
rì chánɡ jiǎn chá
  • Daily inspection;routine inspection;routine check
  1. 日常检查有专业工程师组织施工单位进行检查。

    Routine inspection is carried out by the construction company organized by the discipline engineer .

  2. 每层活性炭配有人孔,用来进行日常检查和更换滤料。提供吊耳和把手。

    Access man-ways are provided for each bed of activated carbon , for routine inspection and replacement .

  3. 例如,在排除故障或执行日常检查时,大多数UNIX管理员首先做的事情之一是查看系统上当前正在运行的进程。

    For example , one of the first things most UNIX administrators do on their systems during troubleshooting or daily checks is look at processes running currently on the system .

  4. 他让一名部下担任日常检查工作。

    He left the routine checks to one of his subordinates .

  5. 划清日常检查和稽查职责。

    Defining daily inspection and check duties .

  6. 指出必须加强成品油管道的日常检查和维护,建立和完善管道维修检测档案,以防止和减少管道泄漏事故的发生。

    Strengthening daily maintenance and building maintenance files are essential to prevent and minimize leakage accidents .

  7. 电气设备的日常检查。

    Electric equipment routine safety-check .

  8. 安排日常检查像一个大肠镜检查更始障碍重重。

    That 's on top of the extra hurdles to arrange routine care , like a colonoscopy .

  9. 但是,根据实施日常检查与否,会出现很大程度上的差异。

    However , according to the implementation of routine inspections or not , there will be differences to a large extent .

  10. 我们雇有一个谘询人员和一支受过良好训练的服务队伍,可以为从我处购买的设备进行日常检查。

    We employ a staff of consultants and a well-trained service department which makes routine checks on all equipment purchased from us .

  11. 广域网/局域网,服务器,电话系统,机房环境的日常检查,监控和维护。

    WAN / LAN devices and servers , PABX system , server room environment daily checking and maintenance , trouble shooting , WAN line connectivity and performance monitoring .

  12. 乡(镇)人民政府和街道办事处应当加强对本区域内河道的日常检查和监督。

    The township ( town ) people 's governments and the subdistrict offices shall strengthen their routine inspection of and supervision over the waters within their respective administrative areas .

  13. 介绍了矿用帆布胶带冷补粘结头的制作方法及对接头的日常检查和维护所要做的工作。

    In the same time it is propitious to its check up and its maintenance . The paper introduces way of making common canvas belt bond joints and the daily maitenance .

  14. 加强职工技术培训,加强备品储备管理,加强设备的日常检查保养、巡检以及采取设备前期诊断等措施,逐步建立以效益为中心的设备管理体制。

    For setting up a equipment management system which is the core of benefit , measures as following : strengthening staff technical training , spare parts management , equipments daily check and maintenance , patrol inspection and previous diagnosis . 〔

  15. 有限元分析的结果使日常检查的目标和范围更明确和集中,为厂方制定合理的点检制度提供了理论依据。

    It has found out these members ' dangerous position with the maximum stress and calculated the stress value , made the goal and the range of daily check more definite and concentric , provided the theory basis for establishing reasonable particle check system .

  16. 日常检查监督与报账制的结合可以保障项目按计划顺利实施,因此,政府应该加强日常检查的力度并严格执行资金县级报账制,同时应鼓励企业与政府保持密切的联系,减少信息不对称程度。

    The daily supervision and inspection combining with render an account system can guarantee a smooth implement of project according to the plan . Therefore , the government should step up the intensity of daily inspection and strictly abide by the county level render an account system .

  17. 方法模拟日常超声检查工作情景检测常规超声和CEUS对305例FLL的定性诊断性能和诊断者的信心强度。

    Methods The diagnostic capability and given confidence by using conventional ultrasound and CEUS were assessed in 305 cases with FLL .

  18. 问问他们的日常,检查他们的作业,

    asking them about their day , checking up on homework ,

  19. 环境管理日常监督检查的规范化

    Standardization of Daily Supervision and Inspection in Environment Management

  20. 日常蹄子检查和大部分蹄铁匠的工作通常是马被拴住的情况下进行的。

    Your daily hoof checks and most farrier work are usually performed in a horse that is tied .

  21. 方法对项目基础登记资料及日常督导检查记录进行总结分析。

    Methods The fundamental registered data of the project and the routine inspection records were summarized and analyzed .

  22. 爱德华真空泵是属于油封旋片式机械真空泵,日常维护检查的内容为观察泵油颜色,查看油位,检查进、出气口的过滤器。

    Edwards rotary vacuum pump is a two-stage , oil-sealed rotary vane pump operating according to the rotary vane principle .

  23. 对维修管理及生产的各环节进行日常监督检查,确保维修活动满足适航要求及翡翠航管理程序要求;

    Takes responsibility for the daily surveillance and inspection to maintenance management and production to ensure the airworthiness requirements and management procedures being satisfied .

  24. 目的在PET/CT工作站开发第三方辅助程序,以改善日常PET/CT检查图像后处理工作流程,提高工作效率。

    Objective Describes how to improve the efficiency of PET / CT image post-processing by developing a simple program running in PET / CT workstation .

  25. 面对数量巨大的监管对象,在日常监督检查过程中,难免会出现监管空隙或交叉重复执法,协调机制比较原始和滞后。

    A huge number of targets need to be monitored in the routine supervision and inspection process ; there will inevitably be gaps or overlapping regulatory enforcement .

  26. 从安全使用、技术应用、日常保养检查三方面较为详细地介绍了这一机型在施工中的注意事项及其技术特点。我国在用车检查与保养制度的研究

    This paper introduces the points for attention and technical characteristics of the milling machine from safety , technology and maintenance . A Study on In-use Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Programs

  27. 同时,该项研究在一定程度上为日常安全检查工作中普遍存在的一些类似问题提供了解决思路,具有一定的推广价值。

    In the mean time , as the research just tackles some similar problems on routine ship safety inspection , it is valuable to be used as reference for the application of the rest parts of the inspection work .

  28. 利用计算机网络技术,将煤矿日常安全检查、领导带班、安全生产调度会议、安全诚信考核等集成到网络系统中,实现安全生产调度信息化管理。

    By use of computer network technology , coal mine safety inspection , daily leadership shift and safety production scheduling meetings should be integrated into the safety integrity network system so as to realize management informatization of safety production scheduling .

  29. 所测样品的细菌内毒素含量均小于0.5EU·ml-1。结论:可建立亮菌甲素氯化钠注射液的细菌内毒素检查法,日常细菌内毒素检查时可将样品稀释2倍以排除其干扰作用。

    The content of bacterial endotoxins in all tested samples were not more than 0.5 EU · ml-1 . Conclusion : LLA can TAL provide a new way to detect the bacterial endotoxins in ASCI , samples can be diluted to two times to avoid their interference effects .

  30. 日常细菌内毒素检查时可将样品稀释至40倍(1.25mg/ml以下),以消除干扰。

    Conclusion : The bacterial endotoxin limit of Puerarin Injection is 0.75EU / mg ( or37.5EU / ml ), samples can be diluted 40 times ( 1.25mg / ml ) to reduce their interfering effets on routine bacterial endotoxins test .