
wài huì zhǐ dìnɡ yín hánɡ
  • Designated foreign exchange bank;designated forex bank;authorized forex bank
  1. 外汇指定银行可按议定汇率,对客户买卖外汇。

    Designated forex banks could deal with their clients at an agreed rate .

  2. 当前山东省外汇指定银行贸易融资状况分析及对策选择

    Analysis on the Development of Trade Finance of Designated Foreign Exchange Banks in Shandong Province

  3. 请各外汇指定银行按照相关要求进行备案申请。

    All the designated foreign exchange banks shall apply for lodgment in accordance with the relevant requirements .

  4. 卖给外汇指定银行的,须经外汇管理机关批准。

    These receipts can be sold to the designated foreign exchange banks upon the approval by the exchange control agencies .

  5. 人民币贷款行仅限于境内中资外汇指定银行总行,以及经其授权的分支行。

    RMB lending banks are only confined to headquarters of domestic designated China-funded foreign exchange banks and their authorized branches and sub-branches .

  6. 如果注册会计师直接到外汇指定银行询证,外汇指定银行应当在当日予以回复。

    If the certified accountant directly goes to the designated foreign exchange bank for inquiry , the bank shall make the reply on that exact day .

  7. 外汇指定银行可以为毗邻国家与我国边贸企业之间进行边境贸易的企业或者其他贸易机构开立可兑换货币结算帐户或者人民币结算帐户办理边境贸易结算。

    The designated foreign banks may open convertible currency settlement accounts or RMB settlement accounts for the enterprises or other business institutions of neighboring countries engaged in border trade with the border trade enterprises of our country .

  8. 32.中国代表进一步指出,自1994年1月1日起,外汇指定银行成为外汇交易的主体。(六)具备外汇指定银行资格和经营人民币业务资格;

    32 . The representative of China further noted that since 1 January 1994 , designated forex banks had become major participants in forex transactions . ( 6 ) No material breach of foreign exchange regulations for the recent three years .

  9. 外汇指定银行自身涉外收入和对外款无需进行国际收支统计间接申报,但须进行金融机构境外资产、负债及损益申报。

    As for its own foreign-related revenues and foreign payment , the authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange need not make indirect reports of statistics of balance of payments , but shall make the reports of overseas assets , liabilities , profits and losses of financial institution .

  10. 外资企业应当在中国银行或者国家外汇管理机关指定的银行开户。

    Enterprises with foreign capital shall open an account with the Bank of China or with a Bank designated by the state agency exercising foreign exchange control .

  11. 属于中方投资者所有的外汇,应当全部卖给外汇指定银行。

    All the foreign exchange belonging to the Chinese counterpart investors shall be sold to the designated foreign exchange banks .

  12. 结汇是指外汇收入所有者将其外汇收入出售给外汇指定银行,外汇指定银行按一定汇率付给等值的本币的行为。

    Settlement of exchange is to show foreign currency income is possessory its foreign currency income sells foreign currency nominated bank , foreign currency nominated bank pays by fixed exchange rate equivalent the behavior of this money .