
  1. 为了面对这种挑战,制定出都能使用的通用对象模型语言,统一建模语言(UML)。

    In order to face challenge , we should work out available common object model language , which is Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) .

  2. 你的生父出都没出现。

    Your father never showed up .

  3. 这确保来自源控件的所有新签出都包含成功构建所需的自定义内容。

    This ensures that every fresh checkout from source control contains all of the customizations needed for a successful build .

  4. 公元前238年,吕不韦涉嫌反叛年轻的秦王于是被驱逐出都。

    Implicated in a revolt against the boy emperor in 238 B. C. , L ü was banished from the capital .

  5. 他听别的钱说,他们是法国的,是意大利的;一个说他们现在在这个城市,另外一个说,他们在那个城市;可是这枚银毫子却想像不出都是些甚么地方。

    He had found out that the other coins were French and Italian ; and one coin said they were in this town , and another said they were in that , but the shilling was unable to make out or imagine what they meant .

  6. 但是随着城市化、工业化的快速发展,以及生态退耕、农作物结构调整、自然因素等原因,耕地面积和耕地产出都出现波动性的变化,对我国的粮食安全产生重要的影响。

    But with the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization , and the reasons such as ecological restoration , agricultural structure adjustment , natural factors , The area and output of cultivated land has changes volatility , and have an important affect on the national food security .

  7. 我们以10-1领先,我被评为最有价值的球员,但我经常做疯狂的梦,在梦里,米勒出车祸都是我的错。

    We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player , but I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller 's accident .

  8. 每次旧电脑出故障都需要进行安全处理。

    Every time an old computer breaks down , it needs to be dealt with safely .

  9. 入流和出流都是重连所必需的。测量喷气Z箍缩负载的气流马赫数

    Both of the inflow and the outflow were necessary for the reconnection . Mach number measurement of the gas flow from the supersonic nozzle in gas-puff Z-pinch

  10. 30min时的溶出度都超过中国药典2000版规定的标示量的80%。

    The dissolution of all kinds of cefaclor capsules at 30 min was superior to the criteria set by the Chinese Pharmacopeia ( Edition 2000 ) .

  11. 他能点出我们都爱吃的菜,这尤其让我印象深刻。

    His ability to order food we both like impressed me .

  12. 在他看来,整个这出闹剧都是不必要的。

    The whole caper was unnecessary , in his view .

  13. 他几乎整出戏都在台上。

    He was on stage for most of the play .

  14. 这时城里人倾城而出,都去了夏季的度假屋。

    Cities empty , and people head to summerhouses .

  15. 我公司会尽力制定出双方都有利的条款。

    We will try to work out terms and conditions to our mutual benefit .

  16. 那些剥落的、褪色的烫金字母,拼出的都是哈利无法理解的单词。

    Their peeling , faded gold letters spelled words in languages Harry couldn 't understand .

  17. 显然的,同性家长养的小孩也是同性恋,因为异性恋家长养出的都是异性恋。

    Obviously gay parents will raise gay children , since straight parents only raise straight children .

  18. 在欧洲、联赛和杯赛上出成绩都要本钱的。

    Playing in Europe as well as the league and the FA Cup taxes your resources .

  19. 两出戏都有趣极了。

    Both plays are wonderfully funny .

  20. 我能够觉察出他们都很紧张,而且用怀疑的眼光上下打量着我。

    I could see that they were all very nervous , eyeing me up and down distrustfully .

  21. 毕竟,他的一生中,大多出时间都用来收房租。

    He was , after all , for most of his working life , a rent collector .

  22. 电极导线在所有心脏静脉的拔出力量都大于右室心尖部(P<0.05)。

    The forces for all leads withdrawn from various cardiac veins were bigger than that from right ventricular apex .

  23. 古文论研究中每一新步的跨出,都有一股新的社会思潮的发动为之撑柱。

    When look through the history of ancient Chinese literary theories study , each new step is promoted by an new ideological trend .

  24. 但如果你一开始就想着职业,那你只能拍出自己都不在乎的劣质图片。

    But if you try to make the career first , you will just make shitty pictures that you don 't care about .

  25. 克林顿国务卿称这次会谈为“认真的深入讨论”,它反映出两国都感到这些问题的紧迫性。

    Secretary Clinton called the talks " serious in depth discussions " that reflected the urgency of the issues before the two countries .

  26. 烧结合金金相组织主要是马氏体组织,但组织中存在大量孔隙,因此表现出强度都很低。

    There are a large amount of pores in the sintering alloy tissue having mainly martensitic structure , which explains the very low intensity .

  27. 他们花了大半个钟头把不可能变成了可能,又用一个钟头拟出双双都同意的条款。

    It took the better part of an hour before the impossible became possible , and another hour before they could agree on terms .

  28. 他很有创造力,拿球出球都很不错,所以他应该为自己高兴。

    He was inventive , he received it well and his movement off the ball was good as well , so he can be very pleased .

  29. 大多数企业出问题都是因为在创业初步成功之后不知道如何整合资源,没能越过从“赚钱”到“办企业”这个“坎”。

    Problems appear in some businesses and the reasons lie in improper conformity of resources and disability to span from earning money to running a business .

  30. 身上没毛,惹出的都是滔天大祸,能做到的事情远不止拿点东西那么简单&K9是最理想的宠物吗?

    With no hair , no danger of little accidents , and a mind capable of doing far more than fetch , is K9 the perfect pet ?