
  • 网络membrane phase
  1. 液膜法提取钼的研究&外相边界层及膜相扩散控制模型

    The study on Extraction of molybdenum ions - an external phase boundary and membrane phase diffusion controlled model

  2. 该模型不仅考虑了非稳态下膜相扩散阻力,而且还考虑了外相边界层的扩散阻力及膜破裂。

    This model takes into account both the diffusion resistance of the membrane phase in non-steady state and the diffusion resistance of the external phase boundary film and the membrane leakage .

  3. 用膜相渗透化学镀法制备NiCo/PTFE磁性复合膜

    Preparation of Ni-Co / PTFE Magnetic Composite Film by In-Situ Permeating Electroless Plating

  4. 手性双层分子膜相转移过程的DSC、CD和UV光谱研究

    The Phase Transition Behavior of Chiral Bilayer Membranes Studied by DSC , CD and UV Spectrometry

  5. 在CTAB胶束体系中,NR定位于胶束膜相。

    NR was located in the railings of the CTAB micelles .

  6. 尖晶石对β/β〃-Al2O3膜相组成和离子导电性的影响

    Influences of Spinel on Phase Composition and Ionic Conduction Property of Na β / β″ - Al_2O_ 3 Film

  7. 单极性脉冲电流密度对铝合金MAO膜相结构和微结构的影响

    Effects of Unipolar Pulse Current Density on the Phase Composition and Microstructure of Aluminium Alloy MAO Coating

  8. 基板负偏压对A3钢基体磁控溅射离子镀铝膜相组成的影响

    Effect of Substrate Negative Bias on Component Phases of Magnetron-Sputtering Ion Plated Aluminium Film of A3 Steel

  9. 结果表明,与La0.67Sr0.33MnO3单层膜相比较,外延三层膜的X射线衍射图上出现3级衍射峰,每级衍射峰由3个峰组成:其中强度最高的衍射峰代表衬底的衍射;

    The result of X-ray diffraction patterns shows there are three sets of peaks , in each set there are three peaks that the strongest peak is representative of LAO substrate ;

  10. 本文主要论述基板负偏压与A3钢基体磁控溅射离子镀铝膜相组成的关系。

    This paper mainly deals with the relationship between negative bias of substrate and component phases of magnetron-sputtering ion plated aluminium film of A3 steel .

  11. 结果:经10μg/ml松萝酸作用30min,即可见速殖子的棒状体后段中央部分被溶解,细胞膜相结构和子虫的细胞膜断裂。

    RESULTS : Under the action of 10 μ g / ml usnic acid for 30 min , the rhoptries lysed and the daughter cell membrane and membranate structures of tachyzoites appeared broken .

  12. 将氢化非晶碳薄膜(GDα-C:H)应用于硅半导体晶体管的表面钝化,取得了与α-Si:H膜相类似的效果。

    Hydrogenated amorphous Carbon film was applyed to passivation of surface of Silican semiconductor device and good effect that is close to cases passivated by a-Si : H film was achieved .

  13. 中药多糖对红细胞膜相CD35免疫活性的调节作用

    The study on the red cell membrance phase C3b receptor 's activity regulated by Chinese medicine polysaccharides

  14. 与宽视角延迟膜相结合的这种AMLCD组件,适合于高性能显示的应用。

    In combination of a wide_view retardation film , this AMLCD unit is suitable for high_performance display applications .

  15. 方法:运用链亲和素-生物素放大系统结合的酶联免疫法,动态检测苦参碱作用于K562细胞后,K562细胞膜相及胞浆内的蛋白酪氨酸激酶和磷酸酶活性的变化。

    Methods : ELISA coupled with streptavidin biotin system was used to dynamically detect the activity of protein tyrosine kinase and phosphatase in the cytoplasm and the membrane of K562 cells treated by matrine .

  16. 本文指出金属离子通过大块液膜的迁移动力学模型为:其中A,Ai,B,C1分别表示在原料相、有机膜相、反萃相中的金属离子,下标i表示界面;

    It is pointed out in this paper that the kinetic model of metal ions transporting through a Bulk Liquid Membrane is : where A , B , C represents the metal ion in feed , organic membrane and strip respectively ; the subscript I represents the interface .

  17. 着重讨论了δ-TiN的非化学计量性和物理气相沉积过程非平衡性对于Ti-N系膜相组成的影响。

    The influences of nonstoichiometry of δ - TiN and phase composition of Ti-N system films are emphasized .

  18. 35.7%池的上、下壁在M1段中1/3前方,通过短而密的纤维片膜相粘合。

    Superior and inferior walls were adhered by short and compact fibrous pieces of membranes anterior to middle 1 / 3 segment of M1 in 35.7 % of Sylvian cisterns .

  19. 采用x射线衍射仪和显微硬度计研究了阳极电流密度ja和阴极、阳极电流密度比jc/ja对MAO膜相构成和力学特性的影响。

    The effects of anodic current density j_a and the ratio of cathodic to anodic current density j_c / j_a on the mechanical property and phase composition of MAO coatings have been studied by microhardness test and x_ray diffraction , respectively .

  20. 随SDS浓度增大,相图上相位对比和分维值呈现出先增大,生成胶体后又减小的规律,反应了铝表面由单金属相转变为两相共存,后又主要为缓蚀膜相的过程。

    The phase contrast value and fractal dimension of phase image increased initially with increasing SDS concentration and then decreased while above CMC , reflecting the surface of metal changed from metal phase to two coexist phases of metal and SDS film , and finally to the main SDS phase .

  21. 活跃的脂肪酶与圆球体的膜相结合。

    Active lipase is associated with the membrane of the spherosomes .

  22. 膜相扩散控制型药物释放体系动力学

    The study on delivery kinetics of diffusion controlled drug release system

  23. 三元缔合物在固相反射分光光度法中的应用&膜相反射分光光度法测定铜

    Application of Ion-Associated Complex for Solid Phase Reflection-Spectrophotometry & The Determination of Copper

  24. 乳状型液膜的膜相组份对提取铀的影响

    Influence of membrane component of the emulsion type liquid membrane on extracting uranium

  25. 聚烯烃微孔膜相分离法成型技术

    Phase Separation Forming Technology for Polyolefin Microporous Membrane

  26. 电解液对铝合金微弧氧化陶瓷膜相组成和元素成分的影响

    Effects of Electrolyte Solution on Phase Component and Elementary Composition of MAO Coatings on Aluminium Alloy

  27. 并提出和验证用灰色形态学与颜色掩膜相结合的方法对车牌图像进行快速定位的技术和方法。

    It also presents and verifies technology and method of quickly orientation by combination gray morphology and color mask .

  28. 与醋酸纤维素膜相比较,钛醋酸纤维素膜可在较高温度下使用,具有一定的耐热性。

    And as compared with CA RO membrane , the TiCA ROmembrane could be used at higher working temperature .

  29. 与PVA/CS膜相比较,本实验制得的共混膜其分离因子及渗透通量都比PVA/CS膜有所改善。

    Compared with PVA / CS membrane , both permeate flux and separation factor in this experiment has been improved .

  30. 本文假设促进传质过程的控制步骤为气体在膜相的扩散,据此导出了相应的机理模型,该模型与实测结果吻合良好。

    A reaction equilibrium model was proposed to predict facilitation factors , the predicted results were in good agreement with experimental values .