
  • 网络coherent;incoherent;coherence;Coherency
  1. VN/(Ti,Al)N纳米多层膜的共格生长与超硬效应

    The Coherent Growth and Superhardness Effect of VN / ( Ti , Al ) N Nano-multilayers

  2. 通过TEM观察表明,等温马氏体形成时,将优先以原马氏体片共格长大的方式进行。

    The observation by TEM showed that the formation of martensite in austempering process is preferentially completed through the coherent growth to prior martensite plate .

  3. 体系的共格界面能作为马氏体相变临界驱动力ΔGγ→εMs中的阻力项所占的比例小于10%。

    The interfacial energy as a resistance of martensitic transformation is less than 10 % of the critical driving force .

  4. 这是因为在长大过程中,Cu颗粒通过孪生过程缓解了由于共格关系而产生的弹性应变能。

    This is due to the relaxation , through twinning , of the elastic strain energy accumulated around the Cu particles during their growth .

  5. 间隙原子C对共格界面能的影响程度大于N,原因是C、N同置换原子的交互作用不同。

    Because of the different interactions between substitutional ( N and C ) and interstitial atoms , N has a greater contribution to the interfacial energy than C atom .

  6. 在Fe/Cu超晶格中,Fe、Cu通过形变来实现共格匹配,其晶体结构与Fe、Cu层的厚度比有关。

    In superlattices , Fe and Cu layers achieved lattice matching with deformation , the polycrystal structure depends on the ratio of Fe and Cu thickness .

  7. Ti(11)Ni(14)相质点周围的共格应力场对这些相的可逆转变起障碍作用。

    The reversible displacement of phase boundaries of these transformations is blocked by the coherent stress field around Ti_ ( 11 ) Ni_ ( 14 ) phase particles .

  8. 含氮的Fe-Mn-Si基合金共格界面能的理论计算

    Theoretical Calculation of Coherent Interfacial Energy in Nitrogen-Added Fe-Mn-Si Based Alloys

  9. 结果表明,小调制周期时,VN/(Ti,Al)N纳米多层膜沿薄膜生长方向呈现出具有面心立方(111)晶面择优取向的共格外延生长结构。

    The results reveal that at small modulation periods VN / ( Ti , Al ) N nano-multilayers grow in a polycrystalline epitaxial growth mode with a ( 111 ) preferred orientation .

  10. Fe-Mn-Si基合金共格界面能的离散点阵平面分析

    Discrete Lattice Plane Analysis of Coherent Interfacial Energy in Fe-Mn-Si Based Alloys

  11. Al-Si合金能很好地润湿Al2O3纤维,Al-Si合金与Al2O3纤维形成了共格、半共格混合界面;

    The analysis of tensile fracture shows that Al-Si alloy wets alumina fibers very well , and that coherent and semicoherent mixed interface is formed .

  12. 复合材料的形变过程包含了滑移、孪生、位错增生与迁移以及Ag纤维与Cu基体间形成的共格位相关系和立方-立方协同形变机制。

    The deformation process of the composite contains mechanisms of sliding , twining , dislocation increasing and migrating , and cooperating deformation between Cu phase and Ag filaments conditioned by a coherent orientation relationship between them .

  13. 而正火态的Cr-Mo轨钢中的Mo2C沉淀已与基体失去共格关系,短纤维状的Mo2C沉淀物对基体起弥散强化的作用。

    And the precipitate Mo_2C in the normolized Cr-Mo steel loses the coherence with the matrix , The short thready precipitates Mo_2C can strengthen the matrix by dispersion-strengthening .

  14. 由于存在晶格错配,在共格界面作用下,VN和(Ti,Al)N调制层分别受到拉、压应力,在多层膜中产生以调制周期为周期的交变应力场。

    An alternating strain field which has the same period with the modulation period was formed because of the lattice mismatch between ( Ti , Al ) N and VN layers during the epitaxial growth .

  15. 模型指出:在时效过程中,Al-Cu-Mg合金中析出的θ′相通过台阶机制生长而发生共格失稳,转化成球状的θ相而导致强度显著下降;

    The model indicates that θ′ phase precipitated from Al-Cu-Mg alloy grows through ledge mechanism and loses coherence .

  16. 高温回火,M2C粗化并失去与基体的共格关系,钢强度下降。

    Tempering at higher temperatures resulted in loss of strength was suggested to be the result of precipitate coarsening and loss of the coherent with the matrix .

  17. 区和S〃相,与强度开始下降阶段和塑性最低区域对应的组织为S′+S〃+X,这与半共格S′和X的形成有关。

    Area and S ″ phases , and the microstructures , corresponding to the begining drop stage of strength curve and the lowest area of plasticity are S ′ + S ″ + X , which is related to semi-coherent S ′ and X.

  18. 结果表明,经过480℃×1h时效处理后,在复合材料的基体中形成细小弥散的共格沉淀相,使其硬度提高并得到良好的导电性能。

    The experimental results show that fine coherent precipitated phases were formed in the matrix after aging treated at 480 ℃ for 1h , therefore good electrical conductivity and high hardness could be obtained .

  19. 计算结果表明:合金基体析出的共格GP区、θ〃相,具有比基体更强的共价键络,提升了合金的整体键络强度。

    The results show that the covalence bond-net in the GP zone and θ″ phase coherence with bulk were much stronger than that in bulk , and enhanced the whole covalence bond strength of alloy .

  20. 继续增加TiB2层的厚度,TiB2形成非晶态并破坏了与TiN层的共格外延生长,多层膜形成非晶TiN层和非晶TiB2层交替的调制结构,其硬度和弹性模量相应降低。

    With increasing TiB_2 layer thickness , amorphous TiB_2 forms and blocks the coherent growth of the multilayers . Consequently , the hardness and elastic modulus of the films decrease gradually .

  21. 层状超薄共格结构(LUCS)电子态的紧束缚计算

    A tight-binding calculation of electronic states of layered ultra-thin coherent structures

  22. 金属-半导体多层超薄共格结构(LUCS)的电子结构

    The electronic structure of metal - semiconductor LUCs

  23. Si3N4随层厚的进一步增加又转变为非晶态,多层膜的共格生长结构因而受到破坏,其硬度也随之降低。

    Further increasing Si_3N_4 layer thickness , the coherent interfaces of the multilayers were damaged and Si_3N_4 layers become amorphous , accompanied by the decline in the hardness of the films .

  24. 究其原因为加入稀土元素Y后,熔体中生成了与镁基体共格的强化相MgY和弥散的析出相改变了断口形貌。

    It is suggested that with yttrium addition strengthening MgY phase coherent with magnesium matrix and newly precipitated Al_2Y in the melt , which changes the fracture morphology .

  25. 经试验测得了IC218合金(含少量共格γ相的Ni3Al(B)Cr基合金)的回复激活能和再结晶激活能,得到相同的数值:230kJmol。

    The activation energy of recovery and recrystallization in IC 218 alloy ( Ni 3Al ( B ) Cr base alloy containing small amount of coherent γ phase ) determined by our test were identical , both being 230kJ / mol.

  26. 热处理能显著提高沉积层的硬度和耐磨性,镍磷合金是典型的沉淀硬化型合金,Ni3P相共格析出是其强化的主要原因。

    Heat treatment is capable of improving the hardness and wear resistance of the alloy coating remarkably . The Ni-P coating is of typical precipitation-hardened alloy , and the maim reason why the coating can be strengthened is the coherent precipitation of Ni-P particles .

  27. 研究发现:共格畸变能为零时,粗化遵循LSW机制,仅仅由颗粒的尺寸大小决定;

    The results show that when the coherent strain energy is neglected , coarsening process follows LSW mechanism , which is decided only by the size of the precipitate ;

  28. 本文用两种不同的方法估算了Cr-Mo轨钢和Cr-V轨钢中含全碳化物沉淀相与基体的共格稳定性。

    The coherent stabilities of the alloy carbide precipitates with the matrix in the Cr-V rail and the Cr-Mo rail steels have been estimated with the two different methods in this paper .

  29. 由于基体β′相和沉淀相的晶体结构十分相似,两者的点阵常数又正好是一倍之差,Fe3Al初析出时和基体共格。

    As the crystal structure of the matrix and precipitates are very similar and the lattice para - meter of Fe_3Al is twice of that of the matrix , the initially formed Fe_3 Al precipitates are coherent with the matrix .

  30. 析出的(Al3Li)与基体共格,键络强度明显提高,其大量均匀弥散析出起到提升基体整体键络强度,对合金产生强化作用。

    Since δ′( Al3Li ) is coherence with matrix , the bond net strength is enhanced by the precipitation , and so strengthening the alloy .