
  • 网络Foreign Exchange Reserves Management;foreign reserve management
  1. 因此,改变原有的单一的外汇储备管理投资模式,进行外汇储备多元化改革是我国的必然选择。

    Therefore , changing the original single mode of foreign exchange reserves management to exploit a multi-level management of foreign exchange reserve is an inevitable choice for China .

  2. 借鉴英国、美国、新加坡和欧元区外汇储备管理的经验,我国在外汇储备管理体制方面也应该有所转变和完善,实施积极的外汇储备管理体制,加强外汇储备风险管理。

    Moreover , we should perfect the foreign exchange reserves management system and the risk management by using experience of other countries for reference .

  3. 但世界各地的外汇储备管理者都是保守、独立的人士,他们不大可能会将自己评估一种货币是否具有流动性和可信度的任务外包给IMF的一项受政治影响的程序。

    But reserves managers around the world are conservative and independent characters , and are unlikely to outsource their assessment of what constitutes a liquid and reliable currency to a politically influenced process at the IMF .

  4. 央行曾提议,央行下属的外汇储备管理机构&国家外汇管理局(SAFE)要么作为中投的股东直接投资,要么委托中投代表其管理一部分外汇储备。

    The central bank had proposed that the State Administration of Foreign Exchange , an agency under the central bank that manages the forex reserves , either invest directly as a shareholder in CIC or hand CIC a mandate to manage a certain amount of reserves on its behalf .

  5. 其次,七国集团(g7)所有国家的央行如今都把利率设定在接近于零的水平,降低了外汇储备管理人通过将储备分散至其它外汇来提高投资组合回报的动机。

    Second , the incentive for reserve managers to diversify into other foreign currencies to increase portfolio returns is mitigated by all the G7 central banks now setting interest rates close to zero .

  6. 国际储备适度规模与对外经贸政策调整国际外汇储备管理的启示

    KEEPING AN APPROPRIATE INTERNATIONAL RESERVE International Experience on Forex Reserve Management

  7. 外汇储备管理效益问题研究

    A Research on the Efficiency of Foreign Exchange Reserve Management

  8. 新加坡外汇储备管理模式研究及其借鉴

    Study on Singapore 's Foreign Exchange Reserve Management Model and Its Experience

  9. 将动态分析方法引进外汇储备管理。

    Introducing dynamic analysis methods into the management of foreign exchange reserves .

  10. 新形势下中国外汇储备管理新思维初探

    On Neo-Management Conception of China 's Foreign Exchange Reserve

  11. 货币错配、外汇储备管理与汇率制度选择

    Analysis of Currency Mismatch , Foreign Exchange Reserve Management and Exchange Rate System Selection

  12. 这难道就是我们希望外汇储备管理者所做的事情吗?

    Is that what we want the managers of our money to be doing ?

  13. 外汇储备管理体系的国际比较及对我国的借鉴

    Comparison of international management systems for foreign exchange reserves and its enlightenment on China

  14. 主权财富基金、外汇储备管理与货币政策有效性

    On the Sovereign Wealth Funds , Foreign Exchange Reserve Management and Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

  15. 外汇储备管理人会把自己的美元储藏起来,以防本国货币遇到投机性攻击。

    Reserve managers will hoard their dollars in case their domestic currencies come under speculative attack .

  16. 国际外汇储备管理的启示

    International Experience on Forex Reserve Management

  17. 外汇储备管理众生相

    Forex Reserve Management in Several Economies

  18. 第六章为外汇储备管理部分。

    The sixth chapter is about the management of foreign exchange reserve with several feasible proposals .

  19. 同时,就外汇储备管理的治理结构、透明度和外部监管问题提出政策建议。

    I give some advices on FX management , governance structure , transparency and external supervision mechanism .

  20. 外汇储备管理的多层次需求分析框架&挪威、新加坡的经验及其对中国的借鉴

    Multi-level demand management framework of foreign exchange reserves : experiences of Norway and Singapore and their meaning for China

  21. 但阿里表示,亚洲国家需要警惕更为积极的外汇储备管理所涉及到的风险。

    But Mr Ali said Asian countries needed to be aware of risks involved in more aggressive reserve management .

  22. 推高中国对外直接投资流的,不仅仅是外汇储备管理问题。

    It is not only the problem of reserves management that will drive higher foreign direct investment flows from China .

  23. 外汇储备管理问题一直以来都是国内外学术界十分关注和着力研究的热点和前沿问题。

    Foreign exchange reserve management problem has always been the research hotspot and frontier problem in domestic and foreign academic circles .

  24. 欧元或许可以作为外汇储备管理方面现实战胜象征意义的一个例子,这一点人们可能不曾料到。

    As it happens , perhaps unexpectedly , the euro may serve as an example of reserves management reality overcoming symbolism .

  25. 主权财富基金运作和我国外汇储备管理创新我国主权财富基金的投资方向选择问题&基于国家利益原则的战略视角

    Research on the Investment Direction Choice of China 's Sovereign Wealth Fund & Strategic Perspective Based on the Principle of National Interests

  26. 这种状况促使追求赢利的外汇储备管理者也加入到追寻收益率的行列中,就像私人投资者出于同样目的涉足更有风险的投资一样。

    This pushes profit-seeking reserve managers into the same ' hunt for yield ' that 's driving private investors into ever-riskier investments .

  27. 但是,我国外汇储备管理行为还很不规范,缺乏相应的法律规定。

    However , Chinese exchange management conducts are not in a regular way , because there are lacking the relevant laws in China .

  28. 国外旅游危机管理及其对我们的启示次贷危机后的中国外汇储备管理策略

    Foreign Tourism Crisis Management and Enlightenment to Us China 's Foreign Exchange Reserve Management In Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis : Risk 、 Reason and Countermeasures

  29. 第二部分为各国外汇储备管理的经验与教训。主要介绍了一些国家在外汇储备管理上的一些先进的经验,同时也介绍了一些国家在外汇管理上曾经出现的一些教训。

    The second chapter introduces some advanced management experiences at foreign exchange reserve management of some countries ; and also tells some lessons of some countries .

  30. 我国微观经济体汇率风险意识不强,抗风险能力弱,外汇储备管理等一系列问题随之凸显出来。

    Our micro-economies ' exchange rate risk awareness is not strong , anti-risk ability is also weak , reserve management and some other issues stand out .