
  • 网络Tchaikovsky;Peter Tchaikovsky;Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky;Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky;Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky
  1. 柴可夫斯基得到了国葬待遇——他是首位获此殊荣的平民。

    Tchaikovsky was given a state funeral — the first commoner to be granted this honour

  2. 终曲,选自第四交响乐,F小调,作品36号(俄)柴可夫斯基。

    Finale , from Symphony No.4 in F minor , Op.36 Tchaikovsky .

  3. outofadmirationfor“出于对…的敬佩”;出于对柴可夫斯基的音乐的深切爱好,冯·梅克大人安排了一份高达3000美元的年金赠送给这位赤贫、多病的作曲家。

    Out of profound admiration for his music , Mme , von Meck settled an annuity amounting to $ 3 , 000 on the destitute arid ailing composer .

  4. 科普兰饰演的天鹅王后奥杰塔有时勇敢高贵,在这些时刻,你能感觉到柴可夫斯基(Tchaikovsky)这部著名戏剧的英雄气势。

    As Odette , the Swan Queen , Ms. Copeland has moments of courage and grandeur when you feel the heroic scale of Tchaikovsky 's celebrated drama .

  5. 梅克夫人就致力于为柴可夫斯基提供这种安全的港口。

    Madame von Meck undertook to supply this security for Tschaikovsky .

  6. 为俄罗斯挽救了作曲家柴可夫斯基。

    For having saved , for russia , the composer tchaikovsky .

  7. 两首或者多首柴可夫斯基不同风格的作品。

    Two or more pieces in different styles by P.I.Tchaikovsky .

  8. 我感觉就像是夹在柴可夫斯基的小天鹅和利比扎马中间。

    I felt like a cross between a Tchaikovsky cygnet anda lipizzaner .

  9. 他们的名字是莫扎特,柴可夫斯基和保罗·蒙。

    Their names are Mozart , Tchaikovsky and Paul Simon .

  10. 柴可夫斯基在当地的学校开始自己的音乐生涯;

    Tchaikovsky began his music career in the local school .

  11. 第二部分是柴可夫斯基的天鹅湖,还有

    The second part is Swan Lake , written by Tchaikovsky , and

  12. 音乐学校的作曲家,柴可夫斯基,完全非常软弱。

    The conservatoire composer , Mr.Tchaikovsky , is utterly feeble .

  13. 他对柴可夫斯基先生有那么巨大的影响?

    Does he have such enormous influence over Mister tchaikovsky ?

  14. 同时歇普斯还任教于莫斯科柴可夫斯基音乐学院。

    Scheps taught at the Moscow " P.I.Tschaikowsky " Conservatory .

  15. 辞职后,柴可夫斯基全心全意地投入到音乐当中。

    After quitting his job , Tchaikovsky devoted his life to music .

  16. 柴可夫斯基雄伟的第四交响乐将结束此次演出。

    The majestic symphony No.4 by Tchaikovsky will conclude the wonderful program .

  17. 柴可夫斯基的音乐洋溢着温暖人心的仁慈和激动的戏剧效果。

    Tschaikovsky 's music brims with a warm humanity and stirring drama .

  18. 《天鹅湖》是柴可夫斯基最著名的作品之一。

    ` Swan Lake ' is one of Tchaikovsky 's best-known compositions .

  19. 他获莫斯科柴可夫斯基国际大赛奖。

    He became the youngest prize winner in moscow 's Tchaikovsky international competition .

  20. 这座城市是巴兰钦,巴瑞辛尼可夫,杜斯内耶夫斯基和柴可夫斯基的故乡。

    This is the city of Balanchine and Baryshnikov , Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky .

  21. 音乐会上演出了柴可夫斯基等人的作品。

    The concert included works by Tchaikovsky et al .

  22. 柴可夫斯基与他的钢琴小品《四季》

    Tchaikovsky and His Piano Essay The Four Seasons ;

  23. 柴可夫斯基写过几部著名芭蕾舞曲。其中之一是天鹅湖。

    Tchaikovsky wrote several famous ballets . One of them is Swan Lake .

  24. 柴可夫斯基粗心大意地喝了一杯受污染的水。

    Carelessly Tschaikovsky drank a glass of infected water .

  25. 有时听起来有点像柴可夫斯基,有时更像巴赫。

    Sometimes it sounds a little like Tchaikovsky , sometimes more like BACH .

  26. 我希望今晚你可以演奏柴可夫斯基的音乐。

    I wish you to play some Tchaikovsky tonight .

  27. 然后他又要我来完成,门德尔松,柴可夫斯基,西贝柳斯

    which he then asked me to complete -- Mendelssohn , Tchaikovsky , Sibelius .

  28. 柴可夫斯基创造了他的第一部真正的杰作。

    Tchaikovsky had produced his first real masterpiece .

  29. 柴可夫斯基,在他那形成性格的岁月里,对音乐从未表现出一丝一毫的兴趣。

    Tschaikowsky never showed a shit of interest in music during his formative years .

  30. 1863年,柴可夫斯基辞去了在司法部的书记工作。

    In 1863 , Tchaikovsky quit his job as clerk at the Ministry of Justice .