
  1. 对用渗透蒸发膜分离方法去除C5中的甲醇进行了研究。

    The methods of expunging methanol from C 5 with pervaporation membranes were studied in this paper .

  2. 渗透汽化(PV)、蒸汽渗透(VP)膜分离方法,在有机物/水混合物、有机物/有机物混合物的分离中得到了广泛应用。

    The membrane techniques of pervaporation ( PV ) and vapour permeate ( VP ) have been extensively applied to separation of organic / water mixture , organic / organic mixture .

  3. 渗透气化法是一种用来分离液体混合物的膜分离方法。

    Pervaporation is a membrane separation process which can be used to fractionateliquid mixture .

  4. 结果表明,分级膜分离方法对酪朊酸钠水解液中的混和肽类能按照分子量大小进行有效的分离。

    The result showed that fractional ultrafiltration separation can effectively separate sodium caseinate peptides .

  5. 天然气中酸性气体脱除的新方法&膜分离方法

    Membrane Seperating Method & A New Method for Removing Acidic Gas from Natural Gas

  6. 方法:采用膜分离方法。

    Method : Separation by membrane method .

  7. 应用渗透蒸发膜分离方法,研究磺化聚乙烯中空纤维离子交换膜对水/乙二醇混合物的分离效果。

    In this work , the pervaporation separation of water / ethylene glycol mixture was performed with sulfonated polyethylene ion-exchange hollow fiber membrane .

  8. 通过比较压力变化及低压冷凝器对回收的影响,对现有气相流化床聚乙烯装置排放气回收工艺作了一些改进,并提出采用膜分离方法提纯氮气,减少尾气排放。

    By comparing the influence of different pressure and low pressure condenser on vent gas recovery unit , the authors put forward some technical innovation scheme on gas fluidized bed PE plant .

  9. 液膜技术是一种新型膜分离方法,具有快速简便、成本低、能耗低,高生产率和高效选择性等优点。

    The liquid membrane technology was a new type of membrane separation method with the advantages of quick and easy , low cost and energy consumption , high productivity and selectivity and so on .

  10. 本文提出用电渗析膜分离的方法除去混合物中的氯化钠,浓缩得到产品甘氨酸。

    In this paper the electrodialysis and membrane separation technology is introduced to separate sodium chloride from mixture to get pure glycine after being condensed .

  11. 把含有害离子的废液,经由电解、化学、离子交换、膜分离等方法下降至排放标准。

    Its processes the liquid with harm ion , by descending to the exhaustion standard through the methods , such as electrolysis 、 chemistry 、 ion exchange and the film separation etc.

  12. 可以使一步结晶所得的亚氨基二乙酸产品纯度达到97%,收率达到90%以上。同时针对常规结晶工艺的不足,本文探讨性地研究IDA的双极性膜电渗析分离方法。

    As a result , under process conditions , the purity of IDA is more than 97 % , and the yield is about 90 % At the same time for overcoming the deficiency of crystallization technology Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis method has been probed .

  13. 文章以新型高分子材料聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)为膜,采用中空纤维气态膜分离方法对海水及增浓后海水(卤水)提溴进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the extraction of bromine from seawater and brine was studied with new type macromolecule polyvinylidene fluoride ( PVDF ) hollow fiber gas membrane .