
  • 网络thermal conducting fillers
  1. 介绍导热绝缘及导热非绝缘塑料的导热性能、导热机理及导热填料粒子表面处理研究概况,并介绍了导热塑料的成型工艺条件选择及优化。

    The research of thermal conducting properties and mechanism of thermal conductive plastics and thermal conductive insulating plastics , and surface treatment of thermal conducting fillers were described , and selection and optimization of process technology were presented .

  2. 结果表明:EP灌封胶的热导率随着导热填料用量的增加而增大;

    The results showed that the thermal conductivity of EP encapsulating adhesive was increased with increasing thermal conductive fillers contents .

  3. 所用导热填料与基质间界面粘合不理想。

    The interfacial adhesion between fillers used and matrix was poor .

  4. 接触热阻与接触导热填料

    Thermal Contact Resistance and Thermal Conductive Filler

  5. 导热填料对NR/BR硫化胶的生热和导热的影响

    Effect of Thermal Conductive Filler on Heat Build-up and Thermal Conductivity of NR / BR Vulcanizate

  6. 在调研国内外接触热阻研究的基础上,介绍了关于接触热阻及接触导热填料的研究发展情况。

    On the basis investigation of thermal contact resistance developed in the world , the development on thermal contact resistance and thermal conductive filler is briefly introduced .

  7. 以甲基乙烯基硅橡胶为基胶,两种不同粒径(3μm,20μm)的微米氧化铝为导热填料制备了填充型导热绝缘硅橡胶。

    The thermal conductive and electrically insulating silicone rubber was prepared using the methyl vinyl silicone rubber and heat conductive hybrid alumina powder with two different particle sizes .

  8. 在LDPE/导热填料中,由于无机导热填料的加入,熔融起始温度变大;

    In LDPE / thermal fills , because of the thermal fills , the temperatures of starting to melt are increasing , but approximately the same when the mixing proportions are different .

  9. 以增韧的酚醛环氧树脂为基体树脂,氮化铝、氮化硼、氧化铝混杂粒子为导热填料制备了-新型绝缘导热胶粘剂。

    A new insulating heat conductive adhesive was prepared using toughened phenolic epoxy resin as matrix , and the mixture of aluminum nitride , boron nitride and alumina hybrid particles as heat conductive filler .

  10. LDPE/导热填料和硅橡胶/导热填料两类材料的热导率均值随着温度的升高,开始阶段急剧增大,而后缓慢增大,到最大值后又趋于下降;

    With the temperature increasing , the thermal conductivities of LDPE / thermal fills and silicon rubber / thermal fills are increasing rapidly at the beginning , then increasing slower , reaching the top and reducing .

  11. 研究导热填料的种类、用量、涂胶工艺以及硫化工艺对硅橡胶涂覆玻璃布导热绝缘垫片综合性能的影响。

    The effect of the type and amount of filler , as well as coating and sulfuration process on the overall properties of silicone rubber coated glass fabric gasket with heat conduction and electrical insulation are researched .

  12. 基于此装置,对采用共混填充法制造的HDPE/LDPE、LDPE/导热填料、硅橡胶/导热填料三类材料的力学性能和导热性能进行了分析研究。

    Based on the new equipment and method , the mechanical performance and thermal conductive performance of the three kinds of materials : HDPE / LDPE , LDPE / thermal fills , silicon rubber / thermal fills , are analysed .

  13. 研究结果表明该胶具备良好的电绝缘及力学性能,可以长期在150℃温度下使用,与不加导热填料的相同胶粘剂相比,具有良好的导热能力。

    The results indicate that the developed adhesive possesses good insulating and mechanical properties , also with good heat conduction performance compared with the same adhesive without using thermal conductive filler . In addition , the adhesive can be used long term at 150 ℃ .

  14. 对沥青路面建筑材料的力学性能进行了系统试验和优化研究,评价导热相填料对沥青胶浆和沥青混凝土性能的影响,检验了页岩陶粒沥青混凝土的路用性能。

    System testing and optimization study on mechnical properties of pavement construction materials are used to evaluate the effect of conductive fillers on asphalt mortar and asphalt concrete , inspect the pavement performance of asphalt concrete with expanded shale .

  15. 磨耗体积和体积电阻率随填料用量的增大而减小,导热系数随着填料用量的增大线性增大。

    With the increase of filler content , the volume of wear and volume resistivity decreased and coefficient of thermal conductivity increased linearly .

  16. 混合填料比单一填料的导热系数高;不同种类的金属氧化物导热填料对硅橡胶的绝缘性能影响不大。

    The heat conduction filler of different types of metal oxide has no substantial influence on the insulation of silicone rubber compound .