
  • 网络International Financial Market Integration
  1. 国际金融市场一体化是一把双刃剑,获得收益的同时还伴随着风险。

    International financial market integration generate enormous benefits to all of its participants and bring severe risks at the same time .

  2. 第二章金融全球化的主要表现及特征分析了当前国际金融市场一体化发展的最新趋势和表现,揭示了金融全球化的主要特征。

    This chapter analyzes the latest trends and phenomenon of current financial globalization , reveals its main characteristics .

  3. 随着世界经济、金融的开放程度日益提高,国际金融市场一体化程度逐渐加深,外汇市场和股票市场之间的联系正在不断加强。

    As the world economy and financial openness increasing , the integration of the international financial market gradual deepening , the correlation between the stock market and foreign exchange market is strengthening .

  4. 经济全球化和国际金融市场的一体化需要一套适合在世界范围内使用且高质量的会计准则。

    The globalization of world economy and the integration of international financial markets need a set of high quality accounting principles fit for and applicable to the scope of the whole world .