
  • 网络investment multiplier;invest multiplies;invest multiplier
  1. 我国投资乘数效应的计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis of investment multiplier effect in our country

  2. 黑龙江省投资乘数及变动趋势研究

    A Research on Investment Multiplier and Its Change Trend of Heilongjiang Province

  3. 论我国投资乘数效应变动的趋势及原因

    Change trend and causes of the investment multiplier effect in our country

  4. 我国投资乘数不大的原因分析

    An Analysis of the reasons of the Small Investment Multiplier in China

  5. 关于结构式凯恩斯投资乘数模型的再思考

    A Second Thought about the Structural Keynesian Investment Multiplier Model

  6. 公路建设投资乘数的算法研究

    Arithmetic research of investment multiplicator in highway construction investment

  7. 城市轨道交通投资乘数效应计算的探讨

    Investment Multiplier Calculation for Urban Rail Transit Project

  8. 对投资乘数的应用分析

    The applied analysis of investment multiplier

  9. 投资乘数不大是制约积极财政政策发挥作用的重要因素。

    The small investment multiplier is an important factor which restricts the active financial policies giving full play .

  10. 第三、投资乘数与投资政策效应。主要是阐述凯恩斯的投资乘数理论。

    Thirdly , investment multiplier and investment policy effect , mainly illustrating the investment multiplier theory of Keynes .

  11. 对影响中国投资乘数效率发挥的因素研究有利于提高我国财政政策效率。

    Research on factors of handicapping efficiency of investment multiplication is propitious to advance the efficiency of financial policy .

  12. 得出了阜新投资乘数不稳定,边际消费倾向偏低;

    Thereby it draws some conclusions that invest multiplier of FuXin is not stable , marginal propensity to consume lowly .

  13. 我国长期通过吸引外资,发挥其投资乘数效应,刺激经济发展。

    Foreign investment has been attracted for a long time in China in order to stimulate economic development by Multiplier Effect .

  14. 文章运用宏观经济学的投资乘数理论,分析了卫生发展的乘数作用;

    By means of the investment multiplier theory in macro - economics , the author analyzed the multiplier action of health development .

  15. 本文从国民收入核算理论、投资乘数理论、凯恩斯储蓄&投资模型三个角度比较系统地进行了相关理论综述;

    This thesis systematically introduces related theories from three aspects of national income checking theory , investment multiplier theory and Keynes ' saving-investment model .

  16. 房地产业以其广泛的产业关联度,巨大的投资乘数效应,已成为我国国民经济的支柱产业;

    Comprehensive degree of association , gigantic investment multiplier effect , the real estate industry has been one of the pillar industries among national economy .

  17. 而投资乘数的存在,是宏观财政政策选择的重要依据,也是财政政策发挥程度的一种检验。

    The existence of investment multiplication is the basis for the selection of macro-financial policy and the inspection of the extent to exert financial policy .

  18. 结合美国案例可以得出股票市场对经济增长的影响:刺激消费增长,使投资乘数扩大;

    Associated with the U.S. case , we can conclude stock exchange 's effect to economy growth : stimulating expenditure , make the investment accelerate higher ;

  19. 扩张性财政政策效果如何,取决于投资乘数的大小,而投资乘数又与居民消费倾向有直接关系。

    The effectiveness of an expansionary fiscal policy is determined by investment multiplier , which in turn , has direct relationship with residents ' consumption propensity .

  20. 用分布滞后模型研究卫生服务消费和政府财政支出对国内生产总值的投资乘数作用。

    Some distributed lag models were designed to analyze the influence of health care consumption , and government finance spending to the investment multiplier of gross domestic product .

  21. 国内理论界错误地把存款乘数看成和投资乘数同为一个级数,混淆了存款乘数和投资乘数的差别,误认为现金漏损与存款乘数相关。

    It is also thought incorrectly that deposit multiplier is related to the cash drain of banks because the difference between deposit multiplier and investment multiplier is confused .

  22. 并利用2002年中国投入产出流量表的数据,对提出的方法进行了示例计算,得到了城市轨道交通投资乘数为1.4073的计算结果。

    According to the data from Chinese National Statistics of 2002 , the procedure of the method is demonstrated and the 1.4073 of investment multiplier in URT is obtained .

  23. 若能相对提高农业居民收入,因投资乘数的作用必然会带来国民消费倾向的降低,缓解目前的三农问题。

    If rural residents income is relatively raised , it will inevitability reduce national consumption propensity because the function of investment multiplier can relieve the current " three agriculture " problem .

  24. 他们都没有为自己的选择找到充分的理论依据,这是由于投资乘数理论及其扩展形式&财政政策乘数理论模型在分析经济问题时有其局限性。

    Neither of them could provide reasonable basis for their views . This is due to the limitations of investment multiplier model and its extended pattern ? the fiscal policy multiplier model .

  25. 接着,本文构建了港口物流经济带动效应的分析框架,从四个层次分析港口物流的经济带动作用,分别是产业集聚效应、腹地扩散效应、投资乘数效应和技术转移效应。

    Secondly , port logistics and its role as economic growth spur are elaborated on four distinctive levels , namely industrial agglomeration , spread effect , investment multiplier effect and technology transfer effect .

  26. 发展了基于投资乘数计算原理、现有公路工程投资测算、投入产出矩阵组合基础之上的应用方法,克服了常用算法用全社会的消费倾向代替公路投资消费倾向的不足。

    The major contribution of this paper is replacing social marginal consumption by highway marginal consumption via combining the multiplicator calculate and invest-output methods , as well as highway project budget as a whole .

  27. 投资乘数逐渐高于加速系数的过程,就是由商品市场价值下降和实际工资率提高决定的技术进步、固定资本更新的过程。

    The process of investment multiplier catching up with acceleration coefficient is the course of technological innovation and fixed capital renewal which decided by the decline of goods price and increase of real wages .

  28. 作者运用实证分析进行研究的结果表明:(1)财政支出扩张对经济增长拉动不力是由于投资乘数较小的结果;

    The results of case study carried out in this paper shows : 1 . The reason that the expansion of finance could not support the growth of economy is because the multiplier was too small .

  29. 通过对近10年来我国投资乘数效应的变动趋势的分析,指出我国投资乘数的变化趋势是投资乘数较小并不断降低,且变化频繁。

    Through the analysis of the change trend and causes of the investment multiplier effect in our country in the past ten years , this paper points out that our country 's investment multiplier variation tendency is smaller and changes frequently .

  30. 运用二次指数平滑法测定黑龙江省与发达地区投资乘数的预测值,并进行趋势比较分析,准确把握未来几年黑龙江省投资乘数的变动趋势;

    Using index smoothness method , it determines the predicting values of investment multiplier of Heilongjiang Province and developed region , compares and analyzes their trends , accurately holds the change trend of investment multiplier of Heilongjiang Province in a few years .