
yī lài ɡuān xì
  • dependency
  1. Maven以及其他依赖关系管理系统定义模块之间的依赖关系。

    Dependency management systems like Maven and others define the dependencies between modules .

  2. 采用模块化的第一步通常是利用构建时依赖关系管理系统。

    The first step to adopting modularity is usually to make use of a build time dependency management system .

  3. 多Agent系统中依赖关系的研究

    The research of dependence relations in multi - agent system

  4. 基于RoughSet理论发现最小归纳依赖关系的方法研究

    A Rough Set-based Method of Discovering Minimal Induction Dependency Relation

  5. 利用Web服务的依赖关系把Web服务组合转化成动态规划问题,并找出最优化的服务组合方法。

    Converting the dependence among the Web services into the dynamic planning , we find out the optimum composition method .

  6. 提供:在线来源列出了Internet上提供的软件包、如何检索它们,以及它们自己的依赖关系。

    Online sources that list packages that are available on the Internet , how they can be retrieved , and what their own dependencies are .

  7. 获得沉积速率对激光功率P的依赖关系,在一定的温度条件下,阈值功率为4W。

    The dependence of the deposition rate on the laser intesity power has been obtained , at a given temperature , the threshold power is 4 W.

  8. 结果:细胞生长曲线显示TNFα抑制内皮细胞增殖,并呈剂量依赖关系。

    RESULTS : Growth curve showed that TNF α suppressed endothelial cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner .

  9. 该查看器显示了DB2数据库池示例对DB2JAR和系统模块的依赖关系。

    The viewer displays the dependencies of the DB2 database pool sample on DB2 JARs and system modules .

  10. 在我决定使用Spring的胶水代码替代自己的胶水代码时,我自己构建了Spring框架的依赖关系。

    When I decide to use Spring 's glue code instead of my own , I do build a dependency on the Spring framework .

  11. Sigma系统中数据依赖关系分析的完善与增强

    Perfection and improvement of data dependence analysis in sigma system

  12. 并对这一类晶体的二次谐波发生和其亚结构单元[AH]+中N原子上的净电荷之间的依赖关系进行了估计。

    The dependence of SHG on the net atomic charge of the N atom in the sub structural unit [ AH ] + is evaluated .

  13. MAS中基于依赖关系的组织形成理论研究

    Research of Transitive Dependence Based Coalition Formation in MAS

  14. PHP开发人员在过去常用的两种依赖关系处理解决方案已失去其效率。

    The two dependency-handling solutions that PHP developers commonly used in the past have outlived their effectiveness .

  15. 这些依赖关系表示为合作伙伴链接,稍后将作为创建服务组件体系结构(ServiceComponentArchitecture,SCA)组装的一部分进行分析。

    Those dependencies are represented as partner links , which you will later resolve as part of creating the Service Component Architecture ( SCA ) assembly .

  16. 基于自动构造和维护的依赖关系,提出了一种Java语言的增量编译算法。

    Based on the automatically created and updated dependency relationship information , this paper presents an incremental compilation algorithm for the Java programming language .

  17. 结果①TB可以抑制SHI1细胞的增殖及活力,呈剂量时间依赖关系。

    Results TB inhibited the proliferation and viability of SHI 1 cells in a time dose dependent manner .

  18. 在系统彼此通信的情况下,由于使用了专用API,因而存在紧密依赖关系,这种方式不可靠,而且会降低可见性。

    Where systems did communicate , they introduced tight dependencies by using proprietary APIs , which proved unreliable and reduced visibility .

  19. 在一定浓度和时间范围内,LDL促细胞增殖作用显示量-效与时-效依赖关系。

    The effects of LDL on VSMC proliferation were concentration and time dependent .

  20. Ant还提供了依赖关系来在目标之间建立联系,以确保执行目标序列得以执行。

    Ant also provides dependencies to relate targets to each other to ensure the sequence of targets that get executed .

  21. Rb原子磁光阱中囚禁原子数目与实验参数的依赖关系

    Dependence of number of trapped atoms on the experimental parameters of Rb magneto-optical trap

  22. 但POM并不只是关于依赖关系和项目布局的。

    But the POM isn 't only about dependencies and project layout .

  23. DependencyViewer显示所有已安装的、并正在该服务器中运行的模块的依赖关系视图。

    The Dependency Viewer displays a dependency view of all modules installed and running on the server .

  24. Yb∶YAG晶体的IR闪烁发光具有高的光产额和长的衰减时间,但存在浓度猝灭效应和温度依赖关系。

    At room temperature the light yield of Yb ∶ YAG crystal is high and decay time is long .

  25. 虽然Ant对依赖关系、引用关系以及继承关系都处理得很好,但是却不支持最基本的循环。

    While Ant handles dependencies , references , and hierarchical processing very nicely , it lacks any support for basic looping .

  26. 研究了Web服务合成问题,解决该问题的关键是对候选Web服务的输入输出数据关系进行建模,以及有效地利用这些已有的数据依赖关系实现服务合成请求。

    The problems how to model the input and output data dependency of candidate Web services and how to satisfy a service request by composition efficiently are vital to setup desired composition .

  27. 运行npminstall时,您必须有一个有效的Internet连接,因为npm将下载需要的代码依赖关系。

    When running npm install , you must have an active internet connection because npm will download the needed code dependencies .

  28. JAR包通过类路径环境变量解析,而这并未提供管理JAR依赖关系的可靠框架。

    JAR bundles are resolved through a class path environment variable , which doesn 't provide a robust framework to manage JAR dependencies .

  29. 在p型材料的研究中,我们也预言了空穴自旋弛豫时间丰富的非单调温度、浓度依赖关系。

    In the p-type case , we also predict rich nonmonotonic features in the temperature and density dependences of the hole spin relaxation time , which result from the variation of the hole-impurity and hole-phonon scattering strength .

  30. BSO晶体中光折变增益与入射面情况的依赖关系

    Dependence of photorefractive gain in BSO Crystal on situation of incident plane