
  1. 论列斐伏尔的日常生活批判理论

    On Lefebvre 's Critical Theory of Everyday Life

  2. 日常生活批判理论导源于马克思发动的哲学革命。

    The critique theory of everyday life originated from the philosophy revolution that Marx started .

  3. 日常生活批判理论范式在某种意义上也是一种微观研究范式。

    To some extent , critique paradigm of life world is a type of micro-research paradigm .

  4. 亨利·列斐伏尔作为著名的西方马克思主义者,其日常生活批判理论独辟蹊径。

    Henry Lefebvre is a famous western Marxist . His critique of everyday life theory created a different style .

  5. 然后,在此基础之上分析了他的前后期日常生活批判理论的内容。

    Then , on this basis , the content of the daily life of his late critical theory is analysed .

  6. 马克思这一重要的哲学转向在其生活实践观和异化理论中得到了发扬,成为日常生活批判理论得以产生的理论发源地。

    This important philosophy turn of Marx had been developed in his view of practice and life and his alienation theory , and it has become the birthplace where the critique theory of everyday life can emerge .

  7. 本论文以马克思主义关于人生存和发展理论为指导,以日常生活批判理论为平台,反思传统思想政治教育功能,来重建现代思想政治教育本质功能。

    This papers use Marxist theory of human survival and development as a guide to reflect on the traditional ideological and political education functions in the vision of daily life critical theory , to rebuild the modern nature of the ideological and political education function .