
  • 网络Berchem;Theodor Berchem
  1. 巴克莱财富英国关键客户与家族理财室主管克里斯蒂安•贝尔赫姆(ChristianBerchem)表示,企业家会移居到有利于他们企业下一步发展的地方。

    Christian Berchem , head of UK key clients and family offices for Barclays Wealth , said entrepreneurs will go where the next step for their businesses takes them .

  2. 巴克莱财富英国关键客户与家族理财室主管克里斯蒂安•贝尔赫姆(ChristianBerchem)表示,企业家“会移居到有利于他们企业下一步发展的地方”。

    Christian Berchem , head of UK key clients and family offices for Barclays Wealth , said entrepreneurs " will go where the next step for their businesses takes them . "

  3. 贝尔赫姆表示:很多受访的企业家正考虑向其他说英语的国家进行海外扩张,例如美国和澳大利亚;另一些企业家则在设法进入亚洲和拉美的更新的、尚未开发的市场。

    A number of entrepreneurs we have spoken to are looking towards overseas expansion to other English-speaking markets , such as the US and Australia , while others are researching ways to gain access to newer , untapped markets in Asia and Latin America , said Mr Berchem .