
  • 网络GUIDE;guide frame;guide body
  1. 拆下导向架并清洁轴承销。

    Remove the guide frame and clean the bearing pins .

  2. 下放万能导向架。

    Lower the universal guide frame .

  3. 导向架隔水管在波流联合作用下的非线性动力响应

    Non-linear dynamic response induced by wave-current for marine risers with guide-frames

  4. 方坯连铸机导向架的工艺方案

    Guide Frame Processing Plan of Square Billet Continuously Foundry Machine

  5. 该计算结果为带导向架隔水管的设计与分析提供了参考。

    The results provide reference for design and analysis of the marine risers with guide-frames .

  6. 具漏斗形承口的导向架承口式及非承口式均可使用不??环接头接合。

    Funnel-type guide frame Hub Joint and No-Hub Joint with stainless steel Coupling shall be applicable .

  7. 所得结果对导向架的强度分析和结构设计具有重要的指导作用。

    The results play an important role in the intensity and structure design of the frame .

  8. 再次拆下导向架。

    Remove the guide frame again .

  9. 对导向架的加工要点进行了分析,并设计了多用途样板和工艺方案。

    By analysis of machining focal point for guide frame to design multifunction templates and processing plan .

  10. 水平导向架上面有贴砂纸或摩擦块,与头盔剪切面直线摩擦。

    Sandpaper or friction block is pasted on horizontal guide frame , and straight friction with helm shear plane .

  11. 改进连续油管作业装置的结构,不用导向架是延长连续油管使用时间的有效途径。

    In order to increase coiled tubing work time , the structure in coiled tubing system is improved without gooseneck .

  12. 在整个施工过程中考虑最长、最重桩对导向架的作用力,分析了导向架每一步的受力情况,并进行了受力计算。

    The frame , affected by the longest and heaviest pile , is analyzed and calculated in bearing force situation of every working step during construction process .

  13. 考虑了波流联合作用下固定式钻井装置隔水管与导向架之间的间隙接触条件,讨论了非线性边界条件下瞬态动力学问题的求解方法。

    Considering the gap-contact condition between guide-frames and the fixed drilling unit riser subjected to wave-current loads , the solution method for transient dynamic problem under the nonlinear boundary condition was discussed .

  14. 检查管道吊架、支架、导向架、膨胀节及其它管道特殊件,以除去所有的运输与安装附件,确保设计服务冷设置的正确性。

    Check pipe-hangers , supports , guides , expansion joints , and other pipe specialties for the removal of all shipping and erection stops and for the correctness of cold settings for the design service .

  15. 钢吊箱围堰同时用作钢护筒插打导向架、钻孔桩施工平台及承台施工的防水围堰。

    The cofferdam could be concurrently served as a guiding frame for setting and driving bored pile steel casings , a working platform for construction of bored piles and water-retaining facility for construction of pile cap .

  16. 高速客车迫导向转向架横向动力性能的研究

    The Lateral Dynamic Behaviour Research of High Speed Forced-Steering Truck

  17. 迫导向转向架低锥度失稳问题的研究

    A Study of Low Conicity Unstable Problem in Forced-Steering Bogies

  18. 迫导向转向架导向机构参数对动力学性能的影响

    Effect of Parameters of Steering Mechanism of Forced Steering Bogies on Dynamic Performance

  19. 米轨客车迫导向转向架动力学性能研究

    Dynamic Performances of Meter-Gauge Passenger Car with Forced-Steering Bogies

  20. 杠杆式迫导向转向架动力学性能研究

    Dynamics Performance of Radial Bogie with Forced-steering Levers

  21. 本文建立了一种杠杆式迫导向转向架曲线通过的计算模型。

    A mathematical model of radial truck with forced steering levers is established to predict curving performance .

  22. 借助于这3个基本参数可以全面了解迫导向转向架的动力学性能。

    With these parameters , the dynamics performance of a forced steering bogie can be fully understood .

  23. 以三轴、二轴迫导向转向架为对象建立数学模型,分析运动学失稳和动力学失稳两种模式。

    Mathematical models of three-axle and two-axle forced-steering bogies are set up to analyse the kinematic and dynamic instability .

  24. 还介绍已研制成功的米轨迫导向转向架运行试验的基本情况。

    An overview of service run and field test of the well developed metergage forced-steering freight trucks is also presented .

  25. 推导了稳态曲线通过性能的计算式。简要分析了迫导向转向架主要参数对曲线通过性能的影响。

    Equation of steady-state curving motion of this truck is derived and the influence of truck parameters on its curving performance is discussed .

  26. 本文提供了一个高速客车迫导向转向架的方案,并对此建立了横向动力学模型,研究高速客车迫导向转向架的稳态曲线通过性能及横向稳定性。

    Proposes a design of the forced-steering truck for high speed passenger car , with its lateral dynamic model developed , The steady-state curving behaviour and the lateral stability of this truck are studied .

  27. 摆式列车迫导向径向转向架的设计

    Design of the Force - Steering Radial Bogie of Tilting Train

  28. 迫导向货车转向架与标准三大件转向架性能的比较

    Performance Comparison of a Steered Freight Car Truck and a Standard Three-Piece Truck

  29. 我国迫导向货车转向架的研制

    Development of forced steering freight truck in our country

  30. 摆式客车迫导向径向转向架导向机构参数研究

    Research on the Steering Mechanism Parameters of Force-Steering Radial Bogie for Tilting Car