
wài guó
  • foreign country
外国 [wài guó]
  • [foreign country] 本国以外的国家

外国[wài guó]
  1. 她不知道外国的生活会是什么样。

    She didn 't know what life in a foreign country would be like .

  2. 这是外国,与圣何塞很不一样。

    This was a foreign country , so unlike San Jose

  3. 面对廉价的外国进口商品,经营规模小的商人无法与之抗衡。

    Small traders cannot compete in the face of cheap foreign imports .

  4. 她把利润偷偷存在外国银行的账户上。

    She salted away the profits in foreign bank accounts .

  5. 凡是外国的东西,她都打心眼儿里讨厌。

    She had a visceral dislike of all things foreign .

  6. 许多外国货都太贵,与一般美国人的财力不符。

    Many foreign goods are too expensive for American pocketbooks .

  7. 额外的1000万英镑外国援助款项已得到保证。

    An extra £ 10 million in foreign aid has been promised .

  8. 酒店里住的大多是外国游客。

    The people in the hotel were mainly foreign tourists .

  9. 这个国家欠外国债权人数十亿元。

    The country owes billions of dollars to foreign creditors .

  10. 汤姆是我们自己的外国电影专家。

    Tom 's our resident expert on foreign movies .

  11. 这所大学为外国学生开设暑期课程。

    The college runs summer courses for foreign students .

  12. 中国对外国干涉正式提出了抗议。

    China has registered a protest over foreign intervention .

  13. 外国客人使这个场合显出一种真正国际性的气氛。

    Foreign visitors help to give a truly international flavour to the occasion .

  14. 她被继续囚禁在一所外国的监狱里。

    She continues to languish in a foreign prison .

  15. 外国汽车充斥市场。

    The market has been glutted with foreign cars .

  16. 一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。

    Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels .

  17. 有人告发他是外国间谍。

    He was denounced as a foreign spy .

  18. 一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。

    Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms .

  19. 他不会讲这种外国话。

    He doesn 't speak the lingo .

  20. 外国记者被驱逐出境。

    Foreign journalists are being expelled .

  21. 要是新机场开始修建,外国公司都会来插一手捞好处。

    Foreign firms will all want a piece of the action if the new airport goes ahead .

  22. 该国得不到任何外国贷款或经济援助。

    The country has no access to foreign loans or financial aid

  23. 外国银行账户不在英国警方的管辖权限之内。

    The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts .

  24. 现在大使馆里所有的外国和当地工作人员都清空了。

    The Embassy is now denuded of all foreign and local staff

  25. 他们为外国企业提供种种优厚条件,以吸引这些企业到他们所在的州投资。

    They offer every inducement to foreign businesses to invest in their states

  26. 他们总是抱怨“不公平的”外国竞争。

    They are always bleating about ' unfair ' foreign competition

  27. 每年有900万外国游客来伦敦观光。

    Every year nine million overseas visitors come to London .

  28. 相互争斗的军阀及外国列强们正在争夺政治上的收益。

    Competing warlords and foreign powers scrambled for political spoils .

  29. 最上层的抽屉装着各式各样的外国硬币和钞票。

    The top drawer held a miscellany of foreign coins and banknotes .

  30. 该国领导将5名外国记者驱逐出境。

    The country 's leaders kicked five foreign journalists out of the country