
  • 网络objectification;Objectified;objectivation
  1. 他的心外无物不是对外部物质世界的判断,而是在强调对象化世界存在的同时,肯定了自在的物质世界的存在。

    His " Nothing but consciousness " was not the verdict about outer world but emphasized the existence of objectified world , and meanwhile affirmed that the material world existing naturally .

  2. 需要针对现有实践课程的缺陷,通过全程化、制度化、对象化与活动化改革策略,提高高师院校社区服务课程的实践能力。

    By taking into consideration some defects of the current practice curriculum , normal colleges should apply the whole-course , systematic , objectified and activity-oriented reform strategies to strengthen practical capabilities of the community service course .

  3. Web输入验证系统的对象化设计

    Designing for Web Input Validation System based on OODB

  4. 面向可重构制造基于CORBA的对象化包装技术研究与实践

    Reconfigurable manufacturing oriented research and realizing of objectify encapsulation technology baded on CORBA

  5. 否则,这个值将被大对象化(lobify),并在该表的LONG表空间中存储为LOB。

    Otherwise , the value will be lobified and stored as LOB in the LONG table space of the table .

  6. 数据库对象化访问即对象-关系映射(Object/RelationMapping,简称ORM),是随着面向对象的软件开发方法发展而产生的。

    Object / Relation Mapping ( ORM ) is Object-Oriented database access , which is developed along with method of object-oriented software development .

  7. 本文将通过对struts的介绍来展示其基本工作原理,阐述如何用struts实现表单提交对象化。

    By introducing the principle of struts , this paper explains the object-oriented method for submission of sheet by use of struts .

  8. 针对现有UML建模工具对Web应用程序设计支持不够理想的问题,提出了Web设计面向对象化的方法,抽象出Web应用程序中结构相似的、功能相近的可复用的内容。

    The existed for UML modeling tools now available cannot support the Web-based application very well , an object-oriented method for Web design is brought forward , which abstracts the reused contents that have the similar structure and the homothetic function .

  9. 在软件行业,Struts利用MVC模式开发致使企业Web应用变得很灵活,Hibernate框架将关系型数据库的数据对象化,可作为Web应用持久层的解决方案。

    In the software industry , struts framework make enterprise web application become very flexible using MVC pattern development , Hibernate framework can be used for web application persistence layer solution for data relational object-oriented database .

  10. 中间业务层的设计:中间业务层使用SessionBean来实现业务控制,用EntityBean来实现数据的对象化封装;

    Design of middle business tier : On the middle business tier , Session Bean has been used to realize the business control , and Entity Bean has been used to realize the object encapsulation of data .

  11. 数据库驱动的对象化(DDO)案例场景

    A database-driven objectization ( DDO ) case scenario

  12. 该系统基于多机协同数据流模型,采用分层耦合设计结构、对象化抽象和XML格式的交互描述,支持对高速多链路逻辑信道测量与新测量功能的可扩展性。

    This platform 's design uses data flow model of multi-processor system , layered coupling framework , object-oriented abstraction and XML formatted intercommunication to make it much easier to support high speed multi-link logic channel measurement , and to add new measuring function when needed .

  13. 如果不需要考虑速度的话,lxml的对象化或Amara等对象模型对于Python开发人员来说可能更自然。

    Object models such as lxml 's objectify or Amara might be more natural for Python developers when speed is not a consideration .

  14. 查询驱动的对象化(QDO)案例场景

    A query-driven objectization ( QDO ) case scenario

  15. 由于上述这些原因需要设计一种结合了各个框架优点的新的ORM框架,整个框架设计的主要特点如下:1、实现了全面的对象化数据库访问,支持插件式的可扩展的多数据库访问功能。

    Due to these reasons , it needed to design the new framework which combination the advantages of each framework . The whole ORM framework design main features below : 1 . To realize the comprehensive Object-Oriented database access and support plug-in type extensible database access functions . 2 .

  16. 对象化:写作主客体间的双向运动

    Target : the Two-way Action of Writing Between Subject and Object

  17. 应用协议报文编解码的通用对象化实现方案研究

    A Comprehensive Object-oriented Scheme on the Messaging of the Application Protocol

  18. 明细表对象化自动生成技术研究

    Research on Object - based Part - List Automatic Generation

  19. 非对易场论中的孤子解和严格解(英文)论非对象化

    Soliton and exact solutions in noncommutative field theory on non-objectification

  20. 人的本质力量对象化是一个意义丰富的命题。

    People 's essential strength target is a proposition with abundant meaning .

  21. 一切物的价值之源均在于人的本质力量的对象化。

    The value of everything derives from objectification of man 's power .

  22. 现实的实践活动是理论和实际在实践思维中的双向对象化同头脑内的实践思维与头脑外的实际活动双向对象化的统一:这两重双向对象化互相包含,互相制约,平行运动。

    Practical activities are the unification between theory and practice .

  23. 文章美是人的本质力量对象化的体现

    The Beauty of Article is the Embodiment of People 's Essential Strength Target

  24. 数据结构课程的面向对象化

    On transition from data structures to object_oriented data structures

  25. 所以附加的性能提升显然源自对大对象化数据更好的处理。

    So additional improvement apparently stems from the better handling of lobified data .

  26. 价值根源即非对象化意义上的价值观。

    The source of value means the values in the sense of non-objectification .

  27. 神的世界即天国是人的世界的对象化;

    The world of god namely Paradise is the projection of the world ;

  28. 非对象化的道德教育是如何可能的

    Why the non-objectivism moral education is possible

  29. 注意,大对象化的数据所占的20%的比例实际上不算很坏。

    Note that the ratio of20 % of lobified data is actually not that bad .

  30. 这样做的效果是,大对象化的空间数据将被放入到那个表空间。

    The effect will be that lobified spatial data will go to that table space .