
wài jiāo xìn shǐ
  • diplomatic courier
  1. 第十一条外交信使必须持有派遣国主管机关出具的信使证明书。

    The diplomatic courier shall be provided with a courier certificate issued by the competent authorities of the sending State .

  2. 外交信使作为特殊的外交人员,其职责在于保证外交邮袋在传递过程中的机密和安全。

    As a kind of " special diplomat " , the diplomatic courier bears the responsibility of ensuring the confidentiality and security of the diplomatic bag .

  3. 枪支放在外交信使袋中偷运入大使馆。

    The guns were smuggled into the Embassy in the diplomatic bag .

  4. 通讯可以采用一切适当方法,包括外交信使或者领事信使、外交邮袋或者领事邮袋和明码、密码电信在内。

    In so doing , it may employ all appropriate means , including diplomatic couriers or consular couriers , diplomatic bag or consular bag , and messages in code or cipher .