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tóu shí
  • Catapult;throw a stone
投石 [tóu shí]
  • [curling stone] 做投掷游戏用的一种椭圆石块(也有铁制的),上面有一个便于提握的类似鹅颈的柄

  1. 据台湾IT网站DigiTimes报道,宏基、联想、东芝和华硕四厂商首批推出的Ultrabook笔记本总数可能不足5万台,虽说是投石探路,但石头太小,也不足以让公众的认知产生波澜。

    According to DIGITIMES , Acer , Lenovo , Toshiba and Asustek may produce less than 50,000 units , too conservative to really make a dent in public awareness .

  2. 士兵,把投石车往前挪点。

    Soldier , I ordered you to move those catapults forward .

  3. 城墙上的投石机撕裂了前进的军队。

    Ballistae on the outer walls tore through the advancing cavalry .

  4. 曼宁建议我务必不要错过下午4:30举行的火焰投石机表演。

    I am advised not to miss the flaming trebuchet at 4.30pm .

  5. 而且,许多同时代的穆斯林学者也允许午前投石。

    Moreover , many contemporary Muslim scholars permit throwing pebbles before the zawal .

  6. 他们甚至丢了他们所有的装备,还有投石车。

    They 've even dropped all their arms , and even the catapults .

  7. 他制造了最强力的投石车。

    He has made great engines for sieges .

  8. 现在,拉拉队员真正的辩论对手不是投石攻击的年青人,而是他们的知识分子同仁。

    The cheerleaders'true sparring partners today are not rock-throwing youths but their fellow intellectuals .

  9. 投石机:古代投掷物体之发射器,用作发射长箭或重型球状物。

    Ballista : Ancient missile launcher designed to hurl long arrows or heavy Balls .

  10. 被禁止的惩罚是向她投石致其死。

    The proscribed punishment was to throw rocks at her until she was killed .

  11. 台湾北投石之沧桑史

    The vicissitudinous history of Hokutolite in Taiwan

  12. 带上你的军队去攻占城堡吧,小心不断的飞箭和投石!

    Bring your army to attack the castle bar , carefully constant arrows and stoning !

  13. 上次游戏他太早放她出来结果把她输给了一个投石机。

    Last game he had brought her out too soon and lost her to a trebuchet .

  14. 而大卫的做法却完全出乎了歌利亚的意料——他用投石弹弓打中了歌利亚的头。

    David approached it differently and used a sling to fire a stone at Goliath 's head .

  15. 艾布哈尼法,伊本·焦资,许多沙菲仪学派法学家都允许午前投石。

    For example , Abu Hanifa , Ibn Al-Jawzi , some Shafi'i jurists allowed throwing before the zawal .

  16. 当玩家被投石车弹射出去时,将获得一个降低所有坠落伤害的增益效果。

    Players gain a new buff after being launched out of the catapult that reduces all falling damage taken .

  17. 投石车的特殊在于玩家可以使用投石车把自己发射到他们认为合适的任何方向。

    The Catapults are unique in that they allow players to shoot themselves to any destination they see fit .

  18. 从投石机的彼端传来一声不太清晰的盘问:是谁?

    On the far side of the catapult , a muffled voice called out a challenge . Who goes there ?

  19. 康塞尔拿起我的枪,对准在十米外挥动投石机的一个土人,就要打。

    Conseil pounced on his rifle and aimed at a savage swinging a sling just ten meters away from him .

  20. 因为投石机也能直接攻击单位,它们算得上是攻城利器,直到加农炮发明才会被替代。

    Since the trebuchets can also attack units directly , they 're the star city raider until the discovery of cannons .

  21. 他走过一台高如城墙的庞大投石机,它的底座深深地陷入长城,

    He passed a massive catapult , as tall as a city wall , its base sunk deep into the Wall .

  22. 在攻城战中,随着游戏的进行,攻击者将会开发出小型投石机,渐渐的就出现了越来越大的大炮。

    In siege warfare , as the game progresses , the attackers will develop trebuchets and progressively bigger and better cannon .

  23. 该文略述北投石发现的经过、在矿物学上的价值,以及后来消失的原因等。

    This paper relates briefly the course of its discovery , its value in mineralogy , and the causes for its disappearance .

  24. 宗教和政治领导人担心,他们最年轻的追随者,那些青少年,对投石党们感到兴奋,正日益被更多的激进思想所吸引。

    Religious and political leaders fret that their youngest followers , teenagers , excited by the stone-pelters , are increasingly attracted by more radical ideas .

  25. 当遇到如生病等合理原因而指定某人代替投石是可以的。

    Appointing someone to do something on behalf of another is originally permissible when one has some legal excuse , such as illness and so on .

  26. 毫无疑问,若欲投石车为巨石提供足够弹力,以便其顺利砸破城墙,其车体结构必须十分坚固。

    Siege weapons that are capable of projecting large rocks with enough force to break down a city wall require incredibly sturdy frames for obvious reasons .

  27. 城墙顶端修建投石塔可当敌军攻击时予以密集杀伤,极大提高城邑防御能力。

    Constructing Ballista Towers atop settlement walls allows a defending force to shower any attackers with iron bolts , a sensible improvement for almost any siege scenario .

  28. 印度官差们经常抓不住那些投石党,暴怒之下,将附近的乡党一并株连,在不公的情况下以同谋问罪。

    Enraged officers usually fail to catch stone-lobbers , so lash out instead at families and residents nearby , accusing them , usually unfairly , of collusion .

  29. 论述了投石压浆素砼桩的基本原理及工艺技术要求,并介绍了在复合地基中的实际应用。

    The principle and technical requirement of throwing stone and pressing mud concrete pile are described , and its actual application to the compound foundation is introduced .

  30. 依照指令继续他的永不结束的猎食来发射破坏,这个好战的怪兽架设了架地狱般的投石机在他的稳固的壳上。

    In order to still his never ending hunger for utter destruction , this warmongering beast mounted a hell slinging catapult on top of his impenetrable shell .