
tóu shè jiǎo
  • projection angle;angle of projection
  1. 可测定不同投射角时的定向-半球反射率;

    It can be used to measure the directional - hemispherical reflectance for various incidence angles ;

  2. 这些公式的运用很简便,只常将回转曲面的纵母线函数及投射角的值代入即可。

    When calculating , only function of the longitudinal generating curve of the revoluted curved surface and the value of the projecting angle are needed to be substituted into these formulas .

  3. 最后本文还推导出一个确定投射角范围的公式,它能确定在哪一些范围内凹回转曲面的轴测投影有尖点,在哪一范围内不存在尖点。

    A formula to determine the range of the projecting angle in which there are some singular points on the ontline or not is derived in the last part of this article .

  4. 将HRP分别注入左右侧耳蜗内,1.在同侧听神经有束状的标记纤维并分别投射至延髓的角状核和巨细胞核;

    After HRP was injected into the left and right cochleas , anterograde label was observed in the following regions : the eighth nerve , nucleus magnocellularis and nucleus angularis of the medulla oblongata .

  5. 有效投射光线依照其投射角,由光斑的不同部位进入眼中。

    The effective incident rays entered the eye from different parts of the reflection disc according to their incident angles .