
  1. 中东在国际天然气市场地位的提高对中国能源安全具有重要意义,开展与中东国家的天然气合作可以成为中国与中东国家关系的新增长点。

    The improving status of Middle East in the international natural gas has important meaning to the safety of Chinese energy , to develop the cooperation in the natural gas region might be the new point of the relationship between China and the Middle East Countries .

  2. 目前,那些希望通过复制在美国的成功、进入国际页岩天然气市场的能源公司,大多都将重点放在欧洲。

    At the moment , most energy companies wanting to enter the international shale gas industry by repeating the success of the boom in the US , are focusing on Europe .

  3. 随着经济发展的国际化,国际市场格局和竞争状况对区域经济的影响越来越大,贵州燃气企业的发展同样受到国际天然气市场发展状况的的影响。

    As the economic development internationalizes , the international market structure and the competition the influence to regional economy will be bigger .