
  • 网络filtrational resistance
  1. 分析研究了水力深穿透射孔井的产能,研究了不同射孔参数的渗流阻力;

    The productivity of water-jet deep penetrator well and the filtrational resistance of different perforation parameter are researched .

  2. 特低渗油藏渗流阻力梯度的非线性特征

    Nonlinear feature of flow resistance gradient in ultra-low permeability reservoir

  3. 应用等值渗流阻力法建立面积井网水平井产能方程

    Producibility equations of horizontal wells in areal well spacing set up by the equivalent flowing resistance method

  4. 随着注入水不断推进,渗流阻力迅速增加,注入压力升高快,注水量递减快。

    Flow resistance increases , injection pressure rises and water injection rate decreases quickly with continuous water advancement .

  5. 启动压力梯度越大,流体渗流阻力越大,产量越低,因此在实际生产中不可以忽略。

    It should not be ignored during production . The bigger the starting pressure gradient is , the harder the flowing is .

  6. 用等值渗流阻力法解决了这个难题,建立了裂缝性低渗透油藏稳态渗流的理论模型。

    Using the steady-state productivity equation , a conventional method , is difficult to theoretically deal with the randomly dispersed natural fractures .

  7. 低渗油藏的主要特征是具有小孔隙、细喉道、高渗流阻力和低吸水能力。

    The main characteristics of low permeability reservoir are small reservoir pore , fine throat , high seepage resistance and low water intake capacity .

  8. 聚合物溶液的粘弹性越大,其在地层孔隙中的渗流阻力越大,弹性效应在增高注入压力中所占的份额也越大。

    The larger viscoelasticity of polymer solution , the higher percolation resistance , and the greater of proportion of high injection pressure arising from elastic effect .

  9. 与水驱相比,微生物驱油可降低启动压力梯度,降低渗流阻力,扩大有效驱动距离。

    The experiments show that microbe solution flooding can decrease the threshold pressure gradient , lessen the flow resistance , and extend the effective drainage distance .

  10. 低渗透油藏的主要特点是储层孔隙小、喉道细、渗流阻力大,油井产油能力和吸水能力都非常低。

    Low permeable reservoir is mainly featured by small reservoir pore , fine throat , high filtration resistance , low oil productivity and low water absorbing capacity .

  11. 运用保角变换和等值渗流阻力推得分支水平井(有公共点或没有公共点)产能公式。

    The productivity formulas of branch horizontal wells which have or not have common joint are derived by applying conformal transformation and isopleth map of percolation resistance force .

  12. 在压裂气井中,低粘气体在高导流支撑裂缝中的渗流阻力降低,渗流速度加快,气体渗流入井的流动由达西流变为非达西流。

    The resistance to flow of low viscosity gas in fractured wells with high conductivity fractures decreases and flow velocity rapidly increases , non-darcy flow near wellborn occurs .

  13. 根据等值渗流阻力法原理,采用电路分析方法,研究了水平井和分支水平井与直井混合井网条件下的产能公式。

    According to the law of equivalent percolation resistance , the productivities of mixed well patterns of horizontal well or multilateral horizontal well with vertical well are studied .

  14. 但有时由于油气藏的渗透率极低、渗流阻力大、连通性差的原因,有时水平井的单井产量也很低,满足不了经济开发的要求。

    Sometimes due to the low permeability , large seepage resistance , low connectivity in the low permeability reservoir , the production of the horizontal well is still low .

  15. 当注水温度在析蜡温度以下,原油中的蜡晶析出,堵塞孔隙介质通道,渗流阻力增大,注入井井底压力下不去,注入速度上不来,导致油藏吸水能力低;

    When the temperature is below wax-melting point , wax will precipitate from the crude oil , which will block the path of pore medium resulting in increase of flow resistance .

  16. 根据等值渗流阻力方法和水平井产能计算公式推导了鱼骨型水平井产能计算公式。

    With equivalent flow resistance method and on the base of the productivity formulae of a horizontal well , a new productivity formula of a fishbone well was derived in the paper .

  17. 压汞实验表明,扶杨储层以中、小孔隙和中、细喉道组合的孔隙系统为主,储层孔隙度和渗透率低,渗流阻力大。

    Mercury injection experiments show that pore system of FuYang formation is mainly consisted of smaller pore and narrow throat , the porosity and permeability is low , and the flow resistance is great .

  18. 黏弹性流体在变截面孔隙中的高局部压力损失是导致其在多孔介质中渗流阻力异常高的重要原因之一。

    The high local pressure loss arising from the flow through pore with non-uniform cross section is one of the main reasons of unexpected high flow resistance of viscoelastic fluid percolating through porous media .

  19. 压裂技术可以通过创建人工裂缝,增大井筒周围的渗透率,降低渗流阻力,增大渗流速度,提高效益。

    The hydraulic fracturing technique can increase the permeability around the wellbore , decrease the flow resistance , and raise seepage velocity . In general case , hydraulic fracturing technique is able to increase benefit .

  20. 实验表明高含蜡、含胶质、沥青质原油具有结构力学性质,为非牛顿流体,这种流体易形成胶凝结构,渗流阻力更大。

    The experiments results show oil with high paraffin and colloidal - matter content exhibits characteristics of structural mechanics , the oil is a non-Newtonian fluid that can become a jelling structure easily , which increase flow resistance .

  21. 注水过程中由于注入水向地层推进,在储层内会发生物理的或化学的反应,从而导致储层中流体渗流阻力增加和渗透率下降,造成地层污染。

    In the process of waterflooding , there may occur physical or chemical reaction between the injected water and reservoir porous media , which would result in the increase of fluid flow resistance and the reduction of reservoir permeability .

  22. 低渗透油藏由于岩性致密、渗透率低、渗流阻力大,开发难度较大,对储层损害十分敏感,这已成为制约低渗透油藏开发的瓶颈。

    Because of compacting lithology , low permeability and high flow resistance , low permeability oil fields are sensitive to formation damage and very difficult to exploit , it has become choke point that restrict the exploitation of low permeability oil fields .

  23. 三元体系在模型内的吸附、滞留、乳化等作用下使渗流阻力增大,压力上升,流动转向,提高了地层的整体压力,并且在井附近出现显著的压力降漏斗。

    The seepage resistance increases , pressure goes up , flow direction changes under the conditions of adsorption , retention and emulsification in the 3D model , by which the overall formation pressure is raised and obvious pressure drop is taken place near the well .

  24. 低渗透油藏的主要特征是:储层物性差、渗透率低,油水赖以流动的通道细小,流体的渗流阻力很大,液-固界面和液-液界面的相互作用力比较显著。

    The main characteristics of low permeable reservoir are as follows : bad reservoir physical property , low permeability , narrow channel which oil and water pass by , very strong percolation flow resistance force , the notable interaction force between liquid-solid interface and liquid-liquid interface .

  25. 针对计算黏弹性流体在多孔介质中的渗流阻力特性时,存在较大偏差的问题,考虑聚合物溶液黏弹性、吸附效应及注入液流变参数变化等因素,建立了黏弹性聚合物溶液不稳定渗流模型。

    Because large deviation occurs when the flow resistance behavior of visco-elastic fluids is calculated , with the consideration of the visco-elasticity , the adsorption effect and the variation of rheological parameters of polymer solutions , the seepage flow model of visco-elastic polymer solutions is established .

  26. 实验研究了外加直流电场作用下水驱油藏多孔介质中的流体渗流速度、阻力系数、储层渗透率及原油采收率的变化特性。

    The variation of seepage velocity , resistance coefficient , reservoir permeability and oil recovery in porous media of water-drive reservoir in direct current ( DC ) electric field are studied in detail .

  27. 由于沉贯阻力公式是应力方程的主要参数,本文重新研究了筒型基础的沉贯阻力公式,在考虑了渗流软化对阻力的影响的基础上,对沉贯阻力公式进行了修正。

    The penetration resistance formula of bucket foundation is studied again in the paper and influence on resistance caused by soil seepage softening is analyzed , for the formula is the main part of stress equations .

  28. 水力压裂能压开多条裂缝,更加有效的增加油气渗流通道,减小近井地带的渗流阻力,提高采气速度和采收率。

    Hydraulic fracture can produce several fractures to raise effectively flowing channels of oil and gas , decrease seepage resistance of near-well-bore and enhance the rate of recovery .

  29. 为了有效地改善油气层的渗流条件,为流体提供很好的渗流通道,降低流体渗流阻力,大幅度提高油、气、水井的产液、产气量或吸水能力。

    In order to effectively improve seepage condition of oil and gas reservior , provide a good seepage channel for fluid , lower flow resistance of the fluid and greatly improve the oil , gas , water wells in the liquid , gas production or water absorption capability .