
  • 网络bainite transformation;Bainitic transformation
  1. 含Si钢下贝氏体转变初期碳原子的调幅分解

    Spinodal decomposition of carbon at initial stage of lower bainite transformation in a Si-containing steel

  2. 钢中贝氏体转变的开始温度Bs与转变驱动力

    Bs Temperature and Driving Force of Bainite Transformation in Steels

  3. 高速钢中贝氏体转变的TEM观察

    TEM observation of bainite trans-formation in a high speed steel

  4. 含Si,Mn的Fe-C合金贝氏体转变

    The bainite transformation in Fe-C alloy containing Si and Mn

  5. Si,Mn对Fe-C合金贝氏体转变动力学的影响

    The effects of Si and Mn on kinetics of bainite transformation in Fe-C alloy

  6. 探讨了CuZnSn合金在淬火马氏体态经形变后,在逆相变过程中的贝氏体转变机机制。

    The mechanism of the Bainite transformation during inverse phasetransition process for the quenching martensite state after deformation in Cu-Zn-Sn alloys is investigated .

  7. Fe-C合金贝氏体转变初期的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic analysis of bainitic transformation in Fe-C alloys initial stage

  8. Fe-Ni合金预贝氏体转变的研究

    Study on Pre-bainitic Transformation in Fe-Ni Alloy

  9. 结果表明:等温淬火后Ar的C曲线上支对应上(或反)贝氏体转变,下支对应下贝氏体或等温马氏体转变;

    The results show that : the upper branch of TTT curve of Ar corresponds the upper ( or inverse ) bainite reaction and the lower branch corresponds the transformation of lower bainite or isothermal martensite ;

  10. 改变Cr-Mn-Mo-B钢冷却速度对其贝氏体转变动力学的影响

    The kinetic effects of changing cooling rate on the bainite transformation of Cr-Mn-Mo-B steel

  11. 贝氏体转变的鼻点温度为350℃,孕育期为100s。

    And the " nose point " of the temperature for bainite transformation is 350 ℃ with 100 s incubation period .

  12. 在热模拟试验机上采用膨胀法并结合金相组织观察,测定了含钼和不含钼的试验钢贝氏体转变CCT曲线。

    The CCT curve of the bainite transformation of the Mo bearing and Mo free trial steel has been measured and the metallographic structure of the steels observed by expansion method in a thermo-simulation machine .

  13. 低碳Mn-Nb-V和Mn-Mo-Nb-V钢中的贝氏体转变

    Bainitic transformation in low carbon mn-nb-v and mn-mo-nb-v steels

  14. 本文通过Fe-C-Mo合金中温转变动力学研究,查证了贝氏体转变不完全现象并不是普遍规律。

    In the present paper ," the incomplete phenomenon is not general " has been verified through the investigation on intermediate transformation kinetics in a low carbon Fe-C-Mo alloy .

  15. 高强度钢在马氏体点以下的贝氏体转变

    The transformation of high-strength steel below the martenite starting transformation temperature

  16. 80钢丝在贝氏体转变后强韧化的研究

    Study on Hardening and Toughing of 80 Steel Wire After Bainite Transformation

  17. 借助于图像分析仪分析了下贝氏体转变动力学。

    The transformation kinetics of lower bainite was investigated with an image-analyzer .

  18. 低合金高强度钢热形变奥氏体的贝氏体转变

    Bainite transformation from hot deformed austenite in HSLA steels

  19. 贝氏体转变孕育期及初期的类调幅分解

    Spinodal-Like Decomposition During the Incubation and Early Stage of Bainitic Transformation in Some Alloys

  20. 贝氏体转变区的右侧端部封口等。

    Additionally , the transformation zone of bainite is sealed up at the right side .

  21. 铁碳钼合金贝氏体转变不完全现象的研究

    A study of the incomplete phenomenon of bainite transformation in a low carbon fe-c-mo alloy

  22. 6-5-4-2高速钢中的贝氏体转变

    The Bainite Transformation in 6-5-4-2 High-Speed Steel

  23. 贝氏体转变及其应用

    The Conversion and its Application of Bainite

  24. 上贝氏体转变与珠光体分解有着本质上的区别,但又有密切的联系;

    The upper bainite transformation has not only essential difference but also intimate relation with pearlite decomposition ;

  25. 低碳钢中晶界铁素体/原奥氏体界面对贝氏体转变的影响

    Influence of interface between grain boundary ferrite and prior austenite on bainite transformation in a low carbon steel

  26. 等温转变温度和时间影响残余奥氏体含量及贝氏体转变程度;

    The content of retained-austenite and the extent of bainite change are affected by austempered temperature and time .

  27. 许多高强度结构钢中都发现有马氏体开始转变点以下的贝氏体转变现象。

    Below the martenite starting transformation temperature the Bainite transformation phenomenon in many high strength steel almost was founded .

  28. 从贝氏体转变开始温度看,950℃变形促进了贝氏体相变;

    In view of the starting transformation temperature , the bainite transformation is extended when deformed at 950 ℃ .

  29. 同一冷却速度下,3种不同的变形工艺获得过冷奥氏体发生贝氏体转变的开始温度不同。

    At the same cooling rate , the bainite transformation temperature of deformed specimens with the three schedules is different .

  30. 贝氏体转变在孕育期内,通过涨落必然形成贫碳区和富碳区;

    The bainite transformation during the incubative period was inevitable to form carbon leant zones and carbon enriched zones through the fluctuation .