
  • 网络Export trading company;ETC
  1. 本人曾经前后五年受雇于一家出口贸易公司。

    I have been for over five years in the employ of an exporting company .

  2. 欢迎各出口贸易公司、礼品公司、皮具制品公司、文具用品公司等客户前来洽谈合作!

    Welcome each export trade company , gift company , leather products company , stationery company to negotiate and cooperate .

  3. 产品远销东欧、中东、非州等国家,并与客户建立了长期稳定的合作关系。热诚欢迎广大出口贸易公司客户来我厂参观考察,来函来电咨询订购。

    We warmly welcomes guests from all over the world come to visit our factory , for further information , pls contact us without hesitation , our sales representative will get back to you ASAP .

  4. 我公司是一家专门从事机械出口的贸易公司。

    I is a company specialized in machinery export trading company .

  5. 敝公司愿做贵公司的代理,办理贵公司对欧洲的出口贸易。保险公司愿为你的房屋保火险。

    We 'd like to be your agent handing your export trade with Europe . An insurance company will insure your house against fire .

  6. 证据显示出口公司在培训方面支付投资的越多,会比不选择出口贸易的公司更注重健康和安全问题,这适用于所有规模的公司。

    There is good evidence that companies which export pay more , invest more in training and are more aware of health and safety issues than those companies who choose not to trade overseas . And this applies whatever the size of company .