
  • 网络penetrant testing;Penetration Testing;liquid penetrant testing
  1. 低温环境下渗透检测灵敏度的提高

    Improve the Sensitivity of Liquid Penetrant Testing in Low Temperature

  2. 压力容器无损检测&渗透检测技术

    Nondestructive testing of pressure vessels : penetrant testing

  3. 对发生明显鼓胀变形的焦炭塔进行了表面检查、筒壁厚度测量、X-射线检测(RT)、渗透检测(PT)、硬度测定、机械性能测试、化学成分分析、金相分析。

    For obvious bulging deformed coking tower , the surface detection , wall thickness measurement , X-ray testing ( RT ), penetrative testing ( PT ), hardness measurement , mechanical test , chemical composition analysis , and metallographic examination were made .

  4. 抽水蓄能电站水轮机叶轮渗透检测工艺

    Penetrant Testing Process for Turbine Impeller of Pumped Storage Power Station

  5. 铸锻件磁粉与渗透检测工艺的选择

    Choose of Penetration Test and Magnetic Particle Test for Castings and Forgings

  6. 渗透检测材料的分类和灵敏度等级的验证比较

    Classification of Penetrant Materials and Verification of Sensitivity Levels

  7. 铝合金试件裂纹深度渗透检测试验研究

    Test Research on crack depth evaluation of aluminum alloy parts by penetrant testing

  8. 锅炉管道焊缝液体渗透检测技术

    Liquid Penetration Technique for Pipe Welds in Boiler

  9. 对已完成的焊缝进行着色渗透检测。

    Dye penetrant examination of the completed weld .

  10. 对一份渗透检测报告的析疑

    A discussion on a penetrant testing report

  11. 无损检测渗透检测验证方法

    Nondestructive testing penetrant inspection means of verification

  12. 液体渗透检测的质量管理

    Quality Control of Liquid Penetrant Testing

  13. 完成涂红渗透检测。

    Perform red dye penetration inspection .

  14. 液体渗透检测的可靠性

    Reliability of liquid penetrant inspection

  15. 渗透检测广泛运用于焊缝和锅炉压力容器检验中,但低温环境适用性差。

    Liquid penetrant testing is widely used in weld examination and pressure equipment inspection , but its performance in low temperature is poor .

  16. 基于渗透检测的基本原理和渗透速度的影响因素,研制出一种可在宽温度范围内快速渗透的探伤剂并对渗透剂性能进行了测试。

    Based on the basic principle of penetrant inspection and the influence factors of penetration speed , a quick penetrant has been developed .

  17. 对锅炉管道焊缝液体渗透检测方法、操作程序、缺陷显示及痕迹特征作了简单介绍。

    The liquid penetration method , procedure , defect indication and indication characters of pipe welds in boiler were described simply in this article .

  18. 由于超高压容器一般为锻造的厚壁筒体结构,制造过程中的无损检测以超声检测、磁粉检测和渗透检测为主。

    The primary NDT methods for ultra-high pressure vessel during fabrication are ultrasonic testing , magnetic particle testing and penetrant testing for the structure character .

  19. 铁磁体材料上所有粘附表面,若不能作渗透检测,可采用磁粉检测方法。

    All attachment areas in ferromagnetic materials shall be examined by the magnetic particle technique , if this is not possible by liquid penetrant methods .

  20. 国内外采用射线检测、超声波检测、渗透检测、激光散射等多种方法进行陶瓷球表面缺陷检测研究。

    Many NDE technologies such as radiation , ultrasonic , dye-penetration and laser scatter have been studied for ceramic bearing balls surface inspection around the world .

  21. 介绍了磁粉检测、渗透检测、涡流检测、射线检测和超声波检测技术在焊接裂纹检测中的应用状况。

    The application status of magnetic particle testing , penetrant testing , eddy current testing , radiographic testing and ultrasonic testing in weld crack inspector were introduced .

  22. 从渗透检测原理和规则裂纹渗透深度公式入手。推导出不规则裂纹渗透深度的公式。

    The formulea for penetrating depthes of irregular cracks were derived from the principle of pene-rant inspection and the formulea for the penetrating depthes of regular cracks .

  23. 检测钻具缺陷的常用方法有磁粉探伤、渗透检测、射线检测、超声波检测,都存在不足。

    The common methods of drilling rods testing include magnetic particle inspection , permeability testing , radial testing and ultrasonic testing , but these methods all have considerable deficiencies .

  24. 提出了一个新的网络与信息安全领域的应用技术:网络信息渗透检测技术,适用于国际反恐、应急处理等方面的技术分析。

    This paper presents a new technology of Internet information and content security , network information penetration detection technology ( NIPT ), which applies to analysis support of international anti-terrorism and emergency response .

  25. 在用超高压容器的无损检测以表面检测为主,方法有工业内窥镜检查、磁粉检测、渗透检测、磁记忆检测和涡流检测等。

    The primary NDT methods for ultra-high pressure vessel in service are industrial inner peek-mirror examination , magnetic particle testing , penetrant testing , metal magnetic memory testing , eddy current testing and so on .

  26. 电涡流传感器检测技术是近年来应用较广泛的一种无损检测方法,它同磁粉检测、超声波检测、射线检测和渗透检测统称为五大无损检测技术。

    Eddy-current sensor test technology is a kind of very popular untouched nondestructive test technology developed in last decades , which makes up five major modern nondestructive test technologies together with magnetic particle test , radial test , ultrasonic test and osmosis test .

  27. 介绍了压力容器渗透检测技术,包括渗透检测的适用范围、检测材料、操作要点、可靠性、国内外渗透检测工艺方法标准、标准试块及渗透检测自动化等。

    A review of penetrant testing for pressure vessels was presented , including the special inspecting objects , testing materials , keys of operation , reliability , new procedure standards at home and abroad , standard test block and automation system of penetrant testing and so on .

  28. 方法:对17例无肾病表现的系统性红斑狼疮患者及20例正常人进行尿THP及尿渗透压检测。

    Methods : Urine THP and urine osmatic pressure was tested in 17 SLE patients and 20 normal controls .

  29. 研究过程中首先参考一些文献中的制备方法,用原位合成法初步合成了MFI型分子筛膜,利用XRD、SEM、EDX和渗透汽化检测等表征手段分析了其性能及形态。

    In the course of this study , first , MFI zeolite membranes were prepared by in situ growth method reported in the literature . XRD , SEM , EDX and pervaporation testing were used for characterizing these membranes .

  30. 本文即深入探讨了一个基于网络监听的Session渗透入侵检测系统的设计与实现原理,这部分也是包括原理分析、入侵预防和检测在内的Session安全模型研究的主要内容。

    This paper thoroughly discusses the design and implementation of a typical session penetration IDS based on network spoofing , this section also is the main substance of session 's security model research , which is made up by the analysis , precaution and detection of the invasions .