
  • 网络European spirit
  1. 具体来说,又有一个从欧洲精神向人类精神的演变过程。

    Concretely speaking , there has been a new evolution from European spirit to human spirit .

  2. 从欧洲精神到人类精神&近代以来欧洲史学理论的特征一瞥

    From European Spirit to Human Spirit - A Glance at the Characteristics of the Modern European Theory on History

  3. 我在我的欧洲精神分析师那里认识了一个女孩。

    And I meet a girl at my European analyst 's.

  4. 欧洲精神与欧盟制度析论

    Spirit of Europe and Institutions of the European Union

  5. 欧洲精神体现于欧盟制度的建设之中,发挥着引领、指导、推动、调适等多种功能,是一体化的动力源与缓冲器;

    The European spirit reflected in the construction of the EU is the energy supplier and controller of the integration ;

  6. 欧盟制度是欧洲精神的产物与载体,起着架构、规范、运作、监控等多种作用,是一体化的工作母机和监控系统。

    Whereas , institutions of the EU , the offspring and carrier of the European spirit , play the role of a working mechanism .

  7. 如欧盟强调终身学习的目的是培养公民的欧洲精神,促进欧盟一体化,将终身学习作为经济社会发展的综合战略;

    EU regards cultivating citizen 's EU spirits as the target of lifelong learning , and takes lifelong learning as the comprehensive strategy of economic society .

  8. 但是,那些愿意联合主权信誉以保护自身利益的国家,由于德国的固执反对而受到阻碍,同样是违背欧洲精神的。

    But it is no less contrary to the European spirit for those willing to pool sovereignty to protect their well-being to be held up by German recalcitrance .

  9. 第一位斯拉夫教皇约翰·保罗声称上天选择了他来昭示欧洲的精神统一。

    The first Slav pope , John Paul , said that providence had chosen him to proclaim the spiritual unity of Europe

  10. 管制欧洲范围精神药物国际贸易会议;

    Conference on control of international trade in psychotropic substance in europe ;

  11. 这是一项由欧洲神经精神药理学会本周发布新研究的主要结论之一。

    That is one of the main conclusions of a new study by the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology , published this week .

  12. 美国的崛起以及欧洲在精神上和物质上的崩溃,结出的最重要成果之一就是大帝国的终结。

    One of the most important fruits of the rise of the US and the moral and material collapse of Europe was the end of the great empires .

  13. 这个我需要解释一下:我去看一位欧洲的精神分析师,这意味着一个欧洲男孩可以去看我的精神分析师,为期六个月,这叫神经病交换项目。

    I have to explain this : I was going to a European analyst , that meant a European boy can see my analyst for six months , y'know . The neurotic exchange program .

  14. 试论欧洲文学悲剧精神的特征

    Try to Discuss on the Tragic Spirit Feature of European Literature

  15. 很难说此举符合欧洲条约的精神。

    This is hardly in the spirit of the European treaty .

  16. 中世纪欧洲的骑士精神与宫廷爱情

    Chivalry and Courtly Love in Medieval Europe

  17. 英国时尚商务品牌,以崇尚和推广欧洲中世纪骑士精神而备受世人推崇。

    A fashion-business brand from England , it is famous for promoting the knight culture from Middle ages .

  18. 乔叟与欧洲中世纪后期悲剧精神的复苏

    Chaucer and the Revival of Tragic Spirit in Late Medieval Europe

  19. 果壳的快乐&论欧洲绘画的自由精神

    The Happiness of Pericarp & The Free Spirits of Europe Painting

  20. 茨威格的小说以人物的心理为主要描写对象,通过对各年龄阶段主人公种种际遇的描写,表现了20世纪初欧洲中产阶级的精神状态。

    Stephan Zweig 's novels focus on the description of the character 's psychology , reveals the psychological status of the European middle class in the early 20th century by describing the hero 's experience at his different age .

  21. 欧洲观念,被称为整个欧洲的精神纽带,是欧洲联盟的关键词。

    The European Idea , considered as the spiritual tie of Europe , is one of the key words of the European Union and when did it come into being is still an open question .

  22. 圣皮埃尔是近代最早的比较完整地提出欧洲联合思想的人,被奉为欧洲联合的精神鼻祖。

    Saint Pierre is the first man who advanced the idea of the European union more completely in modern history .

  23. 欧洲一体化的成功实践有两大关键要素:欧洲精神与欧盟制度。

    There are two key elements for the success of European integration , the spirit of Europe and the institutions of the European Union .

  24. 诸如,法国的圣·皮埃尔神父,他提出建立欧洲邦联的方案,这被认为是欧洲邦联主义的精神鼻祖;

    Such as , France 's Saint Pierre Father , he proposed that established " European confederation " plan , which was considered the first energetic ancestor of the European confederation principle ;

  25. 欧洲联邦的理想在可预见的将来难于实现,但它仍然是欧洲一体化的精神动力。

    Therefore , the ideal of confederation is not likely to come true in the predictable future though it remains a mental impetus to European integration .