
  • 网络Investment Tax Credit;ITC;ITCs
  1. 在联邦一级,投资税收抵免(ITC)和财政部的现金补助继续发挥重要的作用,刺激了光伏产业的投资。

    At the federal level , the Investment Tax Credit ( ITC ) and the Treasury Cash Grants continue to play an important role in stimulating investments in the PV industry .

  2. 这些政策包括税收优惠政策、加速折旧政策和投资税收抵免政策等。

    These policies include : favourable tax policy , accelerating depriciation policy and investment tax credit policy .

  3. 当公司购入特定的实物资本资产时,可在其应纳税额中扣除投资税收抵免(ITCs)。

    Investment tax credits ( ITCs ) are deducted from the firm 's tax bill when particular physical capital assets are purchased .

  4. 刺激美国市场太阳能电池板需求的一大动力是30%的联邦投资税收抵免。

    One driver for panel demand there has been a federal investment tax credit for 30 per cent of the spend .

  5. 应当纳入的一项减税措施,是暂时、递增性的投资税收抵免。它鼓励企业在这个经济需要支出时进行投资,能花最少的钱起到最大的效果。

    The one tax cut that should be included is a temporary incremental investment tax credit ; it provides a big bang for the buck , encouraging companies to invest now when the economy needs the spending .

  6. 西方国家广泛采取包括投资税收抵免、加速折旧等手段在内的税式支出政策,我国则更多地局限于税率优惠。

    Tax expenditure policy , including tax credit , accelerated depreciation has been broadly applied on tax practice , while our country put much more emphasis on preferential tax rate , rarely take other tax expenditure methods .

  7. 企业集团可使用的具体筹划方式包括获取抵扣资格、投资与税收抵免、加速折旧、研究与开发、集团公司集中理财,等等。

    The specific plan conducted by the business group concludes offset qualification , investment and tax credit , accelerated depreciation , research and exploitation , and centralized finance for group companies .