
  • 网络pilot pollution
  1. 在公众CDMA蜂窝移动通信网中,导频污染是影响网络服务质量和系统容量的一个重要原因。

    Pilot pollution is one of the key problems in public CDMA mobile network , which affects the service quality and capacity of network .

  2. 然后从治理导频污染、减少拥塞、排查干扰、参数优化、PN规划、覆盖优化这六个方面对CDMA网络优化技术进行了具体的研究。

    Then specific studying on CDMA network optimization technology , through controlling pilot pollution , reducing congestion , interference investigation , parameter optimization , PN planning , coverage optimization .

  3. 最后提出在今后CDMA网络规划和工程设计中,注意把导频污染对网络的影响控制到最小。

    Finally , in future CDMA network planning and engineering design , attention to pilot the impact of pollution on the network to a minimum .

  4. 本文通过对RF优化中的覆盖问题和导频污染问题进行深入分析,提出了这两类问题相应的解决措施。

    In this paper , to conduct in-depth analysis of coverage and pilot_pollution problem in RF optimization , put forward these two types of issues corresponding solution .

  5. 针对WCDMA技术体制下的无线环境评估模型,通过对路测数据和测量报告综合分析,给出了弱覆盖小区、过覆盖小区、导频污染小区、上下行覆盖不平衡小区评估方法。

    WCDMA technology system for the wireless environment assessment model , through the DT data and MR data comprehensive analysis , given the weak coverage , over-covered plot , pilot pollution , from top to bottom-line coverage unbalanced district of assessments .

  6. 根据测试结果发现实验网络中导频信号的RSCP和Ec/Io存在一定的问题,导频污染现象严重。

    According to the test results show that in the experimental network RSCP andEc / Io of frequency signals have problems , pilot pollution is serious .

  7. 在已有的MIMO-OFDM单基站蜂窝系统(3GPPR8标准规范)中,边缘用户通过基站间使用不同资源块划分可以让边缘用户占用不同的子载波,实现不同频率组网,就避免了导频污染问题。

    In the existing MIMO-OFDM single base station cellular systems ( 3GPP R8standard ), the base station using different resource partitioning allows edge users to occupy different subcarriers , that means different frequencies to achieve networking to avoid the pilot pollution problem .

  8. 本文着重介绍了高层导频污染问题的四种常见解决思路,通过具体案例对其中的异频解决方案进行了具体分析。

    This article highlights the high level of pilot pollution in the four Common Solutions , through a concrete case on which the different frequency solutions are analyzed in detail .

  9. 通过研究,初步找到了导频污染问题的分析方法和解决对策,应用于工作实践,取得了良好效果。

    We have preliminarily found the analysis method and solving countermeasure of the pilot pollution through the research of this issue , which can apply to work practice and favorable effects .

  10. 本文的特点就是以多种思路、多种途径的对比中,寻求降低乃至消除CMDA室内覆盖楼宇窗边的导频污染问题。

    This article characteristic is by many kinds of mentalities , in many kinds of way contrasts , seeks reduces and even eliminates the pilot frequency pollution nearby the windows of indoor coverage buildings in CDMA system .

  11. 同时,论文通过现场工程实例,重点分析了实际工程中影响网络性能的因素,并通过路测对导频污染、收发功率、载干比、拥塞情况予以优化。

    Meanwhile , I also analyzed impacts towards network which emerges in a construction process by studying project cases and optimize the indexes of pilot frequency pollution Transceiver power , carrier-to-interference ratio , and jam situation via Metric Drive .

  12. 本文针对现网存在的各种问题,如导频污染、接入时间长、通话掉话、通话质量不清晰等,从系统参数和硬件配置两个角度考虑优化。

    This paper describes the optimization of two aspects : system parameters and hardware configuration , which aims at the all kinds of problems such as pilot pollution , long access time , drop calls , not cleared voice quality .

  13. 引入直放站后,导致服务区内基站短码相位混乱,导频污染严重,网络优化工作困难,同时加大了不必要的软切换,甚至可能导致移动网络瘫痪。

    When repeater is introduced to CDMA system , it will cause phase confusion of base station short code , severe pilot channel pollution , and it will exacerbate unnecessary soft handoff . Even it will result in network paralysis .

  14. CDMA直放站导频混淆与导频污染的优化方案

    Scheme of Prioritizing Pilot Confusion and Pilot Pollution of the CDMA Repeater

  15. 通过合理设置小区参数,适当调整切换区域、改善导频规划、减少导频污染,使系统维持较高的通信质量。

    By reasonably setting the cell parameters , adjust the switching region , improve the pilot frequency planning , reduce pilot pollution , allowing the system to maintain a high quality of communication .

  16. 在多小区TDD-OFDM系统中,由于不同用户使用非正交的导频训练序列引起的导频污染,给系统带来较大的小区间干扰。

    In multi-cell TDD-OFDM system , the pilot contamination , resulted from non-orthogonal pilot training sequence used by different users , can cause larger ICI .