
  • 网络Sample injection system;sample inlet;inlet;inlet system;sample injection
  1. 自行设计的可加热的进样系统可以有效的降低样品在管壁的沉积作用,适用于对半挥发性有机物的研究。

    A special design was made to reduce the effect of memory on the inner wall of the sample inlet system suitable for the investigation of semi-volatile organic compound .

  2. 此外,还对气溶胶单粒子进样系统和气溶胶单粒子粒径的测量方法作了详细阐述。

    The aerosol inlet system and measurement of individual particle size are described in detail .

  3. ICP-AES的一种新固体进样系统

    A new introduction system of solid sample in ICP-AES

  4. 采用氧化剂清洗,克服了Os在进样系统中的严重记忆效应。

    The serious memory effect of Os in the whole sample introduction system was overcome by rinsing with an oxidizing agent .

  5. 同时使用质谱(MS)仪确定了辐解气体产物的组分,并通过负压进样系统利用气相色谱(GC)仪准确测定了气体产量。

    The gas products from irradiated samples were analyzed by MS and the gas yield was precisely determined by GC through negative pressure sampling system .

  6. 这种雾化进样系统将使ICP-AES与HPLC联用作为过程在线分析和形态分析成为可能。

    It is expected that this thermospray nebulizer would make possible to combine ICP-AES with HPLC for species and on-line analyses in the future .

  7. 研究了用该进样系统时ArMIP和HeMIP的光谱分析特性及易电离元素的影响。

    The new sample introduction system is of practical usage . The spectroscopic behavior of Ar MIP and He MIP and the effects of easily ionized elements were studied .

  8. 用改进的MIPAES微量进样系统测定易挥发元素

    A Micro Sample Introduction System for Determination of Volatile Elements by MIPAES

  9. 发现在两种进样系统混入N2气都能使等离子变的强壮,但只有在膜去溶进样系统中加入少量氮气可以显著提升仪器灵敏度。

    We found , adding nitrogen with both introduction systems , the ICP could become more robust . However , only using membrane desolvation system with nitrogen , the sensitivity could be improved .

  10. 激光气化固体进样系统的研究是目前国际上ICPAES领域的前沿课题。

    The research of Laser ablation solid sampling systems is still a forward problem in the field of ICP AES , recently .

  11. 本文介绍了Finnigan-MAT4510型色谱-质谱联用仪进样系统的改进方法。

    It is described for improve method of Finnigan - MAT 4 5 1 0 GG / MS introduction system in this paper .

  12. 从进样系统、离子源、质量分析器、离子检测器和辅助系统5个方面综述了电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)仪器的进展,并简要介绍了ICP-MS在烟草元素分析中的应用。

    The advance in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer ( ICP-MS ) was reviewed from the views of sample infeed , plasma source , mass analyzer , ion detector and auxiliaries . The application of ICP-MS in tobacco analysis was also introduced .

  13. 实验建立了一套中心切割真空进样系统,用填装5A分子筛、高分子多孔小球等的两根2m×2.2mm的不锈钢柱交替进行,测定几种组份的变异系数5&10%,检测限约为0.01ppm。

    Two stainless steel columns ( 2m × 2.2mm ) packed with 5A molecular sieve ; GDX series and porapak series are used and a set of centre cut vacuum sampling system is set up . The coefficient of variation is 5 & 10 % .

  14. 阐述了SP-3430气相色谱仪做煤气热值分析的方法,对其进样系统进行改造,同时选定了最佳分析条件和数椐处理参数;

    The analytic method of gas caloric value by SP-3430 gas chromatograph instrument was expounded , and the sample feeding system was reconstructed . Meanwhile , the optimum analytic conditions and datum processing parameters were selected .

  15. 3瞬间信号分析软件以便与色谱或激光进样系统等连用。

    Transient signal analysis software for chromatograph or laser system application .

  16. 根据仪器的性能需求,给出进样系统的结构。

    Then the systems structure was presented according to the equipments performance requirements .

  17. 气体标准样品简介标样气体进样系统

    The Brief Introduction to Reference Material of Gases THE INLET SYSTEM OF STANDARD GA

  18. 一种用于微波诱导等离子体发射光谱分析的微量进样系统的研究

    Studies on A Micro-Sample Introduction System for MIPAES

  19. 标样气体进样系统性能研究

    Performance study on reference gas intake system

  20. 流动注射分析中的进样系统

    Sampling systems in Flow Injection Analysis

  21. 构建了实验平台,硬件部分主要由进样系统、观察平台,检测系统组成。

    The experiment platform mainly consists of automatic fluid injection system , observation device and detecting system .

  22. 其中机械设计主要包含自动进样系统、水样的前处理装置、工作电极自动更换装置。

    Mechanical design is consist of automatic injection system , the pre-treatment device and working electrode automatic replacement device .

  23. 主要内容包括:激发光源,进样系统,分光系统,检测系统及原子发射光谱仪。

    The contents of excitation sources , sample introduction systems , dispersive spectrometers , detection systems and atomic emission spectrometers were involved .

  24. 采用两步深冷冻浓缩自动进样系统,配以气相色谱/质谱联机对北京大气中的烯烃进行了连续观测。

    Trace alkenes in the atmospheric of Beijing were monitored by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry combined with an automated sampling / injection system of two-step cryoconcentration .

  25. 针对全自动生化分析系统高精度、小型化需求,设计了一种新型的小型生化分析仪自动进样系统。

    A new type of automatic sampling system for small biochemical analyzer was developed to fulfill the small but high-accurate requirements of automatic biochemical analyzing system .

  26. 最高使用温度范围:220℃;进样系统、色谱柱、检测器一体化设计;配置示差检测器,粘度检测器,高温两角度光散射检测器。

    Maxim temperature : 220 ℃; Built-in-one system including injection system , columns and detectors ; Configured with RI , viscometer and two-angle light scattering detector .

  27. 系统的特点是设计了多温区电加热炉和自动进样系统,加快了测试速度,缩短了测定周期。

    The system features its multi temp zone electric heating furnace and automatic sample introduction device which were designed to increase testing speed and shorten testing time .

  28. 本文在课题组前期研究基础上,对其软、硬件进行改进和整合,增补了仪器缺少的进样系统等模块。

    Based on the previous research , improvement and integration of the software and hardware are implemented , and some modules such as sampling system are added .

  29. 了测定六氟化铀中烃和卤代烃的含量,首先要对进样系统和质谱计的离子源进行充分的钝化。

    In order to determine the content of hydrocarbons and halohydrocarbons in uranium hexafluoride , the first step is to passivate the inlet system and ion source of mass-spectrometer .

  30. 使用进样系统(可以在高压下操作),在色谱柱的顶端或旁边将样品溶液引入流动相中。

    The sample solution is introduced into the flowing mobile phase at or near the head of the column using an injection system which can operate at high pressure .