
  • 网络Trommel;trommel screen;rotary screen
  1. 介绍了垃圾中转站滚筒筛的功能,研究了三维实体建模的作用,使用Pro/E建立了滚筒筛的三维实体模型,探索了虚拟建模和动态仿真技术在机械设计中的应用方法,实现了预定目标。

    The function of the trommel screen and 3D modeling are introduced in this paper , The model of the trommel screen is set up based on Pro / Engineer with good visualization .

  2. 垃圾滚筒筛是一种城市生活垃圾分选机械。

    The drum screen is a sorting machine for urban garbage .

  3. 滚筒筛一种圆筒形的可旋转的筛,用于岩石和矿石的筛分或大小测量

    A revolving cylindrical sieve used for screening or sizing rock and ore. common impression cylinder press

  4. 设有固定格筛料仓、振动筛或滚筒筛,配合强力磁选机,每小时处理原料60-200吨。

    Equipped with fixed lattice sieve bunker , vibrating screen , with powerful or roller per hour separators , 60-200 tons of raw material processing .

  5. 本文介绍了垃圾滚筒筛的类型、传动型式、驱动方式、结构和工作原理,并对垃圾在滚筒中的运动进行了分析,论述了滚筒筛的设计计算方法。

    The types , drive modes , construction and operating principle of the drum screen are described in this article . The movement of garbage in the drum is analyzed and the design and calculation methods are discussed .

  6. 旋转滚筒振动筛的研制

    Development of rotary drum shale shaker