
  • 网络dialysis membrane;dialytic membrane;dialyser
  1. 甲壳素渗析膜分离钪锡

    The separation of scandium and tin by chitin dialysis membrane

  2. KS-1型扩散渗析膜的研制及其在处理含稀土酸液中的应用

    Preparation of KS-1 diffusion dialyzing membrane and its application in treatment of acid solution containing rare earth element

  3. 电渗析膜分离提纯制备高纯度乙醇酸的研究

    Studies on Preparation of Glycollic Acid by Means of Membrane Separation Technique

  4. 卷式扩散渗析膜组件的设计和制作及废酸回收性能

    Design , preparation and performance of spiral wound membrane module for diffusion dialysis

  5. 电渗析膜污染研究进展

    The Investigation in Membrane Fouling of Electrodialysis Technology

  6. 电渗析膜法处理电厂废水中SOX~(2-)的影响因素

    Influence Factor of Membrane of Electrodialysis on Wipe off SO_X ~ ( 2 - ) in Wastewater

  7. 本文提出用电渗析膜分离的方法除去混合物中的氯化钠,浓缩得到产品甘氨酸。

    In this paper the electrodialysis and membrane separation technology is introduced to separate sodium chloride from mixture to get pure glycine after being condensed .

  8. 通过初步试验,探讨了用离子交换扩散渗析膜有选择性地回收酸分离铀的机理及影响因素。

    Based on experiments , the diffusion mechanism and influential factor of selective uranium separation and acids recovery with ion exchange diffusion dialysis membranes are introduced .

  9. 采用微滤和电渗析膜组合技术对金属表面处理工业的实际中水进行资源化深度处理,以达到循环回用的目的。

    WASTEWATER REUTILIZATION BY MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY IN MECHANICAL TREATMENT Wastewater in mechanical industry was treated for utilization by microfiltration ( MF ) and electrodialysis ( ED ) .

  10. 本文介绍了电渗析膜技术在烧碱生产和锅炉给水处理中的应用效益及其设备生产厂家。

    This paper introduced the technology of electroosmosis film used in the production of caustic soda and boiler supply water treatment , its profits , together with the equipment producers .

  11. 提出了用电渗析膜分离提纯甘氨酸的新工艺,重点对现行甘氨酸生产工艺氯乙酸氨解法制得的甘氨酸与氯化铵混合液,采用电渗析膜分离法进行试验以除去甘氨酸中的氯化铵。

    This thesis describes a new technology of purifying glycine by electrodialysis on the base of summarizing several kinds of glycine-producing technology . We mainly study the separation of glycine from the mixed solution consisting of ammonium chloride and glycine .

  12. 通过不同方案试验对比,提出了合理的等电流操作电渗析的膜对数组合。

    Compared with different schemes of experiments , a kind of reasonable mem-brance couples of ED with equal electric current is raised .

  13. 在综合大量国内外文献的基础上,介绍了反渗透、纳滤、超滤、微滤、电渗析等膜技术在制备饮用水上的研究及应用

    Based on plenty of references at home and abroad , various membrane techniques on preparing drinking water are reviewed , such as reverse osmosis , nanofiltration , ultrafiltration , microfiltration , electroosmosis and so on

  14. 电渗析中的膜垢膜污染的防止与清洗

    Prevention and cleaning of membrane deposits and membrane fouling in electrodialysis

  15. 电渗析离子交换膜水解离现象的研究

    Study on the phenomena of water dissociation in ion exchange membrane ed

  16. 通过对脱硫废液电渗析再生用膜的探讨,说明了离子交换膜的理论、制法和性能。对电渗析所采用之膜的性能特点和制备工艺作了分析。

    Theories , making processes and performances of ion exchange membrane are described through discussions on regenerative membrane used in electrodialysis of desulfurization waste liquid .

  17. 为提高装置效益,本文着重对电渗析脱盐、膜脱盐、中和脱盐、碳化脱盐等处理工艺进行了研究,通过研究发现,碳化脱盐工艺比较适合碳酸二甲酯装置的工艺改造。

    In order to improve the economic benefits , electrodialysis desalination , membrane desalination , neutralization desalination and carbonization desalination are studied to modify the existing process .

  18. 脱硫废液电渗析法再生用膜的研究

    Studies on Regenerative Membrane Used in Electrodialysis of Desulfurization Waste Liquid

  19. 简要介绍利用电渗析原理和双极膜理论使用双极膜技术的基础理论和工业应用。

    The basic theory and the industrial application of the electrodialysis and the bipolar membrane were reviewed .

  20. 处理稀汁后电渗析,会对膜会有一定污染,需及时清洗。

    The juice will cause some pollution to the electrodialyzer , so washing is needed in time .