
yī liàn
  • attached to;attachment;clinging;be reluctant to leave;feel regret at parting;feel regret at parting from;be unwilling to leave;can't bear to part
依恋 [yī liàn]
  • [be reluctant to leave;feel regret at parting ] 留恋,不忍离开

  • 依恋故乡的一草一木

依恋[yī liàn]
  1. 想家时是依恋家乡土坯房里最初的哭泣,最初的微笑;

    When being homesick is feel regret at parting from in the adobe house of home village initial sobbing , initial the smile ;

  2. 她十分依恋她的姐姐。

    She has a great attachment to her sister .

  3. 实验结束后,研究人员根据此前研究中给人类婴儿和狗狗划分的依恋类型对每只小猫进行分类——安全型、矛盾型、回避型和无序型。

    After the experiment , they categorized each kitten by the attachment3 styles assigned to human babies and dogs in previous studies — secure , ambivalent4 , avoidant , and disorganized .

  4. 也就是说,这种划分比例与对人类儿童的研究文献是一致的——因此,与普遍观点相反,较少比例的不安全依恋型并非猫咪特有的。

    That said , this split is consistent with the literature on human children — so the smaller percentage with insecure attachment styles is not specific to cats , contrary to popular belief .

  5. 另一方面,大约30%的小猫出现“不安全依恋”,这意味着当看护人回到房间时,小猫的压力水平并没有降低。

    On the other hand , about 30 percent of the kittens were found to have an “ insecure attachment style , ” which means their stress levels did not decrease upon their person 's return to the room .

  6. 同样值得注意的是:“安全依恋型”的猫咪比例实际上高于狗狗——只有58%的狗狗表现出“安全”依恋,而42%被归类为“不安全依恋”。

    Also of note : The percentage of cats with “ secure ” attachment styles is actually higher than dogs ' — only 58 per cent of dogs demonstrated the “ secure ” attachment , while 42 percent were categorized as insecure .

  7. 但对于通用汽车(gm)而言,是时候放弃这种情感依恋了。

    But for general motors , the time for emotional attachment is over .

  8. 不同依恋风格个体,对于各种情绪类型词语均表现出了显著的AB效应。

    Every kinds of attachment style show significant AB effect on every kind of target words .

  9. 成人依恋的测量:亲密关系经历量表(ECR)中文版

    Measuring Adult Attachment : Chinese Adaptation of the ECR Scale

  10. 所以如果你遇到了有逃避型依恋模式的人,在ta推开你的时候多给ta一些耐心。

    So if you 're having an avoidant partner , try to practice patience when he or she pushes you away .

  11. 方法:采用两种常用的成人依恋量表&关系问卷(RQ)和亲密关系经历量表(ECR),对住院接受非肠道手术的50名患者进行依恋类型的测量。

    Methods : Two widely used adult attachment measurements & Relationship Questionnaire ( RQ ) and Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory ( ECR ) - are administered to 50 surgery patients in a hospital .

  12. 为了促进在中国开展有关成人依恋的研究,对目前国外该领域中广泛采用的标准成人依恋量表亲密关系经历量表(ECR)进行了中文版修订。

    To promote research on adult attachment in China , the " Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory ( ECR )", a scale widely used and considered as the " standard " one in USA , was adapted into Chinese .

  13. 结论:ECR-R适用于中国青少年依恋心理研究。

    Conclusion : The ECR-R is psychometrically acceptable and may be applied to study attachment of Chinese adolescents .

  14. Picardi注意到,他的小组在其他的研究中发现一些与免疫机能障碍有关的皮肤病同不安全的依恋相关。

    Picardi noted that in other research , his team has found associations between insecure attachment and certain skin diseases related to immune dysfunction .

  15. 按照Picardi的说法,依恋类型可以被看作是影响一个人对应激事件的反应的一个非常稳定的特质。

    So attachment style can be seen as a fairly stable trait that affects a person 's response to stressful events , according to Picardi .

  16. 托马斯·哈代对基督教的理性反叛与情感依恋

    Thomas Hardy 's Rational Rejection of and Emotional Nostalgia for Christianity

  17. 家庭养育环境因素对依恋有显著的影响。

    The home nurture environment factors have obvious effects on attachment .

  18. 我是如此的依恋你,无论世人如何评说。

    I count on you , no matter what they say .

  19. 小学高年级儿童亲子依恋与欺负行为的关系研究

    Study on the Relations between Primary School Pupils Attachment and Bullying

  20. 我对曾住过的旧房子已经没有什么依恋了。

    I no longer feel any ties with my old house .

  21. 你只在需要对方时才给予自由和依恋。

    Just sheer freedom and attachments only when you want them .

  22. 怎么样才能克服这种逃避型依恋模式呢?

    So , how to overcome an insecure avoidant attachment style ?

  23. 人们并不觉得依恋本地区域。

    People don 't feel attached to their local region .

  24. 从依恋理论到慢性疼痛:依恋素质模型

    From attachment theory to chronic pain : the attachment-diathesis model

  25. 影响青少年网络依恋的心理因素及对策

    A psychological study of the juvenile addicts to the net

  26. 亲子游戏与亲子依恋的关系

    Relation . The Relationship Between Parent-child Play and Parent-child Attachment

  27. 大学生成人依恋不存在性别和年级差异;

    There were no significant differences in genders and grades .

  28. 不同依恋类型的大学生心理健康研究

    Study on the Mental Health of College Students in Different Attachment Styles

  29. 我对属于自己的东西产生了一种病态的依恋。

    I developed an unhealthy attachment to things that belonged to me .

  30. 依恋是人类行为的基本现象之一。

    The attachment is one of the basic behaviors of human beings .