
  1. 参军或者出国定居的;

    They join the Army or go abroad for settlement ;

  2. 出国、出境定居的职工提取住房公积金应提供哪些要件?

    Go abroad , leave the country what important document should accumulation fund of resident worker extraction housing offer ?

  3. 六十年代旅外作家和八、九十年代新移民作家是二十世纪继五四时期大规模的留学浪潮之后两个大的移民作家群体,与五四时期的前辈们不同,他们出国后大都定居国外。

    The Authors Traveling Abroad in the 1950s and 1960s and the New Emigrant Authors in the 1980s and 1990s are two big writer groups in the 20th century except the writers who were studies abroad in the May fourth Movement period .