- Investment inflation;swollen investment

Private Enterprises'Self - Investment Inflation and Restraint Solutions
Institutional Evolvement and Investment Expansion : An Investment Model under Uncertainty during Economic Transition
Infrastructure investment expands severe all around China .
Estimate method of investment inflation for large project
Be on Guard against Investment Expansion
Period delays and investment expansion will be reduced greatly if we have a more scientific project schedule .
Chinese economy is not overheating because the investment does not exceed the saving and lead to the forced saving .
The election of VAT of production from 1994 tax reform plays an active role in restricting investment expansion and guaranteeing financial income .
Otherwise it would be impossible to effectively control the inflation of in-vestment and bring about great reactions to the macro-financial regulation measures .
Liquidity surplus leads to low interest rate , over lending , price indexes distortion , and the cycle of investment booming and deflation .
Similarly , assuming that the project is in a definite investment , an analysis is made on the critical point of allowable maximum delay of time limit for the project .
Considering the investment in swelling at that time , the price rise , the overheating of economy , the financial deficit , etc. , what our country implemented was productive value-added tax .
Based on the modern enterprise theory and backgrounded on the " Tieben event ", the problem of investment inflation caused by ignoring the " exterior cost " in privately operated economy is elaborated and some relative solutions and suggestions are pointed out .
Starting from fact that multinational company investment in China is expanding rapidly , this paper first discusses the theoretical issues whether or not there is natural monopoly in distribution field and the possibility of monopoly resulting from multinational company investment .
Critical analysis of expansion of both investment in projects and the construction period when inflation exists
In the public ownership , the expansion of consumption and investment is the root cause of the aggregate demand expansion .
It is necessary to ensure coordination between the land policy and fiscal policy and monetary policy to regulate investment and control the macro-economy .
Investment in the global infrastructure sector is inflating into a dotcom-style bubble , suffering the dual curse of overvaluation and excessive leverage , Standard & Poor 's warned today .
The trinity of finance , bank and state-owned enterprise , double expansion of investment and consumption led to over-heat of macro economy for many times .
In the short to medium term , the rapid growth will in all likelihood continue , driven by a high investment rate , swelling exports and healthy local consumption .
In general , the prosperity of the Japanese construction machinery leasing industry is based on the fast economic growth and the expanding construction investment of Japan from 1950s to 1980s .
The method of investment risk analysis and CIM model have been combined to study the investment inflation for large engineering project in this paper . The research provides effective appraisal basis for the economic estimation of engineering project and the scientific investment decision .