
  • 网络foreign exchange quota
  1. 外贸企业自有外汇额度核算和管理的探讨对物流成本会计核算和管理问题的思考

    An Inquiry into the Accounting and Management of Equity Foreign Exchange Quota Allotted Foreign Trade Enterprises On Logistics Cost Accounting and Management

  2. 但在现行外贸会计制度下,企业结存外汇额度的价值却不能反映在盈亏总额内,从而增加企业财会报表上盈亏的不真实性。

    Under the current foreign trade accounting system , however , the total profit and loss does not reflect the foreign exchange quota value settled by foreign trade enterprises , and this only increases the unrealness of the profit and loss recorded on financial statements of enterprises .

  3. 中国银行业为了确保财务健全性而强化投入保有外汇额度,为应对人民币汇率变动而加强风险管理,并为改善银行管理结构积极引进外国金融资本。

    Chinese banks are working toward enhancing their financial strength by implementing more structured risk management strategies in order to prepare for exchange rate changes and related foreign exchange market intervention using Foreign Currency Reserve , and by actively attracting foreign financial capital .

  4. 现在,英国只需要一池深厚的人民币储备,向中国人民银行争取到慷慨的外汇掉期额度,一张诱人的人民币证券的列表,以及一个易于销售,引人注目且具有地方特色的名字。

    Now all it needs is a deep pool of yuan deposits , a generous swap line with the PBOC , an enticing menu of yuan securities , and a catchy , local name with which to market them .

  5. 第十条申请人在取得证券投资业务许可证后,应当通过托管人向国家外汇局申请投资额度。

    Article 10 . Applicants shall apply to the SAFE through their custodians for investment quotas after obtaining the Securities Investment Licences .

  6. 此外,韩国还可以动用与美国达成的300亿美元外汇掉期协议中剩余的130亿美元额度,以及与日本央行达成的200亿美元外汇掉期额度。

    On top of that , Korea can call on $ 13bn remaining from a $ 30bn US swap line and a further $ 20bn agreed with the Bank of Japan .