩承受任意平面荷载的弹性分析

    Analysis of batter pile under arbitrary inclined loads in semi-infinite solid

  9. 锤笼吊打斜桩工艺及应用

    Technology of Driving Raking Piles with Hoisted Hammer Cage and Its Application

  10. 抱压式静力压桩斜桩原因及解决办法

    Reasons and solutions about lean of piles in hydraulic pile driver working

  11. 线载荷积分方程法分析桩顶受任意荷载的弹性斜桩

    Analysis of Sloping Elastic Pile Under Arbitrary Loads by Line_Loaded Integral Equation Method

  12. 送电线路铁塔复合式斜桩基础试验研究

    The experimental research on the complex inclined pile foundation for power line tower

  13. 预应力管桩的弯斜桩处理

    Treatment of Bent and Sloped for Prestressed Concrete Pile

  14. 厦门大学游泳馆钻孔灌注斜桩施工技术

    Construction technique of bored cast-in-situ battered pile used in Xiamen University 's swimming hall

  15. 斜桩的竖向动荷性能研究

    Analysis of vertical dynamic property of batter pile

  16. 对结构中的斜桩的波浪力的计算提出了简化的考虑方法,并验证了其准确性。

    Simplified method of calculating the wave force of the oblique pipe was given .

  17. 应用斜桩实用公式计算高桩刚性桩台桩力影响线

    Applying Formulas of Raking Pile to Calculate Pile Force Influence Lines of Piled Rigid Deck

  18. 冲击钻机与回转钻机在码头嵌岩斜桩施工中的应用

    Application of Percussion Drill and Rotary Drill in the Construction of Dock Rock-socketed Oblique Piles

  19. 水上斜桩嵌岩加锚杆施工技术研究

    Research on Construction Technology of Offshore Rock - embedded Raked Pile Reinforced with Anchor Rod

  20. 深厚软土层中不同倾角斜桩承载力研究

    The Research on Carrying Capacity of Batter Piles with Different Angle in Deep Soft Soil

  21. 斜桩群桩是海上大型结构物常用的基础型式。

    Batter pile group is a basic foundation form frequently applied in large offshore structures .

  22. 成层地基中斜桩弯曲性状及其竖向承载力分析

    A study on bending behavior and vertical bearing capacity of a sloping pile in layered soil

  23. 刚性斜桩顶部受任意力的位移的线载荷积分方程法的分析

    Analysis of Displacement of Rigid Sloping Pile Under Arbitrary Loads at Top by Line-loaded Integral Equation Method

  24. 研制了模型试验斜桩打桩装置和静力加载装置。

    Meanwhile , batter pile driving equipment and static loading equipment are developed to facilitate those model experiments .

  25. 斜桩以及有斜桩群桩广泛应用于桥梁、码头以及大型输电线路基础等。

    Battered pile and pile group are generally used in bridge , wharf and foundation of transmission power .

  26. 文中比较了不同工况下直桩与斜桩的受力特性。

    The characteristics of the measured forces on a single vertical pile and inclined pile are compared and discussed .

  27. 为此,通常将这类桩基础设置成斜桩以便能承受更大的斜向荷载。

    Therefore , the pile foundation is usually set as inclined piles so as to endure larger inclined loadings .

  28. 同时,由于施工机具、施工技术的限制,地质条件的变化,有的直桩也因施工原因成为斜桩。

    As the limitation of equipment and technology of construction , some vertical piles are constructed to battered piles .

  29. 最后,提出了斜桩群桩基础的受力计算方法。

    Last but not least , a new load calculation method of batter piles group foundation is put forward .

  30. 斜桩内锚杆嵌岩技术的首次成功应用为港口工程的结构设计又增加一种行之有效的途径。

    Its successful application has provided an additional way for the future in the design of pile foundation in port engineering .