
chū kǒu dān wèi
  • exporter
  1. “出口单位”是指经商务主管部门或其授权机关批准或登记,具有对外贸易经营权的所有单位。

    " Exporters " refers to all the entities that have been approved or registered by the commerce authorities or the organs authorized thereby and that have the power of foreign trade management .

  2. 联合国出口制成品单位价值指数

    United Nations index of unit value of manufactured export goods

  3. 产品畅销日韩,多次被评为出口创汇先进单位。

    Product best-selling Japan and South Korea have repeatedly been rated as advanced units of export .

  4. 主要研究结果如下:利用建立的三维传热模型模拟了土壤源热泵在连续运行48小时工况下的U型地埋管换热器的出口温度、单位井深换热量进行了数值模拟。

    The major work and conclusions are as follows : Simulation of the temperature the outlet temperature of circulating fluid in U-tube ground heat exchangers , the heat exchange unit of borehole depth based on the platform under operating continuously for 48 hours conditions .

  5. 研究了出口流量与宽度的关系,结果表明出口单位流量不是常数,与人员密度和疏散秩序密切相关。

    The relationship between exit flow and width is studied . It is found that the unit flow of exits is not a constant and has a close tie with crowd density and evacuation order .