
ɡònɡ chǎn zhǔ yì zhě
  • communist;pinko
  1. 他是个坚定的共产主义者。

    He was a convinced Communist .

  2. 相反,正如老共产主义者阿尔比•萨克斯(AlbieSachs)对我说的,“共产主义者开创了自由派革命。”我认识到乌托邦永远不会到来:南非永远不会变成瑞士,但它有可能变成智利。

    Instead , as the old communist Albie Sachs told me , " The communists made the liberal revolution . " I 've learnt that utopia never arrives : South Africa won 't ever be Switzerland . But it could become Chile .

  3. 她早年的诗篇歌颂了列宁和年轻的共产主义者们,描绘了他们建造钢铁厂的情景。

    Early poems praised Lenin and young communists building a steel works .

  4. 你是一个烦人的共产主义者。

    You are nothing but a goddamned communist .

  5. 不管霍布斯鲍姆算不算得上是激进的共产主义者,他都肯定算得上是顽固的共产主义者。

    Whether or not Hobsbawm is considered a radical communist , he was an impenitent communist .

  6. 另外还有政客,墨西哥人,俄罗斯人,共产主义者……用真正的母牛表演吗?

    There are also politicians , Mexicans Russians , communists .... You have a real cow on stage ?

  7. 想象着他作为一名共产主义者进入胡志明市,面对着完全被抛弃的一生。

    Imagine him as the communists enter Saigon -- confronting the fact that his life had been a complete waste .

  8. 我从来不知道阳光花园被规划为退休者社区,也是一个共产主义者们的据点。

    I hadn 't really known about Sunnyside Gardens as a planned retirement community , and also a Communist stronghold .

  9. 但被同事称为“激进左翼联盟政府内唯一真正共产主义者”的拉法赞尼斯拒绝改变立场。

    But Mr Lafazanis , described by colleagues as " the one genuine communist in the Syriza government , " refuses to budge .

  10. 在不久的一段时间里,反战委员会在英国蓬勃发展,并联合了和平主义者、共产主义者和国际主义者,共同反对全国性的大规模战争。

    For a short time , Anti-War Councils sprung up across Britain and united pacifists , communists and internationalists against a ' national ' war .

  11. 南非世世代代的人民都将怀念摩西·科达恩、余素夫·达都、布莱姆·费舍尔以及摩西·马西达等伟大的共产主义者。

    The memory of great communists like Moses Kotane , Yusuf Dadoo , Bram Fischer , and Moses Mabhida will be cherished for generations to come .

  12. 正如众多不同的女权主义团体所展示的,你可以是保守主义的女权主义者,可以是自由主义的女权主义者,甚至同时是共产主义者和女权主义者,而不必妥协自己的核心价值观。

    As the multitude of different feminist groups show , you can be conservative and feminist , libertarian and feminist , or even Communist and feminist without compromising your core beliefs .

  13. 还有一次,他向艾里斯托·沃森提了一个关于康托方法的问题,这是一个年轻的国王学院研究员(还是一个共产主义者),从数学转行到了哲学。

    Another time he put a question about the Cantor method to Alister Watson , a young King 's Fellow ( a communist , as it happened ) who had turned from mathematics to philosophy .

  14. 她还是坚定的共产主义者,有时会就自己的出生日期撒谎,好同墨西哥革命的起源攀上关系。此外她还是极具魅力的诱惑者,特别是有镜头对准她的时候。

    She was also an ardent Communist who sometimes fudged her date of birth to align with the start of the Mexican Revolution , and an irresistibly magnetic seducer , especially whenever a camera was around .

  15. 你可以通过成为一个优秀的共产主义者、一个虔诚的天主教徒或成为一个洋洋得意的俗世人文主义者获得自我价值感。你需要的是一套你能遵守的价值观以及一个互相促进的信徒群体。

    You can stabilise your sense of self-worth by being a good communist , a pious Catholic or by becoming a complacent secular humanist - all you need is a set of values that you can live up to and a mutually reinforcing community of believers .