
  • 网络diesel hammer
  1. 车载式柴油锤打桩机

    Truck-mounted diesel hammer pile driver

  2. 随着科学技术的进步,预制桩施工机械由落锤、汽锤、柴油锤,发展到了液压打桩锤。

    With the development of science and technology , the prefabricated pile driving machines evolve from block hammer , steam-hammer , diesel hammer to hydraulic hammer .

  3. 结果表明,液压锤具有很高的锤击能传递系数,文章所述工程中液压锤的有效传递系数是柴油锤的2.58倍。

    The results of the analysis show that a hydraulic hammer produces a higher transfer coefficient of driving energy and the effective transfer coefficient of the hydraulic hammer used on the present project is 2.58 times that of a diesel hammer .

  4. 根据风化岩地基施打钢管桩的打桩记录、地质条件、高应变动力检测结果,对柴油锤和液压锤的使用效果进行了分析。

    Based on the pile driving logs , geological conditions on site and results of high-strain dynamic pile-driving tests of the steel tubular piles driven in decomposed rocks , the effect of diesel and hydraulic hammers in driving these piles is analyzed .

  5. 打桩时,地锚桩由液动扶桩臂夹持扶正,柴油锤利用柴油在其燃烧室内燃烧产生的能量进行打桩,整个击桩过程由柴油锤自动连续完成。

    When in operation , the pile is clipped togather by the hydraulic adjustment arm , and the pile is driven by the hammer with the energy produced in the combustion chamber , and the whole operation of pile driving is finished automatically and continuously by the hammer .

  6. 筒式柴油打桩锤上活塞焊补修复工艺

    Welding technology for repairing upper piston of cylindrical diesel hammer

  7. 筒式柴油打桩锤打桩过程动力学探讨

    Dynamic Research on Piling Process for Tube Type Diesel Hammer

  8. 筒式柴油打桩锤冲击活塞危险截面设计

    Critical cross section design of impact piston in drum type diesel pile driver

  9. GB/T6945-1986筒式柴油打桩锤性能试验方法

    Methods of performance test for tubular diesel pile hammer

  10. GB/T8516-1987筒式柴油打桩锤技术条件

    Tubular diesel pile hammer & Technical conditions

  11. 打管形桩用柴油引擎锤

    Kick atomizing pile hammer

  12. GB/T8515-1987筒式柴油打桩锤分类

    Diesel pile hammer classification

  13. 柴油机调速器飞锤支架部件螺纹铜钎焊工艺的设计

    Design of Screw Thread Cuprum Brazed Process of Hammer-trestle Subassembly of Diesel Actiyator