
  • 网络diaphragm coupling;dJm
  1. 关于评定主轴部件刚度的几个问题膜片联轴器的强度与刚度分析

    On the Evaluation of Spindle Stiffness The analysis of the strength and stiffness of the diaphragm coupling

  2. 膜片联轴器的强度与刚度分析机床主轴系统静刚度的可靠性计算

    The analysis of the strength and stiffness of the diaphragm coupling Reliability Evaluation of Static Stiffness of Spindle System of Machine Tool

  3. 膜片联轴器CAD软件包

    CAD Software Package for Diaphragm Couplings

  4. 连续四边形膜片联轴器的疲劳分析与计算

    The Fatigue Analysis and Calculation of the Successive Quadrilateral Diaphragm Coupling

  5. 大功率膜片联轴器扭转刚度计算研究

    Calculation and Study on Torsional Stiffness of Big Power Laminated Membrane Coupling

  6. 膜片联轴器膜片应力计算及疲劳寿命分析

    Stress Calculation and Fatigue Life Analysis of Membrane in Laminated Membrane Coupling

  7. 船用膜片联轴器的膜片结构强度有限元分析

    Structural strength finite element analysis of membrane in marine laminated membrane coupling

  8. 膜片联轴器耦合的不对中转子&轴承系统的不平衡响应分析

    Analysis on the imbalance response of misaligned rotor-bearing system coupled by diaphram coupling

  9. 膜片联轴器在电站风机中的应用

    Application of Diaphragm Coupling in Fan for Power Station

  10. 膜片联轴器在冷却塔通风机上的实际应用

    Application of Film coupling on Fan for Cooling Tower

  11. 金属挠性膜片联轴器的动静复合应力分析

    Compound Stress Analysis of the Flexible Metal-disc Couplings

  12. 金属膜片联轴器是一种具有广泛发展前途的新型两轴挠性联接装置。

    The laminated membrane coupling is a new type of flexible coupling with wide development .

  13. 挠性膜片联轴器优化设计

    Optimized Design of Flexible Membrane Couplings

  14. 背齿保安型膜片联轴器对大功率烟气轮机转子动平衡的影响及修正方法

    Affect of ultra low moment membrane coupling on gas expander rotor ′ s dynamic balancing and correct method

  15. 不对中对膜片联轴器耦合转子轴承系统固有特性的影响

    Effect of Misalignment on the Natural Characteristics of the Coupling Rotor-Bearing System With a Flexible Laminated Membrane Shaft Coupling

  16. GB/T3837.2-1983机床工具7:24圆锥联结主轴端面键船用膜片联轴器的膜片结构强度有限元分析

    Tenons for spindle noses with 7:24 tapers Structural strength finite element analysis of membrane in marine laminated membrane coupling

  17. 而双膜片联轴器可以同时曲向不同的方向,以此来补偿偏心。

    The dual-diaphragm couplings can be curved in different directions at the same time , in order to compensate for eccentricity .

  18. 本实用新型胀套膜片联轴器传动精度高,转速快,使用寿命长。

    The expanding sleeve film clutch of the utility model has a high driving preciseness , fast rotary speed and long using life .

  19. 膜片联轴器常用于伺服系统中,膜片具有很好的扭矩刚性,但稍逊于波纹管联轴器。

    Diaphragm couplings commonly used in the servo system , the membrane has good torsional stiffness , but less in the bellows coupling .

  20. 膜片联轴器这种特性有点像波纹管联轴器,实际上联轴器传递扭矩的方式都差不多。

    This feature is a bit like a diaphragm coupling bellows coupling , in fact , the way of torque transfer coupling are similar .

  21. 金属膜片联轴器圆环式膜片的疲劳寿命计算挤压油膜阻尼器油膜压力的1种实用计算方法

    Fatigue Life Evaluation of a Circular Membrane in the Laminated Membrane Coupling ; An Applied Calculation Method of Pressure Distribution in Squeeze Film Damper

  22. 引入改进的局部应力-应变法,建立计算膜片联轴器膜片疲劳裂纹形成寿命的模型和方法。

    The improved local stress strain method is introduced . The mechanical model and calculating method are established to evaluate the crack initiation life of membranes .

  23. 本实用新型的优点是能自动调节两个端法兰之间的间隙,能显著提高膜片联轴器的使用寿命。

    The utility model has the advantages that the gap between the two flanges can be automatically adjusted , thereby greatly improving the service life of the membrane coupling .

  24. 以膜片联轴器耦合的对称多跨转子&轴承系统为研究对象,分析了转子不对中量对轴承的动静特性、系统的固有特性和稳定性的影响。

    The performance of the bearings , the nature characteristics and stability of a symmetric rotor-bearing system equipped with a flexible laminated membrane coupling were discussed duo to misalignment of rotors .

  25. 研究了膜片联轴器耦合的转子&轴承系统的不平衡响应,重点分析了膜片联轴器的刚度和转子的不对中量对系统不平衡响应的影响。

    The unbalance responses of the rotor-bearing system with a flexible laminated membrane coupling were investigated , in which the effects of the stiffness of the coupling and the misalignment of the rotors were mainly taken into account , respectively .

  26. 膜片联轴器能传递大功率、寿命长、结构简单、不需润滑并能补偿轴向、径向和角向位移,适于在高速大功率机组上使用。

    With high power transmit ability , long life , simple structure , no need of lubrication , and compensation of axial , radial , angular displacement , the diaphragm coupler is suitable on high speed and high power machine .

  27. 简介了电站风机用的膜片联轴器的主要特点,说明了该联轴器在应用中有关调准计算、电机基础预抬高及联轴器轴向预拉伸等注意事项。

    Main characteristics of diaphragm couplings for power station is introduced simply , the notices such as regulating and calculating in the application of the coupling , the pre-elevation of motor foundation and the axial pre-elongation of the coupling are introduced .