
  • 网络iveco;Daily
  1. 依维柯与国有企业上汽(saic)组建了一家合资企业,在中国生产汽车。

    Iveco manufactures in China under a joint venture with state-owned SAIC .

  2. 全顺长轴距车无论是总体质量还是TGW方面都要明显逊色于依维柯长轴距车。

    But overall quality of vehicle and TGW of LWB are significantly worse than Iveco .

  3. 依维柯汽车TCS神经PI自适应控制及车速估算算法研究

    Study on Adaptive NN_ PI Control Algorithm of Traction Control System for IVECO and Estimation of Vehicle Speed

  4. 小型公司,比如美国的Navistar(航星)和Fiat(菲亚特)的Iveco(依维柯),都可能是被并购的对象。

    Smaller firms , such as Navistar in America and Fiat 's Iveco , could find themselves as targets .

  5. 2014年,欧盟竞争事务专员玛格丽特•维斯特格(MargretheVestager)发布针对DAF卡车、戴姆勒(Daimler)、依维柯(Iveco)、斯堪尼亚(Scania)、曼卡车(MAN)以及沃尔沃/雷诺(Volvo/Renault)的指控单初稿。

    Margrethe Vestager , EU competition commissioner , issued the original charge sheet against DAF , Daimler , Iveco , Scania , MAN and Volvo / Renault in 2014 .

  6. 设计并成功进行了依维柯A40新客车白车身模态试验,获得了其动力学特性。

    The modal test of the body-in-white was designed and carried through successfully , and the dynamic properties of the body of the IVECO A40 new bus were obtained .

  7. 汽车覆盖件的拉深毛坯,传统的做法是拉深前先落料,而IVECO(依维柯)车身覆盖件大多采用方块坯料直接拉深。

    Drawing blank for automobile body covering parts , the traditional method is blanking before drawing , but most IVECO body covering parts are directly drawn by using rectangle blank .

  8. 燃油品质对依维柯汽车喷油泵性能的影响

    Affection of fuel quality to properties of fuel injection pump in IVECO automobile

  9. 依维柯汽车油冷器性能对比试验及研究

    The Comparative Test and Research of IVECO oil cooler

  10. 建立了依维柯整车系统多刚体动力学仿真模型。

    The multi-rigid-body dynamics simulation model of the full IVECO vehicle is established .

  11. 南京依维柯车用VE型转子泵

    Naming IVECO Automobile VE - Type Rotor Pump

  12. 依维柯汽车真空助力器壳底拉伸模设计

    Design of the Drawing Die for the Shell Bottom of Iveco Auto Vacuum Booster

  13. 依维柯汽车机油冷却器传热及流阻性能的试验研究

    Investigation of Heat Conduction and Flow-Resistance characteristics of An Oil Radiator for IVECO Automobile

  14. 如何正常维护南京依维柯柴油发动机

    How to Maintenance Nanjing IVECO Diel Engine

  15. 本文介绍了依维柯A40&10型汽车发动机的故障分析与排除方法。

    This paper introduces the breakdown analysis and elimination methods of automobile engine in IVECO A40-10 .

  16. 依维柯A40&10型汽车发动机飞车故障分析与排除三则

    Three Item Analysis and Elimination of " Runaway " Breakdown of Automobile Engine in IVECO A40-10

  17. 依维柯发动机及其技术

    IVECO motors and the technology

  18. 本文对依维柯汽车独立悬架前梁总成进行了强度分析,建立了力学模型。

    This article studies the beam axle of IVECO independent suspension system and establishs mechanics models of them .

  19. 目前,同城配送一般选用依维柯、金杯车等车型,这类车在侧面有一定的倾斜弧度,如果考虑这些因素,货物在车厢的装载仍然具有提升的空间。

    The local town delivery generally select the special-purpose vehicles , such as IVECO , Golden Cup car , etc.

  20. 介绍了最近研制成功的依维柯汽车底盘横梁在线三维几何量微电脑测量系统的测量原理和测量软件。

    The measuring principle and the software of a computer-aided three-dimensional geometry measuring system used on the assembly line of an EVECO auto-car are presented .

  21. 依维柯侧壁上内板的回弹研究

    Resilience problem in stamping inner plating of Iveco vehicle door EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECT OF AIR EXHAUST HOLED PLATE ON THE SIDE WALLS IN 2-D WIND TUNNEL

  22. 利用数值模拟技术和实验相结合的方法,以依维柯侧壁上内板冲压件为对象,研究了拉深筋和加强筋对回弹的影响,并进行了分析讨论。

    By utilizing numerical simulation technology and experimental method , the effect of drawing rib and reinforcement rib on the resilience of inner plating stamping piece of Iveco vehicle door was studied and discussed .

  23. 应用集对分析方法对福建省快运车辆金龙客车(23座)、宇通客车(23座)、依维柯(17座)等3种车型从生产率、服务质量、生产成本、生产效益等方面进行综合评价。

    The productivity , costs of production , service quality and benefits of three kinds of express passenger vehicle-KING LONG , YU TONG and IVECO were comprehensively evaluated by the set - pair analysis methods in the paper .